The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 141: Getting Married In The Unfamiliar Realm

Chapter 141: Getting Married In The Unfamiliar Realm

The elder from the Song family seemed to skim over the grass, his pursuit of Zhong Yong relentless, even with the distance between his long strides. The younger group's eyes widened in collective fear. Were they destined to face their end?

In their midst, a giant rat, measuring a mere two meters, barreled forward, its aura more intimidating than the most armored tank.

"With members from the Song and Zhong families leading the fray, it feels like we're racing to our own funerals," Zhou Yun exclaimed, panting as he ran. "Bound by these formidable elders, I don’t think we’ll be able to escape."

Their energy waning, Zhou Yun's words only deepened their collective despair.

But as Zhong Yong neared them, he stopped abruptly, tossing two radiant purple peaches in their direction, evidently for Zhong Qing and Zhong Cheng. "This isn't your battleground," he scolded. "There's chaos brewing deep within this realm. Signal the spacecraft. Return to the New World immediately!"

Then, turning resolutely to confront the approaching beast, he shouted with urgency, "Send the distress signal without delay! I too will seek an exit."

Zhong Yong then directed the skirmish further away. His alert demeanor clearly conveyed his deep concerns. His offering of the mystical fruit seemed almost an afterthought compared to his dire warning of the impending danger. He wouldn't think of using these youths as a shield; in his view, they were all too fragile. A mere attack from the monstrous creature could easily wipe them out.

As the distance grew between the two battling elders and the creature, their silhouettes faded, merging into the horizon. An icy realization gripped the group. The events had spiraled beyond their wildest fears. Even the mighty Zhong Yong was thinking of fleeing, abandoning his quest for the elusive herb.

There they stood, naively having ventured deep into this peril, initially fueled by opportunistic ambitions. The gravity of their situation, coupled with the recent adversities, now weighed heavily on their spirits.

In a span of just three nights, they had dwindled from a hundred-strong to a mere thirty.

Zhao Qinghan, Zheng Rui, Zhong Qing, and Zhou Yun converged, each swiftly producing their respective signal transmitters. The pressing nature of their predicament made it clear: they needed an immediate exit.

But their expressions soon morphed into deep dismay.

To their horror, all their transmitters had malfunctioned. This enigmatic land was saturated with potent energy substances known to degrade electronic devices. These transmitters, while compact and sealed against most odds, had prematurely failed. Only three nights in, and they couldn’t reach their base on the adjacent brown star.

The weight of their situation settled heavily upon them; it was far more perilous than they had initially realized. Were they doomed to remain entrapped here, meeting an inevitable end?

"What's transpiring deeper within this land to cause such rapid deterioration of our devices?" Zhong Qing pondered aloud, his face a shade paler.

Zhao Qinghan voiced the lurking dread, "And the other teams? If we're all in the dark, nobody is getting out."

Zheng Rui, ever the optimist, proposed, "If none can send a signal, perhaps the crew at our spacecraft base will notice the silence and come for us."

"But can we endure long enough for that?" Zhong Qing countered, anxiety etched in his features.

Already, the three days behind them had been fraught with danger. The looming uncertainties threatened even greater perils.

Then, a resonating crash punctuated the air. From the direction of a nearby cliff, the figure of Old Zhong appeared, visibly drained. He grappled with a grand beast beneath him, pummeling it with force. The scene would've been majestic, if not for the irony that the creature was a colossal rat.

"Have you signaled for help?" Old Zhong hollered.

"Our transmitters are all compromised," replied Zhong Cheng, despair evident in his voice.

Regret shadowed Old Zhong's features. "I had such fears. This is the worst-case scenario. Other teams are likely facing similar challenges."

In his heightened frustration, Old Zhong escalated his attack on the beast. As blood seeped from the creature, it emitted agonized shrieks. With Elder Song joining the fray, their combined efforts dealt a grievous blow to the creature.

Desperately, Zhong Cheng cried out, "What's our next move, Grandfather?"

"Brace yourselves; there's a chance we might never return home. Remember what happened at Fudi!" Elder Song's voice rang out with a sense of urgency.

"Keep your distance and stay alert! With those two formidable creatures lurking around, I can't protect everyone," Old Zhong warned as he spotted unsettling movements from afar. The group was forced into another hasty retreat, pursued closely by the two enormous creatures.

Wang Xuan, puzzled, asked, "What's this Fudi situation?"

Zhao Qinghan, Zhong Qing, and Zheng Rui exchanged apprehensive glances. "Fudi is a planet teeming with life and abundant in powerful energy sources," Zhao Qinghan began, offering a succinct overview. "It was explored before this current land. Initial expeditions yielded rich rewards. However, a dramatic event five years ago led to an intense energy surge, rendering spacecraft approaches lethal. The explorers there were marooned and eventually all contact was lost."

A heavy realization settled on Wang Xuan. By this comparison, was he fated to remain trapped on this alien planet indefinitely? He couldn't bear the thought of never seeing his parents again, not to mention the commitment he'd made to return to the female sword sage within three years.

Tension gripped the group. Each one had families, commitments, and bonds back home. None would willingly remain stranded in a foreign world, especially one fraught with such palpable danger where an entire team could face extinction in a matter of weeks.

"I can't stay here," Zhou Yun confessed, trembling. For him, born into affluence, the unpredictable dangers of this world paled in comparison to the comforts of the advanced civilization he knew.

Yet Zhong Cheng, ever the optimist, mused, "Perhaps this is an opportunity in disguise. We can carve out a new life here, reach unprecedented heights, even approach the legendary status of immortals. Maybe, just maybe, we'll find our way back someday."

His hopeful outlook earned him a swift rebuke from Zhong Qing. "You struggle to best me, and you dream of ascension?" Although she had less training than her brother, her prowess overshadowed his, a fact that consistently bruised Zhong Cheng's ego.

"You must face the reality before us," Zhong Cheng told his sister, trying to mask his anxiety with a veneer of courage. "Given what's transpired in Fudi, it's possible you might have to make a life here, perhaps even start a family."

His audacity was promptly countered by a stern look from his sibling.

Intrigued and hoping to understand more, Wang Xuan inquired, "How well does the New World comprehend Fudi? Have they discerned its true essence?"

Zheng Rui replied with a hint of weariness, "It remains a mystery. Fudi is teeming with creatures of unparalleled power, mirroring the dangers of our current environment. From what I've learned, all attempts to explore Fudi have only skimmed its surface. The heart of Fudi, dense with energy and veiled in ethereal mists, remains a riddle."

A thought occurred to Wang Xuan. "Might there be civilizations, perhaps even sects of genuine cultivators, nestled deep within Fudi and this land?"

Zhong Qing considered his question, then replied, "It's uncertain. Our instruments falter when probing its deeper regions, always falling before revealing any secrets."

Adding to the discourse, Zhao Qinghan remarked, "Various theories suggest the core of these places might shelter humanoid entities, possibly a potent variant of primates. The mere fact that the fringes brim with such exceptional beings implies the depths conceal even mightier creatures. These extraordinary beings, by their nature, exhibit considerable intelligence. Some might even rival human cognition. Thus, many New World scholars theorize that a sophisticated civilization reigns in the secluded depths."

Puzzled, Wang Xuan pressed, "Why haven’t we encountered them? Why do they remain hidden?"

Zhao Qinghan pondered for a moment, then speculated, "Maybe they've ventured out but found us too trivial to engage. The upheavals we've witnessed might be their orchestration, signaling their wish to remain undisturbed."

She added thoughtfully, "All our speculations are flawed and inconclusive. If they weren't, they'd be truths, not guesses."

Zhou Yun let out a heavy sigh, "Are you all really preparing to stay here? At this moment, all I want to do is cry. I yearn to return to the New World, rather than remain in this land overrun by monsters."

Zhong Cheng tried to console him, "Zhou, we should prepare for the worst and aim to flourish here, perhaps even establish a foothold on this life-bearing planet."

"I don't want to talk to someone who's lost his senses," Zhou Yun retorted sharply, clearly in no mood to entertain such ideas.

Zhong Cheng shot back with a smirk, "Perhaps in the future, I'll be among the immortals, while you'll remain ordinary."

Zhao Qinghan interjected, "There might still be a chance to return. If the Heixing base detected anomalies earlier and dispatched a spacecraft to retrieve us, we might have a chance to escape." She believed that the immediate situation might not be so dire, and some spaceships might still approach the planet.

"Let's pray for a miracle," Zhou Yun muttered.

Wang Xuan firmly stated, "Regardless, we must be prepared in every way. Right now, it's crucial to gather unique items and enhance our capabilities."

Zhong Qing, trying to lighten the mood, handed Wang Xuan a purple peach—a token of gratitude for saving their lives.

Wang Xuan declined with a shake of his head. Being nearly a grandmaster, such a peach had limited effects on him. For Zhong's siblings, however, its benefits could be profound. Plus, if the elderly Zhong found out, who knew what he might think?

Wang Xuan found himself missing old Old Chen. If Old Chen were present in this treacherous land, Wang Xuan would have him wield his black sword to fend off a couple of extraordinary creatures to lighten the mood. More importantly, the vicinity of these creatures often harbored rare items and extraordinary medicinal herbs.

To everyone's surprise, Old Chen had indeed arrived! Having received a message from Wang Xuan, and with some manipulations from influential figures, he had joined an exploration team from the New World—albeit in disguise.

Unfortunately, he was in dire straits. Despite being a true elite among humans, he was currently on the run for his life! Two creatures resembling national treasures, with dark rings around their eyes and upright postures, were hot on his heels.

"All I did was eat one of your glowing bamboo shoots! There are three left, and yet you chase me relentlessly," Old Chen lamented, dashing desperately. He bore scratches, and his clothes were stained with blood from their claws. In his haste, he regretted not bringing his distinctive black sword, mainly due to its conspicuous nature.

"Once I return, I swear I'll deal with your distant relatives in Shu!" Old Chen vowed amidst his frantic escape.


Zhong Cheng spoke up, breaking the quiet that enveloped the group. "With the presence of Grandmaster Ma, gathering spiritual herbs should be a smoother task. We pinpointed a few zones harboring unique treasures just yesterday." Yet their unfortunate decision to approach the Black Gold Date Tree had led to a bitter incident.

They soon embarked on their expedition, and despite the uncertainties ahead, Wang Xuan was determined to break into the transcendent realm.

Their journey led them to a secluded mountain valley. Inside, they observed six ethereal trees, their trunks a muted gray and their leaves shimmering in a captivating blue. Each tree was adorned with a handful of luminescent blue fruits.

Although the team had scouted this valley the previous day, noting the absence of any creatures, an unspoken apprehension had kept them at bay. The very idea that these enchanting fruits hadn't drawn any monstrous protectors was unsettling. Their instincts warned them, and they had chosen prudence over courage.

"Could there be a Transcendent guardian beast lurking nearby?" Wang Xuan pondered, concern evident in his furrowed brows. A confrontation with such a creature could be catastrophic. He chose to patiently observe from a nearby hill, resisting the impulse to venture further.

But a sudden stir from behind interrupted his contemplation. The woman whom Wang Xuan had previously rescued from the chasm voiced her astonishment. Blood stains on her clothing, initially presumed to be Wu Yin's, were now believed to be of non-human origin.

"This suggests that Wu Yin wasn't injured. The blood must have belonged to that creature," she said, piecing together the memories. She had seen the creature, wrapped in a sinister aura, whisking Wu Yin away into the sky and bleeding mid-flight. It was an assumption, born from dread, that Wu Yin had been gravely hurt.

Intervening, Zhong Qing expressed relief, "This revelation offers a glimmer of hope. It's comforting to know that Wu Yin remained unscathed at that moment."

A surge of hope filled Wang Xuan's heart. Was it possible the beast had sustained serious injuries, giving Wu Yin a chance to survive? And the fact that an eyewitness, close to the scene, was left unharmed hinted that the creature might not be inherently aggressive, or there was something else afoot.

While surveying the valley, Wang Xuan found no signs of any significant threats. With utmost caution, he gently projected his psychic energy outward, ensuring no transcendent entities lurked nearby. As he expanded his psychic exploration, he made an unexpected discovery.

Blue-glowing insects inhabited the six fruit trees in the valley. Some rested peacefully on the leaves, while others nibbled on the luminous fruits. Seeing the discarded fruit pits on the ground, Wang Xuan deduced that many fruits had already been consumed by these insects. What intrigued him further was that these creatures emitted a rare mystical essence, commonly found in inner realms but seldom in the real world.

Intrigue gripped Wang Xuan. What were these enigmatic insects?

Feeling certain that these creatures were not of a transcendent nature, he proposed a plan. "I'll approach on Grandmaster Ma. If things take a turn, I can swiftly retreat." He cautioned the group, "Keep your distance. We don't want to disturb anything that might be hidden."

Zhong Cheng, concerned, chimed in, "Wouldn't it be less risky to send Grandmaster Ma alone?"

Wang Xuan responded with a smirk, "You give Grandmaster Ma too much credit. Left on its own, it might just return with nothing but fruit pits."

The group looked at each other, at a loss for words.

Grandmaster Ma's nostrils flared, emitting a stark white light, as he stared intently at Wang Xuan. Zhao Qinghan, knowing the depth of Wang Xuan's abilities, still discreetly urged him to be cautious and to retreat immediately if the situation went awry.

With caution etched in their hearts after enduring a slew of harrowing events, the group swiftly retreated. Wang Xuan rode Grandmaster Ma into the valley, but soon decided to dismount, advising the horse not to venture too close to the mysterious insects. He worried that if the insects were venomous, Grandmaster Ma might meet a tragic fate. Wang Xuan felt assured due to his invulnerability granted by his golden body technique.

"Stay here, old horse," Wang Xuan teased, "I'll fetch those fruits for you. But if you wander off and I have to chase you down, expect roasted horse legs for dinner." Grandmaster Ma's eyes widened, almost delivering a swift kick in response.

As Wang Xuan neared the trees, a soft buzzing resonated in the air. Suddenly, he felt a sharp thud against his back. Streaks of blue, like flashing lightning bolts, darted towards him at an alarming speed. Wang Xuan took a sharp breath. Were it not for his golden body technique, these creatures might have easily pierced through a regular person.

Reacting swiftly, he seized one of the creatures, squeezing it hard. It exploded like a burst of blue jelly, revealing a soft interior encased in a shell as hard as iron. Most astonishingly, as the creature disintegrated, a potent essence filled the air.

Using the ancient Qin techniques, Wang Xuan tried to harness the essence, but could only gather a fraction of it as the majority scattered in the wind. He whispered in awe, "This insect... if one can overlook its nature, it might be more valuable than these fruits!"

Harnessing his psychic domain, Wang Xuan incapacitated the insects, rendering them immobile. He collected them all, each shimmering brilliantly like a blue gemstone, about two inches in length. Holding them in his hand, he marveled at their beauty before safely stowing them away.

Even a grandmaster, Wang Xuan pondered, might get skewered by these insects. If Grandmaster Ma were to approach, he too might face a bloody lesson. While the destructive power of these creatures was undeniable, their Achilles' heel was evident. Anyone who could project psychic energy externally could eliminate them with ease.

Wang Xuan harvested the fruits. There were nineteen intact ones and eight nibbled by the insects – a surprisingly fruitful haul. Eager to explore their potential to enhance his abilities, he chose not to disturb the insect eggs he found on the trees.

Mounting Grandmaster Ma, Wang Xuan departed from the valley. As he approached the entrance, he noticed Zhao Qinghan and the exploration team engaged in a standoff with ten unfamiliar figures.

Drawing closer, Wang Xuan observed notable differences. These strangers didn’t wear the garb of the New World explorers. Their attire, gleaming metallically, was distinctly novel. Some had raven-black hair, others shimmered silver, but all were unmistakably youthful. Their chatter was indecipherable, a cascade of unfamiliar syllables that Wang Xuan couldn't grasp. Similarly, when Zhong Cheng and the team attempted to communicate, the strangers only exchanged puzzled glances, clearly just as bewildered.

A chill ran down Wang Xuan’s spine. Not long ago, the group had speculated about the existence of humanoid creatures, cities, and factions deep within this secret realm. Could this encounter be the proof they were pondering? Who were these mysterious individuals? What was their origin? The questions whirled in his mind.

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