The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 26: Freya-sensei's Diary

Chapter 26: Freya-sensei's Diary

Month , Day

I received a message from my older sister today.

It seems like she will be staying in Gilbadia for a while longer.

Apparently, the eldest son of the Gilbert family has manifested the dark attribute.

I understand that rare attributes are amazing, but really!

My sister is just too selfish! Shes always been like that ever since we were kids.

Although she usually has excellent organizational skills, when it comes to magic, she suddenly becomes like this.

And she even still stays at my house

Its fine now, though! She probably only thinks of me as a convenient servant anyway!

Im relieved!

Although, its a bit lonely.

I wont say that to her, though.

Month , Day

I receive letters from my older sister almost every day.

Its really heartwarming.

However The contents are mostly the same.

Luke-kun is amazing.

Alice-chan is amazing.

Dark magic is amazing

Its been like this all the time ever since!

I get it, so enough with it already!

Also, more than half of the letters are filled with dangerous things. I cant even call them letters!

Just come back already, you magic maniac!

Month , Day

Its been about a year since my older sister went to Gilbadia, and she finally came back.


Ahm, thats good.

Because I have been kind of lonely, you know?

But right after coming back, she said, Ive decided to teach for about three years, so take care of me, okay?

What!? No way!

Its way too sudden!

Sigh. Even though shes my sister, Im really amazed by her free-spiritedness.

I kinda understand, though.

Its probably because of that boy, Luke, who manifested the dark attribute.

Geez the entrance exams havent even been taken yet, and shes already thinking ahead.

Also, our school is a prestigious magic academy.

Its not easy to become a teacher in the academy, so just by saying you want to

Well, maybe my sister can.

Anyway, no matter what, my older sister Amelia was still able to climb to the rank of magic knight, a truly amazing person.

Even though shes so lazy at home.

Shes straight to the point when it comes to things she likes and doesnt compromise at all.

Thats the only thing I truly respect about my older sister.

Month , Day

Today is the day of the entrance exam for the Aslan School of Magic.

Yeah Luke was really amazing.

My older sister talked about him so much every day that I was curious, but I think he definitely passed.

Its a little disappointing that I didnt see much magic from him though.

Even if you have a good attribute, its meaningless if you dont have the talent to use that magic effectively.

But there are people who have both.

People who have extraordinary talents in both areas.

My older sister is one of those people, and I think Luke is that type too.

Butsometimes children who can do anything from the beginning can be surprisingly vulnerable, so Im worried.

No, thats why we teachers have to support them!

Alright! Im feeling motivated now!

But even though I love children, I get nervous easily and become stiff and awkward

Its like Im trying to be cool.

My character at the school is already stuck in that tragedy

No, dont be demotivated, Freya!

This year! This is the year Ill become a teacher who can easily relate to the students and have them come to me with anything!

And so, my homeroom debut plan has begun.

Just kidding.

Month , Day

Finally, finally, finally!

Im going to be a homeroom teacher for first-year students!


Im really happy, but theres also some anxiety along with it.

This school is really strict afterall.

Its really cutthroat because of the hierarchy system.

Every year, theres always at least one student who transfers out in their first year

Ugh, just thinking about it makes me even more nervous.

Can I really do this?

I still get really nervous and my tone becomes very stiff and formal when students talk to me

Im too anxious.

I feel like Im going to fail spectacularly.

Its probably not helpful, but Ill ask my older sister for advice regarding this.

Month , Day

Its tomorrow.

Tomorrow is finally the first day of school for the new students.

Haah, Im so nervous

Just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.

Its not really painful, its just a constant dull ache from nerves.

Help me, sister.

She always seems to get good sleep and Im jealous of that part of her.

At least be a little anxious with me

My older sister isnt really good at teaching others even though shes a genius.

I hate geniuses!

They understand everything with their senses.

When I was a kid, my sister used to help me with my studies and teach me magic, but I really didnt understand anything from it.

The amount of information in studying was just too much, and she taught peripheral knowledge and advanced content all at once, so my head was about to explode just from it.

Shes even worse when it comes to teaching magic.

It was just an exchange of onomatopoeic words like This is Guwann! Not Shururin! What is that, really?

How can she write a paper like this?

Ill never understand the sense of genius.

Sigh even though shes my sister, shes like an unknown life form to me. But now that Ive been thinking about my sister, Ive gotten a bit more relaxed.

Thanks for that I guess.

Month , Day


Its really bad.

Today is my first day as a homeroom teacher, and we did a rank battle right away.

It was Luke and Abel, the first and last ranked students, respectively.

It was just too much to see.

First of all why were they both fighting with swords?

I dont understand the meaning behind it at all!

Well, I guess I can understand in Abels case.

Hes a child with some amount of reinforcement magic, and that is really amazing.

But he still seemed to be overwhelmed by magic.

His movements were too linear, and he couldnt even wrap his sword in magic.

Although he could eventually make up for it with magic tools, its a fatal flaw that he cant even do Dispel, which is to cut off magic with a sword.

If he wants to establish himself as a swordsman, he definitely needs that.

Yes, there are many challenges, but Im looking forward to it.

Abel and Luke will change the big trend of magicians fight only with magic someday.

They will be like magic swordsmen.

And then theres Luke.

This kid is just too much.

He has a lot of challenges, but Abels speed is a real threat.

I couldnt even keep up with him with my eyes.

If it were me, I would intercept him with a wide range of magic.

Well, I think anyone would do that if they were an attribute magician who could do it.

Because no matter how fast he is, all you have to do is take away his escape route then you win.

But contrary to my expectations Luke intercepted it with a sword!!

Moreover, without any magic!!

I dont know what this means anymore.

Even I, who know nothing about swords, can indeed understand that.

Luke has quite the mastery over swordsmanship.

And then, the dark magic he showed at the end!!

It was so amazing that I was momentarily stunned!

I heard about it from my sister.

Dark magic has the characteristic of absorption.

But to that extent!?

I managed to resist it by manipulating my magic power with all my strength, but about half of it was absorbed.

The magic item that deployed the magic barrier was also completely broken.

I think I understand why my sister is so fixated on this boy.

Because he is so special that you can tell it even at a glance.

Sigh but Ill probably get scolded

I kind of impulsively gave them permission for the rank battle

Oh, and my homeroom teacher debut was a spectacular failure.

Ill stick with the cool teacher character this year instead.

I dont feel so good.

Month , Day

Classes have been in session for a few days now.

What can I say, its going very well.

They seem to get along well in the dorms as well.

But with the ranking system, everyone around them is just a competitor.

But theres also a time where they will have to cooperate with their classmates.

They will have to actively share information and help each other grow, otherwise they wont be able to beat the upperclassmen.

Well there are always exceptions every year.

But anyway, tomorrow is the rank battle between Mia and Lloyd.

For first-year students, its their first official rank battle that will be watched by the public.

They must be nervous. Is there anything I can do to help them?

Also, Im against first-year students having rank battles.

It should only start from the second year.

Firstly, we should develop their hearts.

That way, there will be fewer kids who will transfer out in just the first year.

Its sad that someone like me cant change the system of this school though.

But, Mia! Lloyd!

Do your best!

Im rooting for you!

Month , Day

Lloyd won the rank battle.

Mia is undoubtedly a prodigy who has manifested three attributes.

Her potential is not inferior to Lloyds at all.

But this time, Lloyds mental strength was the deciding factor.

The result may have been disappointing, but I think the content was very good.

Surely, this experience will make both of them grow a lot.

Lloyd is good at fighting.

He has limited options compared to Mia, who can handle three attributes.

So he overwhelms his opponents with overwhelming firepower before giving them any chance to act.

Its simple, but I think its the best solution.

Its very logical.

But Im worried about Mia.

This is probably her first major setback.

I wonder if shes okay.

I thought about saying something to her, but I decided to leave her alone for today.

I think anything I say wouldnt reach her heart right now.

Ill try talking to her tomorrow.

Month , Day

Its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over, its over.

Today, Mia came to get permission to use the magic training ground.

I thought she recovered quickly.

Of course, I was curious and went to see her.

Then, Luke was there, talking to Mia about something.

I couldnt hear their voices, but I knew it was unusual.

Because Mia started crying in the middle and clung to Luke.

I was so curious that I was watching intently, and then Luke walked over to me.

I panicked and hurriedly hid in the locker for cleaning tools, and that was the end of my luck.

I got caught.

And I was so agitated that I left a mysterious remark that I didnt even understand myself and then left.

A teacher is hiding in a locker that holds cleaning supplies. The probability of this is not very high, but it is by no means zero. There are no more facts out there, and this is the reality and the truth.

I dont even understand what I was saying.


My image is ruined!!

How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow and face everyone!?

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