The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 167: An Opportunity

Chapter 167: An Opportunity

The moment the shimmering object touched Wang Xuan's palm, he was enveloped by a potent life force. Vitality coursed through his hand, invigorating his flesh and blood as if they were rejoicing. It was, without a doubt, a treasure!

He swiftly tucked it into his shard of blessed land.

Could there be more? This place was indeed peculiar; the special rock wall could block the probing of mental fields, and he had spotted the treasures with his naked eye.

In the final instant, Wang Xuan enlarged the opening with his short sword, plunging his upper body through to scoop out the remaining glowing crystals.

The Earth Immortal Spring soaked his clothes and washed over his wounds, which tingled pleasantly as the rich life essence nourished them, rapidly revitalizing his cells.

"Quickly!" Zhao Qinghan urged Grandmaster Ma. They had to move; time was running out. A terrible malevolence surged from within the mountains, like a tidal wave crashing into the sky, a phenomenon they had never witnessed before.

With its neck crooked and mouth agape, Grandmaster Ma guzzled a mouthful of the cascading spring, barely pausing before rocketing into the sky.

Elated and grinning sideways, the creature was soaking wet—had it just bathed in the Earth Immortal Spring? Such a boast would be the envy of many extraordinary beings in the secret realm who had never been granted this privilege.

A colossal lion's roar, more terrifying than thunder, exploded beside the trio, nearly causing Grandmaster Ma to tumble from the sky.

A massive black lion, over a dozen meters in length, stood upon the mountain terrain. Its large, yellow pupils, sharp as blades, bore into them. With its roar, many large trees shattered; its energy was rampant, sending sand and stones flying—a clear sign of a great demon's emergence.

The lion's roar shattered the heavens, and a dark energy, akin to tidal waves crashing upwards, struck. Several birds of prey flying overhead burst instantly, their blood and flesh torn asunder.

Wang Xuan summoned thunder from his chest to fend off the wave of darkness. His organs vibrated in forced resonance, channeling a secret power that caused the blood from a wound on his chest to spurt afresh. His back wound also ripped further, staining his skin crimson.

Fortunately, they had ascended to higher altitudes where the dark wave had weakened, reduced to mere aftershocks.

Even so, the impact left Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan, along with their mount, in discomfort, their chests heavy and congested. Grandmaster Ma's wounds partially burst open, blood drenching its body.

"Fly to the right!" Wang Xuan commanded. His psychic senses had detected a beam of light emitted from the tail of a white scorpion, like a spear thrown towards the heavens. There was no need to think; a direct hit would either obliterate them with its extraordinary energy or kill them with its potent poison.

"The elephant can fly!" Zhao Qinghan alerted.

From the mountains emerged a crimson elephant, its body wrapped in flames, with fierce tusks and a wide mouth. Its large ears glowed with runes, weaving a brilliant tapestry of symbols that expanded, transforming into blood-red wings. With a flap of these magical ears, the elephant took to the sky.

Surprisingly, it ascended by flapping its ears, engulfed in a boiling aura, unleashing a terrifying red firelight that streaked across the sky, the heat searingly intense.

Thankfully, the elephant wasn't as swift and couldn't keep pace with Grandmaster Ma.

The extraordinary fire was daunting, scorching and partially melting the mountaintops it touched.

Terrified, Grandmaster Ma fled desperately, its mouth wide open in an alarmed bray, its tail singed with flickering flames. Wang Xuan quickly drew his sword, severing the burnt ends of the creature's tail.

Wang Xuan wasn't faring much better. Using thunderous strikes to dispel the remnants of the fire, his wounds were now fully ripped open.

Zhao Qinghan applied the Earth Immortal Spring to his injuries, staving off further deterioration.

At last, they made their escape. The red elephant, unable to catch them, let out an enraged roar that collapsed a mountaintop, causing lava to flow like rivers on the ground.

They landed in a mountainous area populated by herbivores and devoid of monsters, where Grandmaster Ma came to a pitiful stop. Covered in wounds and bleeding profusely, it lay on the grass, too wounded and exhausted to move, nearly spitting out foam from its mouth. Had it not drunk from the Earth Immortal Spring earlier, it wouldn't have made it back at all.

Zhao Qinghan carefully cradled the large gourd, using its contents to cleanse the wounds of both Wang Xuan and Grandmaster Ma. It was an extravagant use of the Earth Immortal Spring's water.

"Old Zhong must have transcended the ordinary to dare to steal the Earth Immortal Spring; the old man has kept his secrets deep," Wang Xuan was convinced. He believed that even with thorough preparations and luring away a horde of monsters, Old Zhong, if merely a grandmaster, wouldn't have survived.

"What did Old Zhong do to you? Why are you always thinking about him?" Zhao Qinghan asked with a smile.

"To be honest, I've got my eye on the treasures in Old Zhong's house," Wang Xuan confessed unabashedly.

"Zhong Qing?" Zhao Qinghan glanced at him, her eyes full of amusement.

"With a goddess by my side, why would I pine for little Zhong?" Wang Xuan shook his head vigorously, denying any such interest at the crucial moment. He was forthright in admitting his true desire: Old Zhong's library and the various secret tomes it contained.

"Which book are you interested in? I could try exchanging with little Zhong," Zhao Qinghan offered calmly, her confidence suggesting she could persuade little Zhong.

"The golden bamboo scrolls, the five-colored jade books," Wang Xuan replied.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qinghan sensed the enormous difficulty of the task. There were only two complete sets of the golden bamboo scrolls, and Old Zhong possessed one, which he never revealed to others.

"I'll give it a try," she decided, undeterred.

Wang Xuan shook his head. "No need for now; I'll find a way once I transcend," he said. He did not wish for Zhao Qinghan to trade her own advantages, knowing Old Zhong was not one to engage in a losing deal.

"We said, ask little Zhong," Zhao Qinghan said with a smile. "We have the Earth Immortal Spring here, and we can't consume it all. If little Zhong knew I had it... you'd never understand a woman's obsession with youth and beauty. I bet she'd be willing to turn Old Zhong's library upside down for it!"

She sighed, however, adding, "It's a pity the active substances in the Earth Immortal Spring won't last long. I hope we can get back to Xinxing soon."

"It's time to divide the spoils of war!" Wang Xuan declared. They had risked their lives to collect the Earth Immortal Spring; now, it was time to reap the benefits and extend a lifetime.

Grandmaster Ma, who had previously lain on the ground weak and motionless as if dead, suddenly sprang to his feet with a vibrant glow in his eyes, saliva nearly dripping from his mouth in anticipation.

Wang Xuan found a large piece of bluestone and expertly carved a stone basin with his short sword, pouring twenty kilograms of the Earth Immortal Spring into it for Grandmaster Ma.

The Grandmaster was immensely pleased. He guzzled the magical liquid with deep, resounding gulps. The astonishing vitality of the spring took immediate effect; his wounds, which had already begun to close from the spring's previous application, now healed at an accelerated rate. As he drank the twenty kilograms in one go, a radiant light shimmered from his pores, and his physical vitality surged, closing the wounds with rapid new growth.

Then, he turned his head and his composure slipped. The other two were delicately sipping from silver cups. Why was he given a stone basin?

"You think a mouth as big as yours fits a silver cup?" Wang Xuan joked, pushing Grandmaster Ma's head gently to the side.

"Next time, I'll bring you a silver basin," Zhao Qinghan said with a suppressed smile, the delicate utensils clearly part of her personal collection.

Although Zhao Qinghan's movements were graceful, she drank eagerly, nearly obsessed with the fragrant divine liquid that promised prolonged youth. With each cup she consumed, she would close her eyes as if savoring the taste, her lips glistening a fresh, sensual red.

Wang Xuan too indulged in the drink, feeling his wounds mend and his cracked lung tissue regenerate, his overall condition improving dramatically.

Despite his capacity for drink, Wang Xuan consumed only a few liters, with Zhao Qinghan drinking even less. But this was sufficient; a kilogram or two of the Earth Immortal Spring was enough to achieve the desired effect, and more would make little difference.

"This can extend life by fifty years? Life is indeed filled with wonders!" Zhao Qinghan mused, thrilled at the prospect of another fifty years of youth and beauty.

"Strive in your cultivation, advance to the transcendent realm, and you can retain your youth even longer," Wang Xuan encouraged with a smile.

Zhao Qinghan nodded, picked several small gourds capable of holding a few liters each, filled them with the Earth Immortal Spring, and handed them to Wang Xuan. "Take these back for your parents and close friends," she said.

Then, her curiosity piqued, she noticed something different about him. "What are those new bundles you have? Are those armors?"

The goddess had a keen eye; she had spotted several new packages on Wang Xuan.

In order to store the Earth Immortal Spring, Wang Xuan had cleared out the fragments of the blessed land, naturally carrying the armor and miscellaneous items on his person.

He pushed several small gourds toward Zhao Qinghan, saying, "You keep these, I have more."

Hesitating briefly, he decided to reveal to her the wonders of the blessed land fragments. Zhao Qinghan was astounded—were these items of legend reappearing in their time? Even in an era where new star technology was highly advanced, such mythical artifacts were unheard of.

When Grandmaster Ma learned that Wang Xuan still had a substantial amount of the Earth Immortal Spring, he stretched his neck out, indicating his eagerness for more. Wang Xuan obliged, pouring over thirty kilograms for him. Without Grandmaster Ma, the spring would have been unreachable, so fulfilling his desire was only fair—there was as much for him to drink as he wanted.

Eventually, Grandmaster Ma's belly swelled. He lay on the ground, his body radiating light, motionless—he had drunk to his limit.

Wang Xuan then took out two glistening objects, each the size of a pigeon's egg, exuding a remarkable vitality. He handed one to Zhao Qinghan and kept one for himself, speculating, "I found these in the belly of the mountain. They seem like a concentrated essence of life—could they possibly be crystals of the Earth Immortal Spring?"

"That's... very likely!" Zhao Qinghan agreed.

Wang Xuan placed the crystal in his mouth and was amazed to find it slowly dissolving, transforming into a powerful surge of vital energy that flooded his body.

He trembled involuntarily as his injuries healed at an astonishing rate, his wounds scarring over, his metabolism fiercely rejuvenating.

Looking inward, Wang Xuan saw his lung tissue mending!

At this rate, he would recover in no time. A good night's sleep and he would likely wake up brimming with vitality.

Zhao Qinghan also placed the crystal in her mouth, her joy undeniable. "With this, and the spring, I feel like I could live an extra hundred years!" she exclaimed.

In fact, the vitality contained within these crystals far surpassed that of the Earth Immortal Spring itself, but due to the body's resistance, absorbing too much vitality was wasteful.

Otherwise, given their sheer volume, the potential of these crystals was astonishing!

"It's a pity that there's a saturation point to how much of this active substance the body can take, otherwise, the effects could be even more astounding!" Wang Xuan marveled. He had a feeling that these crystals could extend life by a century—an absolutely miraculous blessing.

Being so young, the baptism his physical body had received through the substance immensely boosted his potential. This life-giving material could not induce a breakthrough, but what it replenished was inherently more profound and valuable— the very essence of one's being.

"I can feel subtle changes in my body, as if the latent strength within is becoming more robust," Zhao Qinghan spoke up, her beautiful eyes gleaming, now a faint shade of purple. A part of her bloodline, that of the indigenous people of the new star, had been awakened!

Grandmaster Ma, on the other hand, widened his eyes in disbelief. He had been fed so much of the Earth Immortal Spring that he couldn't move from the ground, and here these two were... consuming glowing divine crystals? And none were offered to him!

Struggling to stand, he spat out a mouthful of water— he had imbibed too much. Then he began to grumble in his equine language, lamenting his great contributions, did he not deserve even a glinting stone?

Wang Xuan, intending to save a couple of crystals for his parents, still had a considerable surplus. Naturally, he wouldn't shortchange Grandmaster Ma. Without a word, he popped a crystal into the creature's mouth.

He sighed, "If you don't transform into a heavenly steed, or become an unparalleled great demon, it would be a disservice to the way I've nurtured you."

After consuming a crystal, Grandmaster Ma did not experience a breakthrough. However, the substance within surged, enhancing his inner essence and potential. Runes, more complex and mystical than before, appeared on his wings and body, purifying his bloodline even further.

Meanwhile, in the external regions of the secret lands, a well-known area called Black Horn Mountain, a transcendent named Xiong Kun and two others were paying a visit to the territory's formidable master.

A demon beast of extraordinary strength resided there— the Black Horn Beast. More formidable than the average transcendent creature, in the outer regions, it had few rivals.

The Black Horn Beast, a subordinate of the White Peacock, was responsible for ensuring that no transcendent being from the depths of the secret lands caused chaos. In some sense, it was one of the enforcers of the outer regions.

At this level, the beast could communicate with humans through telepathy, and its lair was impressively large, deliberately designed to mimic the legendary demon beast palaces of lore.

The Black Horn Beast resembled an aged wolf, with a jet-black body, a pair of wings on its back, and a single horn protruding from its head.

Upon his arrival, Xiong Kun bowed respectfully and greeted it as "Great-Uncle," prompting the two other transcendent beings accompanying him to follow suit, albeit with some reluctance.

"How fares your grandfather?" inquired the Black Horn Beast, its voice a mental vibration that carried its thoughts.

"My grandfather is on the verge of another breakthrough, all is well," replied Xiong Kun. "He has sent me to deliver a cultivation scroll, a rare and secret tome of the demon race."

Xiong Kun presented an ancient scroll, explaining, "I had the opportunity to meet you deep within the secret lands before, but there were too many onlookers to give this to you in person."

The Black Horn Beast's eyes brightened as it took the scroll, expressing gratitude for the thoughtfulness of Xiong Kun's grandfather.

Without delay, Xiong Kun stated his purpose. He aspired to partake in the fortunes of the outer regions, to vie for the mystical fog contested by the youths, eager to emulate his grandfather's ascendance.

The Black Horn Beast frowned, understanding the implications of bending the rules. Should it be discovered, the repercussions would be dire.

"This is a difficult request," the beast sighed. "Return to the depths of the secret lands for now. I will have my subordinates monitor the situation. Should anyone claim the mystical fog... we will see."

"Please ensure you inform me promptly, Great-Uncle!" Xiong Kun implored, bowing deeply, beseeching the beast's assistance.

He then added, "There's also a man and a horse. I would appreciate it if you could 'look after' them and locate their whereabouts in the outer regions; they unsettle me."

"You seem overly concerned for mere mortals, don't you think?" The Black Horn Beast glanced at him skeptically, feeling put upon by such a request.

"Great-Uncle," Xiong Kun pressed on, "the young man carries a short sword, which I suspect might be an Earth Immortal-grade weapon!"

"Hmm, I understand," the Black Horn Beast nodded, acknowledging the gravity of Xiong Kun's suspicions.


The following day, Wang Xuan and Grandmaster Ma had made a full recovery, brimming with vitality that surpassed their previous states. Zhao Qinghan, unscathed, glowed with an even more radiant beauty, her delicate skin seemingly effervescent with youth. She whispered to herself in wonder, "Is this the power of a century's youth?"

They set out towards the Secluded Land, Wang Xuan intent on enhancing his own capabilities. Along the way, however, they sensed something amiss. Strange birds appeared sporadically, keeping a distant yet deliberate watch over them.

"Something's not right, let's turn back!" Wang Xuan called out.

But it was too late. Silently, a creature resembling an aged wolf materialized behind them. With a horn twisting from its head and a pair of dark wings flapping, the beast hovered ominously.

"Come here," it demanded coldly.

Wang Xuan felt a chill run down his spine; a creature capable of mental communication was undoubtedly powerful, and now it had them in its sights.

Grandmaster Ma, dejected, realized it could not outrun this creature. With no choice, they followed it down to a forest clearing and into a cavernous lair carved into the mountain—a den of extraordinary nature.

"I've heard you've been causing quite a stir," the Black Horn Beast said, its voice dripping with disdain. "Challenging transcendent beings, exploiting loopholes in the rules, knowing they dare not leave the depths of the secret lands. Riding high and mighty, making bold declarations. As an enforcer of this region, I have some questions for you, some situations to clarify."

Grandmaster Ma bristled with indignation at such blatant misrepresentation.

"And your short sword, show it to me. Have you uncovered an Earth Immortal's cave?" the Black Horn Beast prodded further.

Anger surged within Wang Xuan. This transcendent creature, a law enforcer? Absurd.

The Black Horn Beast pressed on with a nonchalant authority, "You wouldn't have found an entrance near the Earth Immortal Spring, would you? Discovered the Earth Immortal Palace, perhaps? Some fortunes are too great for you to bear."

Faced with the Beast's impudence and at such close quarters, a thought flashed through Wang Xuan's mind—to simply end this overbearing old wolf and be done with it.

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