The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 150: A Deal With The Immortals

Chapter 150: A Deal With The Immortals

The vast expanse of the sky was illuminated by the radiant moon, casting a hazy, mist-like glow. The vast ocean beneath rippled gently, breaking the moon's reflection into shimmering fragments of gold.

"I don't possess the Inner Realm Treasure," Wang Xuan declared, reluctant to confront beings who might very well be of the Celestial order. Even with the protective veil of the curtain between them, he felt an unsettling reverence for these inscrutable entities. Having previously encountered the Red-clothed Sorceress, he'd grown wary of venturing into ancient domains.

"No matter," the ferryman replied with a calm demeanor. "Meeting alone is a matter of fate. This boat has lain dormant for years, and it's rare for someone to board it now. Just a casual chat here might lead to opportunities for collaboration." The ferryman's gaze shifted once more to Wang Xuan's dagger, adding, "Besides, you have some impressive artifacts with you."

The sea was calm, and the bamboo boat remained steady. The ferryman, rod in hand, sat at the bow, gazing into the void. The curtain approached, descending slowly from the sky, aligning with the sea's horizon, its edges shrouded in a gentle mist.

A faint luminosity traveled between the Transcendent Bamboo boat and the curtain, connected by the fishing line.

"Some beings wish to collaborate with your ancestral master. They're offering a scripture of the Transcendental Tier," said the ferryman, turning to face Wang Xuan. However, within the cloaked figure, there was nothing but darkness, shrouded in mists.

Such a generous offer left Wang Xuan astounded. If he wasn't privy to certain truths, he might have been tempted. But having witnessed the fate of the supreme master of an entire teaching in the Inner Realm at the depths of the moon crater, the proposal only evoked a sense of dread in him.

Realization dawned on Wang Xuan. These entities were no mere beings; they sought to prey on the master of a sect.

The vastness of the realm around them was silent, punctuated only by the gentle sway of the bamboo boat and the distant shimmer of the curtain. "My master is currently in seclusion, and I doubt he will be emerging anytime soon," Wang Xuan responded with genuine seriousness and humility. He treaded carefully in this place, ensuring that sincerity and caution were evident in every gesture.

The ferryman nodded understandingly. "Some have spoken of your resolute decision to abandon the pursuit of the 'True Form' path. After all these years, you are one of the rare individuals to board this vessel. They find you worthy and wish to instruct you."

Wang Xuan, ever cautious, inquired, "What are the conditions?"

The prospect of ancient Transcendental Tier masters imparting secret techniques was bound to incite frenzy among cultivators.

"You will venture into the world behind the curtain for three years. In the future, you will complete three tasks for them," the cloak-draped ferryman explained.

Steadfast, Wang Xuan replied, "With my master in seclusion, I cannot journey too far. I'm uncertain about his success upon emerging from this retreat, and I dare not distance myself."

The ferryman simply smiled without further comment.

Perplexed, Wang Xuan ventured, "Can ordinary mortals like me enter the world behind the curtain?"

"Your consciousness can temporarily transition, but your physical form will struggle," the ferryman answered.

This revelation sent a shiver down Wang Xuan's spine. If he ventured forth, would he still be the same person when he returned? Feeling vulnerable, he proposed, "Considering I'm a low-tier cultivator, I probably possess nothing of value to the venerable beings. Maybe you can inquire if there's any unfulfilled wish they hold in this world? Perhaps I can be of assistance, and we can collaborate that way."

The entities behind the curtain fell silent upon hearing the ferryman's relay of Wang Xuan's proposition. It was as if they were lost in memories of times long past. The persistent mist before the curtain continued to shroud their true appearances.

Eventually, a query emerged, "Can your ancestral master vanquish a Black Prison Bird of the Earthly Immortal tier?"

Wang Xuan was taken aback. The mere thought of sending his master to confront such a formidable creature seemed ludicrous! He shook his head, finding himself unable to agree to such a request.

The ferryman remarked, "It's a pity. It's rare for someone to request your master to vanquish a creature below the Transcendental Tier. It would've been a relatively easy task for him."

Wang Xuan stood there, at a loss for words. To these beings, eliminating an Earthly Immortal was considered a minor task? Reflecting on their origins and powers, he supposed he could grasp their perspective.

"But if this ancestor is so mighty, why didn't they take revenge on their enemy personally?" Wang Xuan probed.

The ferryman explained, "The Earthly Immortal they seek vengeance upon existed several eras later and destroyed their sanctuary. It's a grudge borne out of their legacy being tarnished."

Wang Xuan shuddered at the thought. To ascend to immortality and then have your legacy eradicated was indeed a tragic fate. It also served as a stark reminder of how entering the world behind the curtain could mean losing all influence over the mortal world.

He addressed the entities behind the curtain: "Respected ancestors, if you seek vengeance, it's best not to involve my master. Times have changed, and the environment of our world has shifted drastically. Ascension has become a thing of the past, and Earthly Immortals are now but legends."

The ferryman relayed Wang Xuan's words, and the entities remained silent. It seemed many of them recognized the truths of his statement.

Continuing, Wang Xuan proposed, "If any of you have descendants who need protection or care, please inform me."

The ferryman shook his head. "They have declined. They fear your master might eliminate their descendants for the treasures they left behind."

Wang Xuan was momentarily speechless at the cynicism of these entities. Yet, he also understood that reaching such heights often involved navigating treacherous paths. "No wonder they set traps even after departing the mortal realm," he mused to himself.

Hoping to offer another form of service, he continued, "Ancestors, if you have elders or loved ones you remember fondly, I could help locate their old graves to pay respects and hold memorial rites."

The ferryman was taken aback, wondering if this traveler intended to undertake all manner of mundane tasks like grave hunting and people searching.

Wang Xuan sighed in resignation. "I'm still but a mortal."

The ferryman relayed the response of the entities: "Once we've passed and ascended, all connections to the mortal realm are severed. Even if memories linger, they remain buried within our hearts." He added, "I believe they're worried you might end up desecrating their graves."

Wang Xuan exclaimed, "What did these ancestors experience to have such a bleak view of humanity?"

The ferryman remained silent for a while before revealing, "One of them asks if your planet has entered the interstellar era. Can you journey into deep space?"

Wang Xuan nodded in affirmation.

"In that case," the ferryman said, "someone will provide you with coordinates in space, offering a handsome reward for you to confront a mortal."

Wang Xuan's eyes widened, "Cross the vastness of space? It's too remote. I won't accept this task!" The unknowns of such a journey unnerved him. Even as a mortal, or perhaps especially because of it, the boundless cosmos felt daunting.

"Wait before you decline," the ferryman urged. "She says the target planet has waned, devoid of cultivators. And the reward she offers, it might be too tempting to resist."

Intrigued, Wang Xuan inquired, "What kind of reward?" Simultaneously, he pondered the depth of enmity that would make an ascended being fixate on a mere mortal. Could it be a newly formed vendetta from recent interventions in the mortal world?

The ferryman conveyed her message, "She is willing to offer you a portion of the medicinal soil left behind by a legendary enchantress. Should you venture into the realm of herbology in the future, you'll understand its invaluable worth."

Wang Xuan frowned, "Medicinal soil? Is it that important?"

The ferryman responded with conviction, "Believe me, it is. There was indeed an enchantress of unmatched caliber in her time. The remnants of her medicinal soil are an unparalleled treasure." He added, "To clarify, it's not actual soil, but more accurately, a form of medicinal essence. I suspect it contains traces of a divine herb."

"But what if she deceives me?" Wang Xuan countered skeptically. "All this for handling a mortal? It doesn't quite add up."

Speaking with a calm assuredness, the ferryman replied, "I am bound by my oath. I guarantee a fair exchange; there will be no deceit."

Nodding in acquiescence, Wang Xuan said, "Fine. Ask her who she wants dealt with and what needs to be done."

"She wants you to target a mortal named Wang Xuan," the ferryman began, which made Wang Xuan's heart skip a beat, realizing the target was none other than himself. "All you need to do is embed a divine bamboo, engraved with runes, into his body. Avoid lethal spots, and the task will be deemed complete. If you accept, she'll provide detailed information and even give you a weapon capable of cutting down entry-level transcendents. It can be used for self-defense, though only twice at most. Upon completion, the unparalleled medicinal soil will be yours."

Wang Xuan's face remained stoic, but his mind was a tempest of thoughts. Even in the vastness of space, someone was out to get him. Was his reputation in the realm of the immortals so widespread? It was clear to him that he was being targeted because of his unique ability to initiate inner landscapes even as a mortal.

A glint of realization flashed in Wang Xuan's eyes. "The immortals are restless, wanting to meddle in the mortal world again! Offering mere medicinal soil would be nothing if they could truly return. They'd probably give away even more valuable treasures."

He knitted his brows, questioning, "Is it right for them to intervene in the mortal realm like this? If immortals keep acting so recklessly, won't they plunge our world into chaos?"

The ferryman replied with a hint of amusement, "You're overthinking it. Only in this unique place can such transactions take place. It's been centuries since anyone boarded this vessel."

A sigh of relief escaped Wang Xuan's lips. With a firm resolve, he declared, "Alright, but I must receive the medicinal soil upfront."

The ferryman shook his head. "She insists that the soil is too precious. Without the completion of your task, the trade can't proceed."

Wang Xuan stood his ground, "I don't even know if I can return here again. If I don't take my reward now, I might never get another chance."

The ferryman nodded, acknowledging the logic. "True, this hidden pathway isn't easy to tread."

After some haggling, they agreed that the powerful being would part with a portion of the medicinal soil upfront.

"Be content," the ferryman said gravely. "Even a pinch of this essence can alter your fate."

Wang Xuan set a condition, "Under no circumstance should my safety be compromised. I'll only target Wang Xuan if this condition is met. Otherwise, I reserve the right to refrain from action without breaking our agreement."

"Very well, she agrees," confirmed the ferryman.

Suddenly, from behind the curtain, a divine bamboo engraved with intricate runes appeared. It glided towards Wang Xuan, followed by a silver hairpin. Though it seemed like a woman's accessory, it was transformed into a transcendent weapon with a simple ritual. Additionally, a jade stone containing detailed information was handed over.

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow, "These items originate from the realm of immortals. What if they're rigged or turn against me in the end?"

"You have my word," the ferryman reassured. "These items adhere to the ancient covenant's guidelines. Moreover, they can be used by anyone, so guard them well."

Feeling relieved, Wang Xuan nodded gratefully. "I trust you."

The ferryman announced, "By the old covenant, this trade is sealed!" As he spoke, a terrifying bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, solidifying their pact. He reminded both parties of the terms they agreed upon, emphasizing the irreversibility of the deal.

Meanwhile, behind the curtain, the other trader seemed suddenly whimsical and slightly uneasy. In a spontaneous move, she was willing to offer an exorbitant fee to the ferryman to dissipate the mist, curious to catch a glimpse of the person she was dealing with on the other side.

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