The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 172: The Strongest Roots Requires Nourishment

Chapter 172: The Strongest Roots Requires Nourishment

Under the serene radiance of the moon, the golden bamboo boat gently bobbed on the undulating waves of the azure sea. The Ferryman, with a mix of emotions, alternated his gaze between the celestial moon above and Wang Xuan below. Never in his years of guardianship at the Hidden Land had he encountered such a unique young individual.

"I think I've grasped the essence of it," declared Wang Xuan, opening his eyes and rising to his feet. "Tonight, I plan to practice the first of the depicted figures."

The Ferryman, bound by the ancient pact and unable to intervene in Wang Xuan's actions, responded with disinterest, "Don't talk to me about it!"

Wang Xuan, solemn and determined under the moonlit night, was ready to forsake the foundational techniques of the Early Qin practitioner and the Golden Body Technique. Instead, he set his mind on mastering the teachings inscribed on the stone slab.

The slab, etched with nine human figures and dense, enigmatic script, was profound and mysterious. Though not lengthy, the text was startlingly complex, involving resonances and activations across various body parts, nurturing secretive powers, making it an exceptionally challenging practice. Any slight miscalculation risked tearing organs or damaging the psyche.

Yet, Wang Xuan felt an affinity with the first figure – a path seemingly tailored for mortals like him, awakening hidden potentials, including protective techniques. In a sense, it encompassed the essence of the Golden Body Technique.

The first chapter of this scripture focused not on mystical abilities but on the cultivation of the physical body, likening it to the roots of a plant. For a plant to thrive and grow into a towering tree, its roots must be free of afflictions and robust.

The scripture posited that if the roots – the physical foundation – were not well-nurtured and left with latent issues, then even an attempt at ascension or facing divine tribulations would result in the physical form collapsing under thunderous forces, an ominous sign indeed.

The profound implications of the scripture sparked contemplation; was it critiquing the flaws of the Immortals, known as the Celestial Beings? Interestingly, the text made no direct mention of them. Yet, the reality was even more startling – the scripture possibly predated these Celestial Beings, which only added to its awe-inspiring nature.

In an era before the Celestial Beings emerged, this scripture had already laid bare the pitfalls of ascension to immortality, a revelation that could not but send shivers down one's spine.

One could only imagine the turmoil and fear that must have gripped the Celestial Beings upon encountering these teachings. They would have seen in them a critique of their own path, a mirror reflecting their potential failings.

The first figure's scripture, imbued with the essence of the Early Qin practitioners' foundational techniques, was shrouded in mystery. Under the moonlit sky, Wang Xuan adopted the stance depicted in this first figure, following the scripture's guidance to fully activate his body's latent potential.

Upon closer examination, this 'True Form' figure suggested a balance between offensive power and the hidden, dormant forces within. It spoke of repelling and insulating against external energies, doubling as a defensive technique.

The challenge lay in the scripture's demand for a harmonious flow of secret forces throughout the body. An internal view would reveal organs and various bodily regions imbued with energies of different hues. A single misstep risked catastrophic physical collapse.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xuan's body resonated faintly as he began to embody the teachings inscribed on the stone slab. With his current heightened vitality, he was confident that any injuries could be swiftly healed, making it an opportune moment to adopt this new scripture.

Indeed, almost immediately, he encountered difficulties. His skin ruptured, oozing crimson blood as he delved deeper into the scripture's complex practice.

The sight before the Ferryman was startling. Wang Xuan, who had mastered the Golden Body Technique, was supposed to be impervious to bullets. He now bled merely from practicing this new scripture. The Ferryman's expression shifted with concern – if Wang Xuan succumbed so early in his practice, correcting the errors and transferring the mark back to him would be impossible.

However, the Ferryman refrained from intervening. If Wang Xuan could not withstand the initial stages, an early demise might be a mercy. The path of this scripture was only going to become more arduous.

Wang Xuan, undeterred, continued to stretch and align his body into the True Form depicted in the scripture, seeking resonance in the secret forces within each part of his physique. Despite the increasing bloodshed, there was no fear in his eyes, only a sense of resolve and rightness in his path.

He was breaking barriers, transitioning from the Golden Body technique to the realms explored in this scripture. This new scripture seemed to encompass a broader spectrum, detailing a more intricate and sophisticated flow of secret forces throughout the body. Where the Golden Body technique primarily utilized the main channels, this True Form included the finer branches and even the leaves, offering a comprehensive approach.

The first True Form figure, a study for mortals, was an ideal bridge to transcendence for Wang Xuanat this stage. His Golden Body technique, having advanced to the early stages of the eighth level, laid a solid foundation for tackling this scripture.

As Wang Xuan bled from his pores, he was not facing a dead end but opening up uncharted pathways, connecting a myriad of mystical routes within his body. His journey was not just about sustaining the old paths but about forging new ones in pursuit of a more profound transformation.

The integration of the Golden Body technique and the Early Qin core technique into this scripture was not a task of extraordinary difficulty for Wang Xuan, for he had already mastered the crucial aspects of these teachings. However, the true challenge, which warranted his utmost caution, lay in the manipulation of the vital organs—the primary centers for unleashing secret forces. Before attaining a higher level of mastery, these areas remained vulnerable. A single misstep could result in catastrophic fragmentation of the organs.

This particular scripture was even more daunting. Any lapse in concentration could lead not just to the tearing of organs but to their complete disintegration into unrecognizable pulp. The newly born secret forces were overwhelmingly potent, hinting at a formidable increase in offensive power.

As Wang Xuan underwent this transformation, his entire body emanated a deep crimson hue. Blood seeped from his pores, clearing pathways through previously uncharted regions of his body and reaching the most minute areas. Eventually, his body resonated with a newfound harmony, shedding the accumulated blood and revealing a surface that, devoid of the Golden Body's characteristic golden sheen, appeared more restrained yet unmistakably tougher.

The Ferryman observed with astonishment. Wang Xuan's transition seemed almost too seamless; the transformation of his flesh was nearing completion. Yet, the most perilous phase was just beginning. The scripture's narrative shifted, introducing new forces to replace the old, now extending its influence into the delicate realm of the organs.

At the outset of his endeavor, Wang Xuan felt as if an immense hand was clenching his heart, while his lungs seemed pierced again by an extraordinary runic arrow. Pangs of pain pricked at each of his organs, reminiscent of needle stabs.

He momentarily ceased the circulation of the scripture, standing still as he contemplated its entirety. Wang Xuan visualized the human form depicted in the scripture as his own, imprinting it deeply in his mind, merging it with his very being.

After considerable rumination, he recommenced the practice. His organs, the five zang and six fu, began to emit light and resonate like thunder. Bursts of energy akin to lightning sprang from his flesh, while a mist of celestial energy permeated around him. Inside him, a realm of mystique unfolded; clouds of fairy mist curled and twirled, creating an ethereal scene.

At this moment, even Wang Xuan himself was astounded. Visions both clear and obscure appeared to him: mythical mountains shrouded in mist, the legendary Yaochi floating in the air, and forests of Pan Peach trees stretching as far as the eye could see.

Within his flesh, he perceived fields of medicinal herbs, nurturing rare and potent plants that invigorated his body, enhancing its vitality and reinforcing his physical form to an unparalleled degree. Then, as if transcending even further, he envisioned celestial herbs floating in the sky above him, representing the elusive heavenly medicines that ebbed and flowed in the firmament.


Wang Xuan, enveloped in amazement, questioned whether this was truly his physical form or merely an illusion. The scripture he was practicing seemed exceptionally otherworldly.

Shaking off the sense of disbelief, he focused inwardly, closely observing his internal state, and continued to resonate with the true form depicted in the scripture. He guided the nascent secret energy, allowing it to flow gently through him.

The transformation of the scripture brought forth a new, more potent secret energy, which Wang Xuan could distinctly feel, rendering him considerably more powerful than before. As this fresh energy coursed through him, the fantastical visions shattered into fragments, transforming into a spectrum of light that nourished and produced unique secret energies.

This novel secret energy born from the scripture reinstated the reality, saving Wang Xuan from getting lost in the mesmerizing yet enigmatic visions.

However, trouble soon arose. Minute injuries began to manifest within his organs—imperceptible to the naked eye but acutely felt by him.

The Ferryman, observing with a sinking heart, understood the gravity of the situation. Once the scripture began affecting the internal organs, the practice would become exceedingly difficult and perilous. "One misstep could lead to an explosion," he murmured in warning, advising Wang Xuan to proceed with utmost caution.

"I must continue on this path," declared Wang Xuan with unwavering resolve, before inquiring, "Do you have any immortality-level elixirs? If not, Earth Immortal pills will suffice to protect me."

The Ferryman's vague face vanished from within the straw cloak, evidently exasperated with Wang Xuan. Taking on burdens and shielding him, now even tasked with guarding his practice—where was the justice in that?

Wang Xuan closed his eyes, knowing he had to rely on himself; external assistance was not something he could depend on. He activated the mysterious factors within him, nurturing and repairing his organs. Having absorbed a substantial amount of these mysterious factors from the pool within his inner landscape treasure, he now found the perfect application for them.

In essence, transitioning to a new scripture was the most challenging part, as it required forging a completely new path and altering everything established prior. Fortunately, Wang Xuan's previous practices of the core technique and Golden Body Technique were in harmony with this new scripture. Otherwise, the repercussions might have been dire, possibly leading to catastrophic internal failure.

The mysterious factors within Wang Xuan worked diligently, mending his injuries as he pressed on with his practice. This day marked a pivotal moment in his journey—the cultivation of what might be the strongest scripture's "roots." The process teetered on the brink of death, yet Wang Xuan harbored no thoughts of retreat. Having been granted access to such a potent scripture, how could he not be stirred?

With the imminent arrival of the red-clothed demoness into the mortal realm, who would undoubtedly seek him out, Wang Xuan needed this formidable scripture. How else could he confront such a being? Even if she returned in a diminished state, she remained a peerless demoness, a formidable adversary within her echelon.

If Wang Xuan could master this scripture and reach the transcendent realm, he might stand a chance against the demoness, even in her superhuman form.

Amidst his practice, his organs conjured visions of celestial mountains and divine herbs floating amidst thunder, along with other mystical landscapes drawn from legend. "Is this a manifestation of the secret energy corresponding to my organs, or does it suggest a deeper resonance between the human body and the universe?" Wang Xuan pondered.

As if the essence of solar fire swept through the cosmos, the nascent secret energy within him surged violently, obliterating these ethereal visions and transmuting them into rejuvenating energy.

However, this transformation process was not without its toll on Wang Xuan's body, which sustained new injuries each time. After several iterations, his wounds had become grave. Sensing the severity, he decided against further depleting the mysterious substance, opting instead for the Earth Immortal Spring. He took several hearty gulps, hoping for relief.

During the most critical phase of his practice, his organs sustained tearing injuries, alarmingly severe. The Ferryman, witnessing this, felt a deep sense of foreboding. Such grievous harm seemed excessively perilous, even for a practitioner of Wang Xuan's caliber.

Under the pressure of urgent necessity, Wang Xuan remained focused, ready to deploy the potent essence of the Earth Immortal Spring. Its rich, life-affirming properties were his bulwark in the perilous endeavor of scripture transformation. Amidst the inherent dangers of the Hidden Land, he was keen on swiftly enhancing his strength. The acquisition of the stone tablet scripture only intensified his desire to shift his cultivation techniques while still in his mortal phase, aiming to establish a formidable foundation for future ascension.

Any further delay risked precipitating an untimely ascent into the transcendent realm. Wang Xuan aspired to master this profound scripture in his mortal state, laying a robust groundwork for his journey ahead.

Just as he was about to utilize the concentrated vitality of the Earth Immortal Spring, the Ferryman exhaled a resigned sigh and spoke, "Very well, I shall assist you."

With a gesture, the Ferryman activated the ethereal powers of the transcendent bamboo vessel. The entire golden ship erupted in a scintillating aura of divine light. Innumerable bamboo leaves fluttered in a radiant dance, creating a spectacle reminiscent of a celestial ascension.

This shower of luminous rain cascaded over Wang Xuan, revitalizing his flesh and repairing his internal organs, significantly boosting his life force. It was a clear display of the Ferryman's magnanimity.

"Thank you, elder," Wang Xuan expressed with deep sincerity. "I am immensely grateful and will ensure to reciprocate your kindness." Although he had the means to navigate through the danger independently, he deeply appreciated the Ferryman's intervention. His acknowledgment was heartfelt, recognizing the benevolence bestowed upon him.

Indeed, the celestial rain showered by the transcendent bamboo far exceeded Wang Xuan's expectations. This truly was a rare treasure, evidenced by its usage by the female ascetic to preserve her flesh for over three millennia, retaining life and vitality.

"You may not fully comprehend the rarity and value of a mature transcendent bamboo," the Ferryman spoke. "Each droplet of its light rain is worth a fortune, a potent agent for enhancing potential. Many exalted beings have sought this bamboo to nurture their progeny, yet it remains elusive. Remember, you owe me a great debt for this favor."

Wang Xuan felt an acceleration in his scripture transformation process, courtesy of the transcendent bamboo's miraculous properties. His flesh and spirit were nourished, and even someone with his formidable latent potential sensed an elevation in his upper limits.

His organs and various parts of his body, resplendent with vibrant colors of secret energies, resonated in unison. This transformative phase signified a renewal of blood, evidenced by the mist of blood exuding from his pores.

There was no doubt in his mind; he had successfully transitioned to a new scripture. This advancement had unmistakably augmented his strength, surpassing even the eighth intermediate stage of the Golden Body Technique.

"The transition in scriptures has immediately reflected in my strength," Wang Xuan mused to himself, marveling at the unexpected leap in his capabilities. He surmised that this metamorphosis would persist, with his power inevitably climbing even higher over time, independent of any active cultivation efforts.

Jimmi's Thoughts

Look at our boi Wang Xuan go, getting more OP by the moment

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