The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 59 59 Embarrassed Emily

Allen knew that it was not the right time to have fun.

Because he was in the tree and hadn't been found by the savages, he was safe.

So he was able to look at Emily unscrupulously.

But now, Allen had set up his crossbow, intending to kill a few more savages to reduce the burden of the following battles.

But now the savages seemed to have learned a lot and would not show up at all.

Allen had been waiting anxiously.

Because during this period, he heard that the hidden savages were saying something.

Allen could infer that these savages were either communicating with each other and about not showing up or where Allen was. Of course, there was also another situation, which was the worst.

That was, they were planning to get more people here.

Indeed, they were asking others for help. Allen could tell that those savages were not all of them. The previous houses were the best proof.

Allen speculated that there should be at least more than 60 people in the camp.

Otherwise, how could only 20 people live in so many huts?

However, just as Allen was thinking about this, these savages who kept on gossiping seemed to have finally come up with a plan.

In an instant, Allen found that the savages were rushing out in all different directions.

Allen was stunned for a moment. He frowned and didn't understand why these savages were so crazy all of a sudden!

But it didn't prevent Allen from killing them!

He took out his crossbow and shot his arrows at the fastest running savages.

Several savages were knocked to the ground, but there were so many savages!

Moreover, after Allen used up all his arrows, he couldn't get any supplements. He could only see the savage running crazily.

Allen counted the savages that had escaped and the savages that he had killed. Allen found that he had killed 15 savages by himself.

Another savage, though hit by an arrow, was not a serious injury. He still escaped for a distance.

Allen felt humiliated.

"Well. Now maybe the best chance to save the girls!"

However, Allen was not unhappy at all. At least, the current situation gave Allen a chance to save Emily and others.

There were only 20 savages here. Allen killed some of them, and the rest of them ran away.

However, none of the savages paid any attention to the three women, who were lying on the ground.

So Allen seized the opportunity and slid down the tree.

Before he reached the ground, Allen had changed his plan. He shouted at the place where Natalie and the others were hiding, "There's no need to hide anymore! Go and save them!"

The four girls had heard the roar of the savage and the scream of Emily. They almost rushed out to help!

But thinking of what Allen had warned them before, the four girls chose to continue to stay in their positions.

But they couldn't help but feel restless in their hearts.

So at this moment, after they heard Allen's order, they finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out.

"Hurry up!"

Natalie and the others all had long legs, so they ran very fast.

Just as Allen got down from the tree, the four girls had arrived there with long spears and daggers.

Allen said calmly.

"Come with me!"

He said to the four girls and then took the lead in rushing forward.

Of course, Allen didn't forget to take some wooden arrows from them and put them with him.

Although he didn't have the time to fill the crossbow again, Allen brought out his trump card!

He not only brought his crossbow but also brought the single wooden bow he had made before.

So even if Allen didn't have a powerful weapon like a crossbow for a short time, he could still use a single wooden bow to kill the savage.



However, when the four girls reached there, they all saw their former companions being tied there like animals!

They became lambs to be slaughtered.

The most important thing was that Emily and the other three girls were stripped naked. If they were sprinkled with a little spice, it would be really... Food?

Therefore, when they saw the miserable situation of Emily and the others, all the four girls were stunned.

Allen had expected this to happen, so he said loudly.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't want us to be caught by the savages and become like Emily and others, you'd better save Emily and others first!"

Allen's words brought the girls to their senses.

They took action quickly.

They ran almost as fast as Allen.

Allen thought.

"Is fear the primary productive force?"

But it was not the right time to make a complaint. Allen was the first one to come to Emily.

He just ignored Jessica's yelling for help.

He chose Emily, who had almost her head on the ground. After all, Allen liked to see this heartless woman submit to him and owe him a favor.

Although Emily was untied at this time, she seemed to be frightened to faint. She closed her eyes tightly and did not care about what happened.

However, after her hands were untied, her hands naturally fell on her chest and private parts, and her face was still red.

Allen knew that she was too shy!

He was almost amused by Emily's shyness.

Allen didn't have any spare clothes for her. But finally, Allen still took off his clothes and exposed his muscles which he had been working out recently.

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