The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 275 Welcome Back To Agarth

Before the young eagle left Megaris, King Drayce Ivanov had made a rough sketch of the green-eyed woman by asking his wife Seren to describe the facial features of the woman in her dreams. He gave it to Aureus with a strong intuition that it would be useful. As he was visiting the Kingdom of Agartha, then it was better to be prepared.

"Does the Queen of Megaris get visions about my mate?" Draven asked as it was what he could conclude from the existence of the portrait.

"Her Majesty does and it's not something she and the King are happy about. Those visions give her pain as they take the form of nightmares."

"The same thing can be said by our side as well," Draven said, his dignified tone showing hints of rebuke, though he did regain his composure. "I am more eager to find out the reason than thinking about the pain it causes."

"If the King of Agartha has information to share, I request for both our sides to exchange intelligence about this matter."

"What kind of visions does the Queen of Megaris have?" Draven asked.

Aureus explained to him about Seren's visions and the main content of it was seeing hellish fire surrounding the green-eyed woman.

"Hmm, my mate possesses the power of the fire attribute. Does the Queen of Megaris possess the same attribute? My mate had a similar vision about the purple-eyed woman being surrounded by flames."

The young eagle could not help but ponder. "Unfortunately, that is not the case. Queen Seren has an affinity to the earth element."

"By any chance, has she mastered the fire element as well? Did she train herself on a second element? There are supernatural beings who can master two elements though such cases are rare."

At this, Aureus shook his head. "The Queen of Megaris cannot use her power. There are reasons behind it that I cannot explain to you. However, I can assure you that she is incapable of willfully using magic as she herself is not aware of what kind of power she holds."

'Not aware of what kind of power she holds.'

Draven found it similar to the case of his mate and found the similarity interesting. If the circumstances of the Queen of Megaris were similar to his mate, then...

"Is there any seal on her power? Has someone intentionally suppressed it?"

Draven's guess was not wrong.

"There are such possibilities," Aureus admitted. "My king is personally overseeing the investigation about this concern, and perhaps  in a span of a month, many questions will be cleared."

"Any particular event will be happening within a month?" Draven asked.

"Hmm. There is. Forgive me for being unable to say more," Aureus replied, not giving clear explanations.

Draven Aramis was a stranger. As Aureus was meeting the King of Agartha for the first time and he was yet to be aware of his true intentions, thus, it was not fine to tell him details about things concerning Drayce and Seren's private lives.

"I hope the King of Megaris will be successful so we can solve the connection between his mate and mine."

"We wish the same," Aureus said. After a while, he seemed to have remembered something. "I have an item for the King of Agartha. That esteemed person said to pass it to you directly."

Draven silently waited as an object appeared on Aureus' palm. It was a wooden token that was enchanted with a magic spell, the runes conveying that inside was a sealed message which only Draven could unravel and read.

Once again, Erlos accepted that wooden token from Aureus and passed it to Draven. After glancing at it, Erlos realized that the token had a particular set of symbols carved on top, and those were runic letters from the ancient language that High Elves used.

The token reminded Draven of someone.

"High Elf Yorian? Is he with the King of Megaris?" Draven asked calmly. Though he was surprised, he controlled it from showing on his face.

His old comrade who left the kingdom, what was he doing with the King of Megaris?

Aureus nodded. "Yes, that esteemed person is in Megaris as we stumbled upon common enemies. When he found out I was heading to Agartha, he asked me to deliver a message for him."

Draven caressed the token with his thumb and closed his eyes. The bindings of the spell that Yorian sent unravelled in an instant. It was the method Yorian and others of his kind always used when there were secrets to be sent that could not be seen by others. That spell allowed only the concerned person to read it. If others tried to read the message not meant for them, instead of the spell being lifted, it would cause the token to self-destruct.

As Draven read the entire message, he was inwardly shocked. Among the news of the black magic practitioners were a couple of things that Draven was not allowed to reveal to Aureus or to anyone as it concerned Aureus' mother, Myra, the last golden Divine Eagle of Agartha.

'So he is really Myra's son,' Draven confirmed as he looked at Aureus. He let out a silent sigh as he focused on the other things in the message that Aureus had knowledge of. "By common enemy, you mean the Black Witch Zaria Lynx."

Aureus' face visibly hardened, but it quickly returned to a calm expression as he controlled his emotions. "According to that esteemed person, that is the identity of that Black Witch. We discovered her after she tried to abduct the Queen of Megaris, and I learned that she was also the one who killed my mother. Now, she is after me as well."

'Killed his mother?' Draven thought. 'So Yorian doesn't want Aureus to know the truth just as he said in his message.'

"I happened to cross paths with her while protecting the Queen. Her spells are the nemesis of the powers of nature, and it was pure luck that we are able to escape from being captured. Currently, she seems to be trying to create trouble for Megaris by siding with an enemy kingdom, but there is no doubt she will continue targeting Queen Seren."

"She is targeting the power the Queen of Megaris possesses," Draven concluded.

"Your guess is right, King of Agartha. That's why His Majesty King Drayce plans to capture that Black Witch in order to protect the Queen. He would have done it by now but there are some difficulties that need to be overcome."

"Being in a human kingdom, the King of Megaris must lack manpower--supernatural beings who could counter Zaria Lynx's forces."

Draven was not wrong so Aureus did not deny the claim. "Other than me, only High Elf Yorian is able to help him."

"As you know, black magic practitioners are our enemies as well. Since we share a common enemy, if your king wishes for it, Agartha would offer help. However, I will demand for the capture of Zaria Lynx, and she will be brought to Agartha as a prisoner. That witch has to pay for what she did to our kind."

"That I will have to discuss with His Majesty. I believe we will reach a common conclusion."

Draven no longer pursued the topic "You must be tired after a long journey and must want to rest. You are our guest afterall, so arrangements have been made to welcome your arrival. Feel free to ask anything that you may need."

"You have my gratitude." Aureus made a small bow. "I am honoured to be a guest of Agartha."

If this was a human kingdom, a banquet would have been set up to celebrate the arrival of a foreign envoy, and not only the King, but several officials or high-ranking people would also be invited to socialize with the foreign envoy. However, Agartha was a kingdom of supernatural beings, and they had little interest in observing superficial human customs.

Just as Melion was about to escort Aureus away, Draven suddenly spoke up.

"Welcome back to Agartha, Divine Eagle Aureus."

The young eagle was flustered. "What...?"

"Though you are not a native-born within Agartha, as someone of our kind, you are one of us. Treat this place as if it is your own homeland," Draven continued, his tone without fluctuation. "Your mother was someone this kingdom and her clan cherished. I recommend you visit your own people before you go back to Megaris."

Complex emotions flashed across Aureus' eyes. "Do I...Do I have any relatives?"

"You do," Draven responded, "and they will be happy to see you."

Nervousness and excitement could be heard in his voice. "Then, I would like to visit them today. Will that be fine, King of Agartha?"

"Before that, give me some time as I have something to do first. Your sudden presence might shock a few people. I need to make them aware of your arrival and notify them to expect your visit."

"I understand."


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