The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 156: The Night Is Not Spent

Chapter 156: The Night Is Not Spent

The eternal night of the Departed Realm remained unchanged. A perpetual moon shone brightly above, and the sun never dared rise. Perhaps, with its ascent, this realm would dissipate forever.

The still waters of the azure sea were broken by the golden streak of a bamboo boat, swiftly slicing through the mist and speeding towards the shore. The Ferryman stood at the bow, eyes fixated on the vast night sky. He sighed deeply, "Epochs have come and gone, dynasties have risen and fallen, and legends have been born and vanished. Yet, through all this constant change, only you, the moon, remain unaltered."

A plethora of memories weighed on him. "Generation after generation of prodigies have come and gone. I wonder how they fare now. Can they still admire this ever-present moon?" The Ferryman had seen them all off – radiant talents of new eras, some morphing into wondrous creatures like the golden-winged Roc or the Thousand-Handed deity, while others remained true to their forms, walking the path to divinity. However, he hadn't seen them again after their departure.

Even if some managed to establish divine kingdoms, in the grand scheme of the eternal night, they were but flickering candles. Intervening in the present world was a challenge for any being.

"Some have regrets, while others still search for their paths," he lamented. "The waves of an era eventually dissolve into the vast ocean, leaving no trace."

As the boat neared the shore, the Ferryman remarked softly, "Another newcomer arrives. Let's see what kind of individual stands before me this time." But then, he paused, a feeling of unease washed over him.

The figure on the shore wasn't showing the typical signs of a newcomer — no anxiety or unease. Instead, the individual gazed up at the moon, as calm and serene as the Ferryman himself. Even without using his divine sight, and despite the vast distance between them, the Ferryman recognized that silhouette. The realization hit him like a tidal wave.

The sight of the familiar figure left the Ferryman stunned. "Is it really him again?" Just moments ago, he had been lamenting the impermanence of those he had ferried, and now he was confronted by a face he recognized.

That very man turned to look at him, his face breaking into a brilliant smile, and he greeted the Ferryman as though they were old friends. "You're a bit late. I've been waiting for you," Wang Xuan remarked casually. Without waiting for the Ferryman's response, he expertly leaped aboard the boat.

Sitting down, he mused, "Few in the mortal world can appreciate the serene beauty of this realm. If only we had a pot of celestial wine now. To sip under this moon, journeying across the sea towards divinity, would be truly poetic."

The Ferryman stared at the young man for a moment, trying to comprehend the reality of his presence. "Has he been possessed by some formidable creature?" he wondered. Wang Xuan was still a mortal, not a true cultivator. It was inconceivable that he'd returned so soon. The image of Wang Xuan with glowing green eyes briefly flashed in the Ferryman's memory.

"How do you spend your days here alone? Don't you ever fancy a drink?" Wang Xuan inquired.

The Ferryman remained silent for a moment before replying, "I'm but a vestige of transcendental power; I have no physical form or substance to indulge in such luxuries. No one can linger in this world for long."

However, his astonishment was evident. "But you've truly surprised me, returning within a day." He studied Wang Xuan, resisting the urge to use his divine vision to see through him.

"I plan on visiting more often!" Wang Xuan declared with a grin.

The Ferryman cast a skeptical glance at Wang Xuan. "Are you serious?"

As the bamboo boat set sail across the sea, Wang Xuan chuckled internally, well aware that it was merely a voyage across a blue lake and not an expansive sea. Trying to lighten the somber mood, he asked, "Do you have any unfulfilled desires from your time in the mortal world? I could help fulfill them."

The Ferryman seemed unusually introspective tonight, and Wang Xuan felt an urge to help. "There's nothing left for me in the mortal realm," the Ferryman replied. "What you see of me is merely the remnants of a mysterious power. Don't think of striking a deal with me; I can't assist you."

Recognizing an opportunity, Wang Xuan pressed on, "Do you have any celestial scriptures or knowledge that should be passed down? It would be a misfortune for the world to lose such wisdom. I can reintroduce it to the mortal realm."

Recalling his earlier entry, Wang Xuan now realized that the Ferryman was likely a treasure trove of knowledge from the celestial ranks.

The Ferryman couldn't help but chuckle at Wang Xuan's audacity. "I've never met someone so bold in this place. Not only did you take the White Tiger Demon's belongings without hesitation, but you also dared to confront the Red-Cloaked Sorceress, and now you're keen on my knowledge too." He found Wang Xuan's serious demeanor amidst all this almost endearing. "But, you needn't worry about such matters. I'm bound by rules and cannot intervene in the spiritual progress of those on this path."

He teasingly asked Wang Xuan if he'd like to trade with the celestials, hinting at the grandeur they offer. But Wang Xuan shook his head. "I have nothing left to trade, and it's best if they remain unaware of my second entry."

Contemplating further, Wang Xuan sought the Ferryman's advice on how the Red-Cloaked Sorceress might enter the mortal realm, so he could prepare accordingly. "It's hard to predict, but any entry comes at a significant cost to her. She wouldn't risk entering with her full strength, fearing retaliation from an ancient pact," the Ferryman revealed.

Musing over this, Wang Xuan pondered, "If her strength is limited, can I trap her in the mortal realm and use that as leverage against her?"

The Ferryman stared at Wang Xuan in admiration. Just how vast was this young man's ambition?

"Are you serious about this?"

Wang Xuan nodded resolutely. "One should always have dreams. What if they come true?" He resolved to enhance his strength in the immediate future. If the sorceress's powers were indeed weakened in the mortal realm, he'd be ready to give her a considerable surprise.

As the bamboo boat sailed on, the Ferryman, who typically didn't communicate with beings beyond the veil, noticed an anomaly on the sea's surface. Wang Xuan saw it too.

"A message in a bottle? Here in this realm?" Wang Xuan expressed his surprise as a silvery bottle drifted towards the boat.

The Ferryman acknowledged, "Yes, it's sent from beyond the curtain." He opened the bottle, and a streak of light shot out, which he quickly captured, gleaning its content.

"Somebody is willing to pay a high price to thwart the Red-Cloaked Sorceress and is seeking collaborators," the Ferryman relayed the message. This very message was appearing across other significant realms.

"Great news!" Wang Xuan exclaimed joyfully.

"Do you wish to connect with this entity? Perhaps collaborate?" the Ferryman inquired.

"No," Wang Xuan declined, adding, "What if this is a trap set by the sorceress herself, luring me into her grasp?"

The Ferryman paused, pondering. Have the young ones of this era lost their innocence? Were they learning too early from the sly old beings?

Standing up, Wang Xuan felt a peculiar itchiness. His vitality surged, hinting at an enhancement in his constitution. He began practicing his golden body technique, eager to grow stronger.

"Have you ever ventured to the moon up there?" Wang Xuan stretched, making conversation with the Ferryman. He remembered the craters on the moons of both the old and the new worlds. One was linked to advanced technology, the other with celestial beings. He wondered if this realm's moon hid secrets too.

"I haven't," replied the Ferryman. "The rules forbid me from getting too close."

Wang Xuan, curious, pressed on, "Doesn't that moon resemble a gateway? I wonder where it might lead."

"Your face is peeling off!" The Ferryman abruptly pointed out.

Unperturbed, Wang Xuan replied, "It's just natural shedding. I'm used to it. And the next time I come in, you will be too."

The Ferryman held his tongue, though he wanted to challenge, 'You plan on returning?' But recalling their last encounter, he refrained. After all, Wang Xuan had already proven his uncanny ability to surprise him once.

Wang Xuan was filled with regret. Despite shedding a layer of skin, his advancement had only reached the latter stages of the Grandmaster level and not the transcendent realm, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

The Ferryman couldn't help but roll his eyes. In just a day, Wang Xuan had journeyed through the secret paths of the Realm of the Departed twice, soaring from a mere mortal master level to the latter stages of the Grandmaster. Yet, he seemed insatiable.

"Much of the essence from the demon fruit was expelled from your body. One should learn to be content," the Ferryman advised.

With a sigh, Wang Xuan replied, "What else can I do? I guess I'll have to return some other time."

Growing weary of the conversation, the Ferryman offered a final piece of advice, "Don't take this place lightly. A single misstep might spell disaster." He then hastily ushered Wang Xuan off the boat, hoping not to see him again anytime soon.

Wang Xuan discarded the skin he'd shed, practicing the body techniques of Zhang Daoling as he journeyed on. The fourth move, which he had previously struggled with, now flowed seamlessly. He could execute the first four moves in one go, a testament to his newfound strength.

Furthermore, his practice of the Golden Body Technique had advanced to the late stages of the seventh level, bolstering his defense. This technique wasn't widely practiced, as even the seventh level usually demanded sixty-four years of dedication. Only beings from the transcendent star realm, with the aid of medicinal herbs, stood a chance. The average person would deem it impossible. Yet, Wang Xuan, with his two trips through the secret paths, was on the verge of mastering this level, a feat that would surely astonish many.

By the time he reached the outskirts of the Forbidden Land, it was deep into the night. The sky was dotted with stars, and eerie howls of strange creatures echoed in the distance. Wang Xuan rested at the edge of the Realm of the Departed, and by dawn, he surveyed his surroundings with a touch of frustration.

He had, in succession, targeted the rare medicinal properties of the silkworm snake, silver bear, and bronze mountain turtle. This had put all the creatures in the vicinity on high alert, making it nearly impossible to approach their lairs in the coming days.

Early in the morning, he spotted a bronze-hued mountain turtle patrolling its territory. It glided effortlessly over cliffs and through treetops, as if dancing on water or perhaps practicing the ethereal steps of the Spirit Turtle.

With an agility belying its size, the mountain turtle almost seemed airborne as it scoured the forest and hillsides. It was evident that it harbored a grudge and was determined to find Wang Xuan. The turtle was convinced that Wang Xuan was alive and hiding nearby, as it had personally witnessed him traversing the Forbidden Land unharmed.

Left with little choice, Wang Xuan stealthily maneuvered around the edge of the mystical mist, circumventing the mountain turtle. He made his escape from the Realm of the Departed via a different route, deciding to steer clear of the area for the next few days. He surmised that any humanoid approaching this area would be in for misfortune.

"I wonder how Zhao Qinghan and the others are faring," Wang Xuan pondered with concern. A day and a night had passed since he had managed to divert and eventually vanquish the foreign Grandmasters. However, he later discovered that there were more than just one group that had arrived.

Although he was a bit anxious, he believed that with Grandmaster Ma by her side, Zhao Qinghan would remain unharmed. Still, the possibility of unforeseen mishaps lingered in his mind.

Following the same route, Wang Xuan's expression grew grave as he once again encountered a group of young powerhouses, all of whom were at the Grandmaster realm. Eavesdropping on their conversation and tapping into his spiritual realm, Wang Xuan gathered invaluable intel.

In the vastness of space, three transcendent planets were in alliance. They had simultaneously decided to converge on this secret location, representing twelve organizations from the three worlds. The motive was clear; this secret land contained relics left behind by ascended immortals, which held the promise of unimaginable opportunities and was hence a prize worth fighting for.

Outside this sacred area, non-transcendent battles raged on. The victor would acquire the treasures left behind by the ascended immortals. For those who hadn't reached transcendence, this treasure held the potential to alter their destinies.

Deeply moved by this revelation, Wang Xuan pushed these concerns to the back of his mind, deciding first to seek out Zhao Qinghan.

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