The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

“The Asylum Expert, Great Hero Choi Yeonseung! Please help us!”


Choi Yeonseung was taken aback when the hunters, whom he had never seen before, asked for help.

‘Aren’t they supposed to help me?’

They were in China, and the household member of the Master of Slowness and Silence had appeared on Chinese soil. Thus, it was the Chinese hunters who ought to help him, not the other way around...

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re being threatened! If we don’t escape, we’re going to die!”

“...Look at the household member behind you.”

The household member of the Master of Slowness and Silence seemed to have regained his strength, and he was slowly approaching to resume his attack on Choi Yeonseung. Seeing this, the Chinese hunters panicked and took out their artifacts.

‘I have a rough idea of what’s going on.’

Choi Yeonseung quickly grasped the situation. Seeing the well-dressed people in the helicopter, who looked like high-ranking government officials, it was clear that the hunters had crossed the line.

It was no secret that China had a harsh grip on its hunters. Perhaps the hunters finally snapped after being constantly threatened and attacked the party officials.

“...Wait, isn’t there any other kind of support available?” Choi Yeonseung wondered. Come to think of it, China’s A-grade hunters should’ve rushed in by now, but the first ones to arrive were these rebels...

Something had clearly gone wrong.


“Those damn A-grade hunters! They consider their lives more important than anyone else, so that’s why the higher-ups are only sending us! Bastards!”

“This is what happens when all the A-grade hunters with ambition have left the country!”

Choi Yeonseung paused at the furious protesting of the Chinese hunters.

‘Uh... I guess I’m partly at fault for this.’

Indeed, Choi Yeonseung was the reason a large number of A-grade hunters had recently fled from China. It was no wonder that only the scumbags remained.

“I understand. After this raid, I’ll help you seek asylum in the United States.”

“As expected...!”

“Thank you, Hunter Choi Yeonseung!”

“I’ve been hearing rumors about you, great hero! They say you never abandon hunters in dire need of help!”


Choi Yeonseung was a bit perplexed by the hunters’ fuss.

Did he really do that?

[The household member of the ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’ has started to absorb the noise around him.]

The loud cries of gratitude from the Chinese hunters were soon buried in silence. The hunters were startled when their voices were silenced.

“■■ ■■...”

“■■ ■■!”

One of the hunters struggled to quickly fire magic at the household member, but his attack slowed down and fell silent before disappearing completely.

Choi Yeonseung had already experienced that.

There were no other A-grade hunters to use as cannon fodder, and the opponent was particularly powerful in this area. Considering how much more power of existence the Master of Slowness and Silence possessed, it seemed like an unwinnable battle for Choi Yeonseung...

But instead of being afraid, Choi Yeonseung extended his fist toward the incoming opponent. After returning to Earth, he had always fought from a position of strength. However, looking back at his time in the Abyss, he realized that he had almost always been the underdog.

Thus, being at a disadvantage didn’t scare him.


Just like that, Choi Yeonseung clashed once again with his adversary.


-The household member of the Master of Slowness and Silence has emerged in Hangzhou City. Will the nightmare of the first invasion be recreated?

-Currently investigating the cause... There is a strong possibility that Weixin’s research project...

-According to the testimony of an anonymous witness, Weixin Energy had a large number of cores...

The breaking news spread quickly after the incident occurred. At first, most people thought it was nonsense. Of course, the damage caused by a single accident at the artifact research labs was significant, but surely that couldn’t have led to the appearance of the household member of an evil god constellation.

-Whoa. Did they sign a contract with the evil god constellation?

-Hey. No matter how crazy the Chinese are, would they have signed a contract with the Master of Slowness and Silence? Especially since that constellation is looking down on them.

-But there are always crazy people out there.

-Those from Weixin Energy aren't crazy. They’re one of the largest companies in China.

At first, people scoffed and thought it was just fake news. However, testimonies soon came out.

-A large amount of cores was trafficked from Parker Group, whose imports were banned...

-It’s not just Weixin Energy. Other large companies in the vicinity are trafficking...


?What’s going on?

?Was it really a trap by an evil god constellation?

?Of course it was the trap of an evil god constellation. Hunter Choi Yeonseung warned everyone.

?Well, I didn’t think it was true...

People’s opinions were divided between “I knew it” and “Did they really do that?” Regardless, everyone was surprised. Nobody had noticed anything wrong with the cores despite the thorough investigation. It was hard to imagine what kind of disaster would have occurred if those cores had been spread throughout the world.

-Those crazy guys bought those dangerous cores despite all those warnings??

-As expected, foreigners are polluting China!

-Weixin Energy is a Chinese company...

-The ones who caused this incident can’t be left unpunished!

People in other countries were just angry about the fact that a disaster had almost occurred, but the story was a bit different for the Chinese people. For them, the mere name of the Master of Slowness and Silence was horror itself.

It was futile to stop the household members before he was summoned, and impossible to stop him after he emerged. By the time the incident blew up, it had already been too late!

-It occurred in Hangzhou?

-Shouldn’t we run away?

-But honestly, isn’t it better to live under the Master of Slowness and Silence? Am I the only one who thinks so?

-You traitor!

-You can call people traitors all you want, but you can’t deny that only the party executives are making a living in China these days. Isn’t the Master of Slowness and Silence better?

-That’s right. I heard that they don’t make you work that long in the realm of the Master of Slowness and Silence.

-Honestly, is there anything bad about the Master of Slowness and Silence to us?

-Deleted message.

-Deleted message.

-Deleted message.

Various regulations were enforced the moment people’s responses became heated. Even so, the reaction of the public didn’t subside. However, the hunters and industry officials affiliated with the clans were worried about something else.

-How many hunters are being mobilized now?

-How many A-grade hunters have gathered?

-I think Ma Jun’s absence is a big deal...

-What about Meng Qianhao or Yuan Xun?

-I’ve just heard that they’re not coming.

-Those crazy bastards!

Ordinary people could evacuate, but hunters were different.

Weren’t the A-grade hunters supposed to move right away? Even though there was a crisis, A-grade hunters were deliberately sabotaging the response, which naturally prompted the other hunters to curse them.

-I just received a notification that Hunter Choi Yeonseung is participating in the raid there. Hunters who are able to participate should join quickly.

-I tried to put up with it for a while, but this shamelessness is just unreal! How can you lie about something like that?

The Chinese hunter clans found it ridiculous. Of course, no one would want to participate if the government told the truth, but telling such a ridiculous lie? Why would an S-grade hunter like Choi Yeonseung participate in such a raid?

It made no sense.

-If Choi Yeonseung is actually participating, I will donate all my assets.

-What kind of lie is this? Do you think anyone will believe that and join in?

[At the scene, Martial God Choi Yeonseung is working to intercept the household member of the evil god constellation! Right now, there is a shortage of hunters...]

[The Chinese government is mobilizing its military to provide support, but it has no effect. It’s unclear when or if the hunters are coming...]

[Some are saying that A-grade hunters are virtually powerless! This place...]


-...They’re trying to manipulate us!


The government’s ability to manipulate people was incredible. The Chinese hunters were unfazed by the news and information circulating on social media. Those were clearly lies spread around by the government!

In a way, it felt too real, but it didn’t make any sense. But after a while, undeniable evidence started to emerge.


-Hey, where are all the Chinese hunters?! What are you doing? You boast about your numbers, so why are there so few people coming?


-The A-grade Chinese hunters, if you arrive later than me, you should be executed...


“Uh... Uhhh?”

“Was it hacked? Didn’t they hack it?”

“How can they do it at the same time...?”

The violent reactions of the overseas hunters couldn’t possibly be manipulated. Some hunters suspected that their phones had been hacked, but it quickly became clear.

Choi Yeonseung really was here!

“...Why??? What’s going on?”

“Did he get paid?”

“If you were Choi Yeonseung, would you come here for money? Do you know how much money he already has?”

“Then... Then why?”

“Did the government threaten to make Chinese people write his name down and kill themselves if he doesn’t help?”

“What kind of madman would fall for such blackmail? In addition, no matter how crazy the government is, such threats... They might be able to do it, but we should hurry up and move!”

The reluctant clans scrambled forward. For the time being, just having an S-grade hunter made this fight winnable.

At the very least, they should participate and show their sincerity. If the raid ended before they even showed up, they would get their skulls cracked by an angry S-grade hunter and incur the wrath of the Chinese government!

“Th-there! That bastard over there! That bastard Meng Qianhao!”

“You bastard!”

“Shh, lower your voice. He’ll hear you!”

The Chinese hunters gritted their teeth when they saw A-grade hunter Meng Qianhao, who had refused to participate for various reasons, suddenly fly toward the raid area.

At first, he refused to participate because he thought he was going to die. But when he learned that Choi Yeonseung was involved, he saw it as a chance and rushed there to do his part.

The hunters wanted to curse at him for his dirty and cheap tactic, but they couldn’t actually do that in front of an A-grade hunter, not if they wanted to keep their teeth.

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung, I’m here to help.”

Meng Qianhao quickly flew in thanks to his movement skill and slowed down as he kicked the wall of a high-rise building. Following the crashing sound, the building swayed.

[The area has become quiet and slow.]

[The ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’ becomes stronger within the area.]

But then, the energy that felt like it could tear the earth apart and bring down the skies vanished from Meng Qianhao’s body. He felt himself becoming unbelievably slow. Flustered, he tried to shout, but no sound came out of his mouth. His skill wasn’t activating, and he struggled in the air.

‘D... Don’t tell me!’


The only one making noise in this area was Choi Yeonseung.

After repeatedly throwing a series of Origin of the Celestial Fist at the whale-like household member of the Master of Slowness and Silence, he flew back. However, it wasn’t because of the opponent’s attack. Rather, he deliberately threw himself back, and there was a reason for it.

The moment he stood still, he would get slower and heavier. It was a kind of desperate tactic.

“You came here to help?”

Choi Yeonseung bounced back and flew near Meng Qianhao, who nodded ever so slightly at his question.

“Thank you,” replied Choi Yeonseung, already feeling that he was becoming slower. He grabbed Meng Qianhao and threw him straight forward. It was difficult to break through the opponent’s power with ordinary debris and materials, but a strong and well-trained A-grade hunter’s soul should be able to withstand the power for a while.

Meng Qianhao tried to scream again as he flew away, but unfortunately, his voice remained silent.



The other hunters, who had arrived late because they were slower than an A-grade hunter, were shocked to see Choi Yeonseung using Meng Qianhao as a weapon. Their resentment toward Meng Qianhao disappeared when they saw him being treated like an object.

Choi Yeonseung shook off the opponent’s slowness using the powers available to him and maximized his internal energy to attack again. He couldn’t count how many times he had done this already. If he attacked from a very close range, the opponent would slow him down with his power. Then, once Choi Yeonseung couldn’t hold on any longer, he would retreat and reorganize.

He and the household member had been clinging to each other like that the entire fight, as if locked in a stalemate. This battle was a test of endurance to see who would fall first.

-So reckless!

The goddess of sloth couldn’t watch it any longer. However, Choi Yeonseung charged forward again.


They exchanged blows just like before. After unleashing a series of attacks and damaging his opponent, Choi Yeonseung was slowed down. However, he felt a strange sensation, different from before.

He felt like he could control this slowness.

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