The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

Chapter 288 Confession

Unlike the first time when the salesman had been very adamant about selling male clothes to a lady, it was much easier for him to do so this time.

Susan, who had been upset over the fake shaman's prophecy, was quick to snap out of it after she put on her new clothes.

"I feel so comfortable, it's almost impossible to believe this!" Susan said in awe as she twirled around, and for once, she didn't feel much fabric all around her.

"Although I can breathe freely, why does it still feel like I am wearing a dress?" Luciana asked. Even the way she was walking seemed calculated and restricted.

"It's your mind. Free yourself and walk comfortably." Alicia said as she patted her on the shoulder before looking at Paulina, who was still staring down at herself in disbelief.

Lance, on the other hand, kept sniffing the clothes and looking down at himself with a frown. He had never worn something so cheap, plain, and inferior before. He felt so uncomfortable.

In order not to draw too much attention to them, the ladies tied their hair in buns and wore straw hats just like some of the villagers, as well as Harold, who was wearing a hat to cover his hair.

With Harold's unique hair colour, anyone would easily suspect who he was, and the last thing they wanted was that.

"What do you think?" Susan asked as she stood in front of Williams, who was standing next to Alvin.

Although she stood as though the question was meant for Williams, the others could tell it was Alvin's opinion she wanted since her gaze was on him.

"Father is not going to be pleased about this," Williams said, even though he thought the clothes looked good on her.

"Father is not pleased about a lot of things lately, so I'm sure this won't be a problem," Susan said dryly.

"You look charming, my lady," Lance said, while Harvey seemed to agree.

He had to admit that it made the ladies look smarter. He doubted that his own sister would ever agree to wear such clothes.

Susan ignored Lance as she waited for Alvin to say something, but he didn't look at her.

"Since everyone is dressed, let's keep moving," Alvin said, and when Harold gave him a nod, he started walking ahead of the others, leaving Susan, who scowled at his back as they followed him.

Eventually, they were all able to adjust to the strange clothing and continue their sightseeing.

"Where are we going to sleep tonight?" Luciana asked curiously after they had walked for some time.

"Why? Are you feeling tired already?" Susan asked as she glanced at Luciana.

"No. I'm just curious."

"I'm sure we can find a good inn around here," Alicia said just as Alvin, who was leading them, stopped walking, making the others do the same.

"Where is this place?" Alicia asked Harold.

"It's the best inn around," Harold told her just as the elderly innkeeper came out to welcome them.

The old man's eyes lit up the moment he saw the little crowd of guests.

"Do you have enough room to accommodate us?" Alvin asked, and the innkeeper shook his head apologetically when he counted nine people.

"There are only four rooms available. But you can all fit in them if you share the rooms. I will give you a discount," he offered quickly, not wanting them to leave for somewhere else.

"It's easy. You two can share a room," Lance said, pointing at Harold and Alicia since he couldn't mention their names and blow their cover.

"Although I doubt I'll be able to sleep in this kind of place, I will stay in one room. Harvey and brother-in-law can share one, and the ladies can share. Right?" Lance suggested.

"How smart of you. Where is he expected to sleep then?" Susan asked, pointing at Alvin.

"Oh! I thought he was supposed to be guarding us?" Lance asked uncertainly, and Susan glared at him but before she could say anything, Harold spoke.

Much to Lance's disappointment, Harold changed the sleeping pattern.

Harold and Alicia were to sleep together, and Alvin was to have a room to himself while

Harvey, Williams, and Lance would share a room, as would Luciana, Susan, and Paulina.

As far as Harold was concerned, they had invited themselves on this trip, so they had to share or sleep outside, and even though they thought it was unfair and didn't like it, they couldn't argue with Harold.

"It's settled then," Susan said with a wide smile, pleased by the arrangement.

Although, before now, she hadn't really been close to Luciana, now she was comfortable enough with Luciana to share a room with her. She looked forward to talking with them until she fell asleep, the same way she had done with Princess Tyra and Princess Amber.

Thinking about that night now, it seems like years ago. Why did things have to change so much in such a short time? Her brows pulled together when she remembered that she had left Tyra without informing her. She wondered how Tyra was doing and hoped she was fine.

Susan snapped out of her thoughts as the innkeeper showed them to their rooms, which had them frowning.

The place was small and there were no decorations. Just plain rooms with floor mats, which were supposed to be their "beddings". How was this place the best inn around? If the best inn around was this way, what were they to expect from the other inns? They mused as they looked around the place.

Alvin took out Harold's money pouch and handed a bunch of coins to the innkeeper. As soon as the man saw it, he gasped, and suddenly, he was even more enthusiastic than he was before.

"We have more mats. I'll bring them so you don't have to worry about sharing. You can also come out to eat; we serve the best food in the entire kingdom!" the man said excitedly before he ran off.

Harold led Alicia inside their room while the three girls went into theirs too.

While Luciana and Susan looked hesitant as they observed their room, Paulina felt the place was nice enough for them.

Lance scowled at Alvin as he entered his room, which was directly opposite theirs, and Alvin smirked at him before he slid the door closed.

Inside the room Alicia and Harold shared, they both sat on the sleeping mat on the floor as they faced each other.

"You need to have your bath and get some rest, Princess. It has been a long day," Harold said as he looked at Alicia, and she smiled at him when he reached out to touch the side of her face.

"How are you feeling now? Does your body ache anywhere? Do you want me to get you anything?" Harold asked, but instead of responding, Alicia just continued to smile as she looked at him.

How could she not adore this big, strong man who, despite how much he was feared by others, cared about her this way? She had always watched movies and read books about people having their own person. Someone who would love them, put them first, and always have their back.

She had always wanted to have her own person and at some point, she had thought that was never going to happen. Who would ever have thought that she would find hers in an era that wasn't even hers?

"Why are you smiling?" Harold asked curiously when he noticed how she was staring at him and smiling.

"When I thought I was going to die, I thought about a lot of things, and I regretted so many things..."

Harold frowned, "Don't remind me of that. It makes me angry just to think about that. I wish I killed everyone who took part in that trial," Harold said, and Alicia's brows pulled together.

"Did you kill anyone?" She asked, and Harold looked away.

She was going to find out sooner or later anyway, so there was no need to deny it or lie to her about what he had done, Harold reasoned. Yet he didn't look at her. He couldn't bring himself to.

"Harold? Did you kill anyone?" She asked with a frown and reached out to touch his face when she noticed the way he was now avoiding her gaze like a stubborn kid.

"I was angry. Do you have any idea how painful it was to see you there like that? If I had been a moment late, you would have drank that poison," Harold said defensively, and his voice almost broke as he said the last word.

His heart still ached whenever he thought about that or remembered seeing her there raising the poison to her lips before Lance's distraction made her drop it.

Hearing the anger in his voice and seeing the way his whole body had stiffened as he spoke, Alicia could tell that he was upset, so instead of scolding him as she had planned to, she moved closer to him and wrapped both arms around him.

"You didn't hurt Beth's father, right?" She asked hopefully.

"I only let him live because of you," Harold said, and Alicia smiled as she took his hand and raised it to her lips.

"Thank you. You don't have to be angry any more. You saved me. That is all that matters," Alicia murmured soothingly, and slowly, Harold relaxed.

He adjusted their positions so that she was sitting between his legs, her back resting on him while his back was resting on the wall, and he wrapped his arms around her.

They sat there in silence for some time until Alicia called his name, "Harold?"

"Yes, Princess?"

"About what I regretted most," Alicia said, and Harold tried not to groan as he patiently waited to hear what she wanted to say.

He didn't like that she kept thinking about that experience and whatever it was she regretted. He wanted her to forget all about the horrors.

"I regretted not realizing my feelings for you earlier," Alicia said, and Harold's heart skipped a beat. That wasn't what he had been expecting.

She craned her neck so she could look into Harold's face. "I thought I would never get the chance to tell you how I feel about you. And now I don't want to waste any more time keeping it from you."

Harold's mouth was dry and he swallowed as he looked back into her amber eyes speechlessly.

"I love you, Harold. With all my heart," she grinned as she added, "And not as a younger brother,"

Harold's eyes brightened, and he let out a shy laugh.

Muffled excited squeals and giggles could be heard from the next rooms.

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