The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 60:

Chapter 60:

Choi Jun-ho spoke calmly, disregarding the shocked gazes around him.

With the introduction of the Big Bang series, the Shot series has also become faster and stronger.

He then explained the improvements of the Shot series using the remaining mannequins.

Afterward, he showcased the efficiency of weapons and armor equipped with the Big Bang series using numerical data.

That concludes the explanation of the Big Bang series.

With a strong impact left behind, Choi Jun-ho finished the showcase and took questions from reporters.

He explained why the monster core could be so efficient, how it worked, and how he predicted it would change in the future.

It might have been somewhat exaggerated, but the anticipated changes were exhilarating just to hear.

Wow, this is incredible.

As question time ended and Choi Jun-ho left, reporters couldnt contain their excitement.

It was a short showcase, but it was enough to create a huge ripple in the stagnant equipment market.

And throughout the showcase, the comments were explosive, to say the least.

[This is insane, is what Im seeing real?]

[Head Breaker broke heads. Wow!]

[Watching the helpless mannequin made a lump in my throat.]

[Why does it feel like Im seeing blood? I can even smell it, lol.]

[The Big Bang series, if the specs are real, it will bring a massive change.]

[Villains are in trouble. Even if its not easy to obtain one, how are they going to deal with the hunting team in the future? Lol.]

[But isnt it a big problem if villains manage to get their hands on it?]

[I heard that Sacred Group even engraves serial numbers on them.]

[Do you know whats truly terrifying? Im getting used to Choi Jun-hos behavior. Why am I laughing while watching someone get their head blown off?]

[Sacred Group is going to make a huge profit. They said Choi Jun-ho also has shares; how much is he earning, anyway?]

[Meanwhile, Choi Jun-ho says he plans to pay all his taxes. Lol.]

[Flawless Head Breaker!]

[Its scarier when someone doesnt have greed, really.]


You did well. You made me want to buy everything.

Is it that impressive?

Was I the one whos strange? I mean, it didnt really matter whether I used this or not. Since the result was always the same, it seemed like I had become indifferent to it.

Everything at the showcase was just a lip service.

Even though the improved monster core appeared in reality, there was no significant change.

Of course, the villains were less active than before.

In the first place, the processing method itself required the support of skilled craftsmen and the accumulation of capital and expertise.

But the world hadnt changed dramatically.

Of course. This item can overturn the global market! It can generate astronomical sales.


Whats really impressive is that its not limited to one field. The monster core is a new energy source, and its environmentally friendly. When all of this becomes more efficient, the worlds standards will rise.

But wouldnt that make the villains stronger?

If they get their hands on the finished product, yes. But it wont be easy.

A wicked smile appeared on Lee Se-hees lips.

The processing method was split into two parts. One was the Big Bang series, which was developed by the Sacred Group after accumulating technology. Despite its short development time, I presented the complete design from the beginning, and the Heartworker added the finishing details. The Sacred Guild Research Institute put all their effort into its creation.

The actual development time was three months, but the research institute expected that it would take a minimum of two years and possibly more than three years for others who would want to copy this method to reach a similar result.

Naturally, during that period, the research institute would release a more advanced version 2.

Lee Se-hees idea was to maximize the market share of the Big Bang series while other places analyzed it and then established dependency through licensing.

Each item in the Big Bang series had a unique serial number, which could be used to track down the source of leaks.

Of course, if someone leaked it, they should demand astronomical compensation.

What if they refused?

The licenses would be provided to their rival countries or organizations. Even if it didnt directly impact them, it could be challenging if their neighbor suddenly became wealthy. Lee Se-hee had established safety measures through various methods to secure the Sacred Guilds position.

She also had a remarkable talent for making money.


What are you talking about? Its thanks to Jun-ho-ssi sharing this technology. Others with the same level of expertise and experience as me could also do the same.

But the one I trust is you.

Ive heard that from many people, but it has a different ring to it when I hear it from Jun-ho-ssi. Mmm, good, very good, I want more. I think Im getting addicted.

That doesnt mean it will be easy.

Thats why its special.

Lee Se-hee smiled at me.

Money was good, no doubt about it. However, even someone like me, who was relatively indifferent to money, seemed likely to earn a lot. But for Lee Se-hee, who was sensitive to financial trends, how ironic it must be.

Theres an afterparty, but it might be inconvenient for Jun-ho-ssi, right?

Actually, these days, many people want to see me.

Ill cover for you, so you can go back.

Is that okay?

Sure. If Jun-ho-ssi says hes uncomfortable, who can argue?

They wouldnt think that I would break their heads if they objected, right?

They wouldnt think that way.

It felt like rumors about me were getting stranger. I didnt just go around killing anyone.

So, was I a villain, or a nationally recognized Transcendent?

And I was not just breaking heads. How many people had died from other ways?

Well, if youre letting me go back, I wont refuse.

Anyway, since she said I could leave, I didnt reject it.

Leaving things to Lee Se-hee, I headed back home.

Hmm, dressed up like this and still driving a compact car. Now that I was going to make money, I should consider changing my car.

I should have dinner with Yoon-hee at home.


After Choi Jun-ho left, Lee Young-tan, who had been watching from afar, approached.

It would have been better if we had taken Choi Jun-ho with us.

I know.

Even if the Sacred Group developed the Big Bang series, the star of the afterparty was Choi Jun-ho.

How could they not know?

Todays showcase was also a great success.

It was entirely intentional for Lee Se-hee to use Choi Jun-ho.

With this project, the Sacred Group would reap astronomical profits. The more they did, the more people would come after them. But with Choi Jun-ho at the helm, this would be largely prevented.

Theres no one who wanted their head to break, right?

He heard that the opposition party had been strongly criticizing Choi Jun-ho, and the mayor of Busan was among those who had been very critical of him.

When a state-sanctioned Transcendent was running wild, there could be some criticism.

Even the Red Snake, Kim Yong-hwan, faced substantial criticism.

But Choi Jun-ho was different. Even if his methods were harsh, everyone who died at his hands deserved to die. Hes not greedy, and hes not interested in profit.

This time, the Big Bang series was also a collaborative effort that pioneered a new market.

The world didnt know that Choi Jun-ho was a pretty harmless person as long as you didnt commit a crime or bother him.

Of course, even with this, there were still people who wanted to test whether its dung or soybean paste. (T/N: Its a figurative expression implying that some people may still want to test or challenge Choi Jun-ho.)

If they want to complain, Ill tell them to do it in front of Jun-ho-ssi.

Lee Se-hee also had regrets, but Choi Jun-ho was more important.

You shouldnt try to control Jun-ho-ssi as you please. From our perspective, the best choice is for Jun-ho-ssi to participate in the after-party, but from Jun-ho-ssis perspective, its best to avoid being bothered by annoying flies. By understanding this in advance and being considerate, we gain points.

Team leaders judgment is correct.

Lee Se-hee said to Lee Young-tan.

Its good that the vice team leader prioritizes the guilds interests. However, when it comes to issues related to Jun-ho-ssi, please consider it from Jun-ho-ssis perspective. It can lead to an increase in trust towards us and benefit the guild.

I will keep that in mind. Im sorry.

Dont be sorry. Youve been working hard in many places today. Enjoy the after-party comfortably. Those who came running after the scent are my responsibility. (T/N: She probably meant those who would be looking for trouble.)

Suddenly, a cold mask covered Lee Se-hees face.


Whats up? Why are you home so early?

Yoon-hee, who was lounging around the house, saw me coming home early and greeted me. When I told her I had skipped the after-party to come home for a meal, she was taken aback.

You, why didnt you call me over there? Youre at that place with all the delicious food, and you come home to eat?

I like home-cooked meals. Theyre safe and delicious.

She said it as if it was nothing, but that was an incredible discourtesy. After our parents moved up to Seoul, our mother would make side dishes every week and send them over.

Starting from various side dishes to occasionally preparing special dishes. They might not be extravagant feasts, but to make such a comment belittling home-cooked meals.

It seemed like Lee Young-hees daughter didnt understand the value of home-cooked food.

If I said it directly, there would be a commotion, so I quietly conveyed her remark to our mother. This was something that needed to be addressed.

Yoon-hee didnt mean it either, so she quickly calmed down and quickly mentioned the hot topic of the Big Bang series.

The Big Bang series is really amazing.

You didnt know about it in advance?

I heard some rumors about it. They said it would be a huge hit when the item was released. But now that Ive actually seen it, its beyond imagination. They said they would distribute it to our guild members first, so its going to be a huge hit. I have to brag to my friends.

So, you have friends, huh?

Yoon-hee made a bewildered expression.

Do you think Im like you, Oppa?

Why do you think I dont have friends?

You have friends?

I felt my pride wounded by the assumption that I naturally wouldnt have friends.

But even with an age difference, I could still be friends with someone. Jung Ju-ho, Cheon Myeong-guk Well, and if you consider Berserker from a broad perspective No, thats enough. I had my pride; I couldnt call that lunatic my friend.

Look at you, pretending to have friends when you dont.


Anyway, I didnt know the Big Bang series would be this powerful. If this power gets improved, it seems like itll have a significant impact not only on villains but also on monsters.

It would not work on overly high level monsters. Its better to stick with weapons.

I see.

Yoon-hee, with a glint in her eye, bombarded me with various questions. In the hope that she would use it well, I answered her questions kindly. Since, soon, Lady Lee Young-hees Doomsday event would open.

Around the time we finished eating and did some light cleaning, Yoon-hee received a call on her smartphone. It was faster than expected.

Oh, Mom? What? When did I do that? No way! How can you see your daughter that way? No, really! What? My brother? Oh, I see. Its not me, seriously. No, why does Mom only believe my brother? Im a Trust Icon in the guild too, you know? No, theres something called socializing after drinking, right? Of course, I try to watch dramas in moderation too. Im telling you, Im not. Geez! Why did you even take a picture of that? No, no, I have to put in effort. Yes, yes. Got it. Take care, Mom.

After ending the call, Yoon-hee began to glare at me with a fierce look in her eyes.

My snitching got through quickly.

You, you enemy-like jerk! Did you have to tell Mom about that?

Seeing an angry wild boar charging towards me, I quietly closed the door.

A while later, a loud noise echoed through the apartment.


I stopped by the Awakened Security Office to see if the investigation into the mayor of Busan was over. When I asked, I was told that it would take time because they had to investigate the mayor and other people around him.

Knowing that conducting an information investigation wasnt easy, I was about to accept it gracefully and leave, but Cheon Myeong-guk seemed to have something to say.

I watched the showcase of the Big Bang series. Congratulations.

Oh, thank you.

Cheon Myeong-guk congratulated me. I waited quietly for his next words.

I think its probably best to get this out of the way, so please forgive me if it makes you uncomfortable, but its about that tax thing you mentioned.

Yes, taxes.

Well, you said you werent looking to cut your taxes

Ill accept any deductions. I just dont want to engage in excessive tax avoidance.

Oh, I see.

Did my words not make sense?

I recalled the conversation I had with the head of the tax team at Sacred Group.

There are various types of tax deductions, and many of them are ambiguous, whether they fall under corporate or non-corporate categories. Its like putting something on your nose if it belongs to your nose and on your ear if it belongs to your ear. Someone said that its best to maximize deductions, but he warned that going too far can lead to temptation.

This is a device that allows one to walk away if they set their mind to it, right? The head of the tax department usually lets some things slide, but there are certain matters that, if probed further, could become problematic. So, I said I wouldnt push the tax deduction to that extent.

I understand what youre saying. I have no excuses for that part.

What did the director do wrong? Ill just have to pay more taxes.

Haha, yes.

Cheon Myeong-guk forced an awkward smile. I didnt think much of it, but it seemed like this person was more concerned about it.

My thoughts on taxes were simple.

They take more than half of what I earned.

Our country wasnt a poor one.

There were plenty of people taking a slice of the tax pie.

I would just have to find them later and break their heads.

Thats about it.

I think Ill have to ask for your help with Director Jung Ju-hos matter soon.

Is he in trouble?

Nothing like that. Its a good thing, but Director Jung is quite stubborn.

If its a good thing, I should step up, too. If you need anything, please let me know.

Thank you.

Finally, as if his worries had disappeared, a smile appeared on Cheon Myeong-guks lips.

But why did that smile seem wicked?


First edition sold out. Second edition sold out. Third edition reservations skyrocketed.

After the release of the Big Bang series, they achieved a record of selling out everything.

It was accurate to say that there was nothing left to sell.

Even though they had released 500 units for the first batch and 1000 units for the second batch, they all sold out. The third batch, with a stock of 2000 units available for reservation, was also on the verge of selling out.

The satisfaction with the product was top-notch. From level 4 to level 7 monster core, each one showed efficiency that was at least 1.5 to 3 times better than the previous products.

In the Sacred Group, they named the series based on the level of the monster core, and the most popular product was Series 4, which had a high quantity.

However, the first to sell out was the rare Series 7.

The output of the monster core was important, but the aspect of compatibility also played a significant role.

With this part perfected as well, the Sacred Groups monopoly continued.

With this, the sales generated exceeded a whopping 1 trillion won.

It seemed like everything was going smoothly at that point.



-Kim Jong-hyun he disappeared with a backup file containing the processing method.

He messed up in the end.

If you think about it, even his mother, who was like a hostage in a way, had passed away. It wasnt surprising since originally; he was a guy who was loose with women.

Nevertheless, the Heartworker was ultimately from a villain background.

-Were sending a pursuit team, so


I was the one who brought the Heartworker here. So, I had to take responsibility for it and bring it to a conclusion.

Send me information about him. Ill handle it myself.

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