The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 152: Encountering The Red Shirt Demoness Again

Chapter 152: Encountering The Red Shirt Demoness Again

In the vast panorama before them, majestic mountains stood tall, shimmering lakes bathed in radiant light, and waterfalls cascaded from floating islands. The scenery was a magnificent blend of grandeur and beauty.

From the distance, a powerful roar echoed, vibrating through the mountains. This roar was an embodiment of the white-clad lady's emotions. Her rosy cheeks turned an intense shade of red, as if they might bleed. The audacity of that mere mortal to convey such a message through her!

For a moment, she felt an overwhelming urge to break free from this realm and exact her vengeance on the man who dared to humiliate her. She felt this humiliation was even worse than that one time he had poked her with a black sword, an incident she tried to erase from her memory.

The other demon spirits looked on with varied expressions. Some laughed, while others greeted Wang Xuan warmly, with clear intentions of getting closer to him.

The moon's light glimmered like liquid silver, making the vast sea appear tranquil.

On the golden bamboo boat, the Ferryman turned to face Wang Xuan. Emerging from the shadows of his hood, a vague face looked silently at him. It had been centuries since someone boarded his boat, and today's passenger was truly... unique. Was this how people of the current age behaved?

"Senior," Wang Xuan began in a hushed tone, "I am just a mortal, struggling to survive under the gaze of the immortals. I'm already pitiable. Please, let me go."

Seeing his humble and earnest demeanor, the Ferryman felt a mix of admiration and amusement. Here was a mortal who had outsmarted a demon spirit, and now, was he trying to make a quick escape after having his fun?

"Why did you provoke her if you're so afraid now?" the Ferryman asked.

"Even a clay figure feels anger. I was cornered. When someone is weak and powerless, they sometimes shout louder to muster courage," Wang Xuan replied candidly. This unexpected honesty made the Ferryman study him more intently, wondering if this was a genuine confession.

"The secret path will end soon," the Ferryman reassured.

Wang Xuan felt a bit skeptical. Until now, he hadn't sensed this so-called secret path, let alone felt any empowerment from it.

"Is this secret path just a dream? Will you soon tell me that the dream has ended?" Wang Xuan inquired.

The Ferryman responded calmly, "This place is the Land of the Departed."

Wang Xuan recognized the keyword "Departed" from what he had heard previously. The red-clad demoness had not yet appeared, and the other demon spirits had made numerous attempts to probe him, no doubt with hidden motives, placing him on the defensive. Now, he seized this opportunity to distance himself and sought more information about this mysterious path from the Ferryman. It gave him a legitimate reason to avoid further interaction with the spirits within this realm.

"The Land of the Departed, perhaps, is the true source of transcendence. The starting point of cultivation, where everything becomes divine," Wang Xuan mused, echoing the concept he had gathered. "It's known as the ancient secret path."

However, he added a caveat; this was just one interpretation. Some believed there were even older paths, shortcuts that the earliest creatures took to transcend their ordinary existence and stand out among their peers.

Wang Xuan was familiar with concepts like 'Inner Realms' and 'Elixirs of the Heavens', but what the Ferryman was discussing was foreign to him. The Ferryman explained that when the Land of the Departed was first discovered, almost every creature that approached it met its demise. But there were exceptions. Those few humans or animals that survived the mysterious energy of the Land started a slow process of transcendence.

"Radiation?" Wang Xuan exclaimed, drawing a parallel to what he knew. He became anxious, wondering if this might cause mutations or malignant changes in the body.

Understanding the modern term, the Ferryman shook his head. "This transformation strengthens the living beings, with no ill effects," he reassured.

In the age where survival was brutal and the world savage, some creatures that encountered the energy from the Land of the Departed became immensely powerful, towering above the rest.

"The transformation in the Land of the Departed primarily begins with the physical body, leading to either divinization or demonization of beings," the Ferryman added. He believed that the enhancement of all creatures began with the physical body, suggesting the Land of the Departed might be the original and most primitive secret path.

Wang Xuan reflected, "I had thought the discovery of the 'Inner Realms' marked a unique turning point for humans, setting us apart in a race against monsters. But it seems even earlier, there existed a path like the Land of the Departed, giving rise to divine or demonic champions among various species."

To Wang Xuan, the Land of the Departed seemed like a form of transcendent radiation.

The mystery deepened. "How did the Land of the Departed come into existence?" Wang Xuan asked.

The Ferryman shook his head. "Very few can truly tell the origin of the Land of the Departed."

The name 'Land of the Departed' was derived from its peculiar trait of occasionally displaying shadows of species long extinct in the current world. Hence, it was also sometimes referred to as the 'Landscape of Departed Time' - a vista of the past.

"Is this the only such mysterious place in the world?" Wang Xuan inquired.

The Ferryman shook his head. "No, there are eight major Lands of the Departed, each with its distinct landscape and renowned reputation. There are also lesser ones that are not as powerful."

But what was most intriguing was the mobility of these potent lands. They did not remain in one region for long.

"From my experience," the Ferryman began, "since you've managed to arrive here successfully, this particular Land will likely depart from this planet within a year or two."

Wang Xuan was taken aback. These Lands of the Departed were not stationary; they were elusive, constantly shifting. Given his new understanding, he perceived them as fleeting landscapes that moved and emitted a transcendent radiation.

"And what dangers do these lands present?" Wang Xuan probed, wanting to grasp the full extent of the threat.

"Didn't you feel it yourself?" the Ferryman retorted. "When you first set foot in the Land of the Departed, your body underwent an intense transformation, exhibiting both divine and demonic characteristics. It felt as though you were being torn apart."

Typically, the very moment someone entered this land, they would be overwhelmed by its extreme transformative forces. Nine out of ten individuals would perish instantly, unable to withstand the intensity.

But something seemed amiss to Wang Xuan. He only experienced demonization, not divinization.

"That's because you consumed a lower-tier fruit of the demons. The Blood Grape, I presume?" the Ferryman postulated.

Wang Xuan was at a loss for words upon hearing this explanation.

The Ferryman was candid about the nature of this place. Why was the perimeter of this Land barren, devoid of any vegetation? It was due to the overwhelming deathly aura from countless beings that had perished here. A staggering 99% of creatures entering would disintegrate almost instantly.

Upon learning all this, Wang Xuan felt a sense of satisfaction. His body had endured the transcendent radiation and remained intact, proving its resilience.

"Are the legendary creatures that reside on the high platforms by the coast inherent to the Land of the Departed?" Wang Xuan inquired.

"No," replied the Ferryman, "Each species believes the Land to be too perilous. Those platforms were established by powerful beings from the past as safeguards. They left behind their extraordinary methods to guide future beings on their paths to divinization."

Despite these precautions, the mortality rate was alarmingly high, to the point of being frightening. Wang Xuan had witnessed it firsthand. Of the many beings beneath each platform, only a handful could withstand the intense radiation and eventually leave alive.

Even the Ferryman remarked with a hint of sorrow, "The secretive path of the Land of the Departed has such a low survival rate that few dare to tread it nowadays."

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. Clouds swirled, obscuring the sun and casting darkness across the land, followed by a misty rain.

"Wise elder, can you restrain her if she violates the rules?" Wang Xuan whispered, sensing the arrival of the woman in red, a notorious demoness.

"The ancient pact will hold her back," said the Ferryman.

This worried Wang Xuan. The woman in red was constantly challenging the restrictions of the ancient pact, always testing its boundaries.

Inside the mystical boundary, other demonesses bowed in respect upon spotting the elegant figure in the distance. Their reverence highlighted the woman in red's formidable power and stature.

She was a sight to behold, dressed in a ravishing red, her umbrella discarded, strolling gracefully in the rain. Her wet hair dripped with raindrops, and her porcelain face seemed ethereal in the mist. Her mesmerizing eyes held a bewitching charm, making the other demonesses humble themselves even more.

With a mere gesture of her hand, the demonesses retreated, yielding the area before the mystical boundary to her, not daring to stand by her side. The White Tiger Demoness stood at a distance, ready to serve.

"After so long, you seem even more enchanting than before," Wang Xuan greeted her politely. Hoping to defuse the tension, he thought, "Surely she wouldn't strike someone who's trying to be amicable?"

The woman in red indeed stood out, not just for her captivating beauty, but also for the aura of power and elegance that made others revere her.

She remained silent, her eyes naturally beguiling. However, there was an unmistakable chill in her gaze, suggesting she wasn't inclined to be friendly. Born with an ethereal beauty, whether she smiled or frowned, she exuded a captivating charm.

She chuckled softly and, with a flick of her slender finger, created a minute crack in the mystical barrier. This act heightened the trepidation of the other demonesses who had consciously distanced themselves. They subconsciously bowed their heads even lower.

The Ferryman's indistinct face appeared from beneath his cloak, eyeing the scene intently. The audacious act of the woman in red was a blatant violation of the ancient pact.

"What do you think would happen if I were to capture you?" she asked with a playful smile, her crimson lips and perfect teeth making her look even more enchanting.

Wang Xuan grew wary, wondering if she could indeed breach the barrier and drag him in. He cast a doubtful look at the Ferryman, questioning whether the guardian could truly ensure their safety.

"Under the ancient pact, no one is an exception," the Ferryman declared sternly.

Wang Xuan felt uneasy about the Ferryman's vague assurance. Trying to defuse the tension, he said, "My message through the White Tiger Demoness wasn't mere talk. I believe there's no need for conflict between us. I'm aware of your goals, and they don't clash with mine. We needn't be adversaries; collaboration might be possible."

His sincerity was evident; he aimed to resolve the tension. The Ferryman cast a disapproving glance at Wang Xuan, clearly perturbed by the notion of them discussing a potential pact violation in his presence.

Wang Xuan continued, "I genuinely believe that there's always room for dialogue. We can transform animosity into friendship and coexist harmoniously. For instance, you could invest in my growth, accelerating it, so that I can better assist you in the future. Surely, this is a more constructive approach than constantly seeking to capture and coerce me?"

In a room thick with tension, the woman in red robes, known as the Red Clothed Demoness, gazed at Wang Xuan with an air of derision. "Do you take me for that foolish cat? So naive to nurture enemies and raise threats," she mused.

Behind her, the White Tiger Demoness flushed with anger and resentment, glaring at Wang Xuan as if she could pierce him with her gaze.

"I came here with honest intentions," Wang Xuan lamented, "hoping for a collaboration with you, sorceress. I didn't expect outright rejection."

Before he could say more, the White Tiger Demoness snapped, "Deceiver! Return the sacred soil first. Where's your sincerity in that?"

However, Wang Xuan paid her no heed, his attention unwavering from the stunning Red Clothed Demoness. "We can still talk about collaboration. Join me under the grand canopy and stay by my side for three years," she proposed.

"Three years? My body outside would rot by then," Wang Xuan retorted, his mind racing. The three-year term she mentioned — did it imply she too was bound by some limitation and couldn't force her way out?

The Red Clothed Demoness smirked, "I can pull both your spirit and body within."

Wang Xuan declined immediately, "With the ancestors watching, I won't risk it. Once in, who knows if I'd ever get out?"

From the back, the White Tiger Demoness scoffed at his words. Her round face puffing with suppressed laughter, she mused, "Ancestors? Who are you trying to fool?"

The Red Clothed Demoness, with a smile that seemed to illuminate the misty surroundings, shifted the terms, "How about another deal? Bring me the bone of the Female Sword Immortal that remains in this world."

Wang Xuan's face paled instantly. "You've shown your true colors. That's insincere." He wondered how he could possibly hand over the bone, rich with life force. It could very well hold the key to her future.

"Do think it through," she cooed, her allure undeniable, "Even without you, I'll soon be free. How about a delightful encounter in the mortal realm? Would you look forward to it?"

His heart raced. Did she have other means to break free?

She continued, her voice teasing, "Last time, I overheard you wanting me to perform a dance for you?"

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded. During his previous adventure with Old Chen and Qingmu, he had indeed made such a proclamation. Had she really heard?

The ferryman nearby was equally astounded. A mere mortal daring to ask a legendary demoness to dance for him? Unthinkable!

In the shadows, other demons whispered among themselves, taken aback by Wang Xuan's audacity. It had been ages since they'd encountered someone so fearless. Some even recalled immortals who were killed for harboring such thoughts!

Though Wang Xuan remained silent at first, he felt that collaboration was now impossible. Their differences seemed irreparable. But what did he have to lose? With newfound determination, he declared, "One day, you'll dance for me!"

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