The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 468: this is my day

Chapter 468: this is my day

Vatican City Central Church, General Clark Street.

This was the church where the big things were happening for today. Not only people from all over the Spartan republic, even esteemed guests from foreign high-grade countries came to grace this occasion.

Today was the day of Vatican City heros marriage ceremony. After 22 years as a single, General Clark Pendragon was finally ready to tie the nut with his fiance.

The name of the street where the ceremony was commencing was given and commissioned a few days after Clark became a General.

Some of the most esteemed guests attending the marriage ceremony were the legendary President of the Spartan republic, Leonidas, and the armor tycoon, the billionaire Mr. Calibri of the Dakran republic.

These 2 people were such powerful and well-known personalities in their own rights that their attendance alone shot the attention being given to the marriage ceremony to the highest point.

Not only that, the marriage proceedings were being projected live in the big 5 joint live projection companies, which was only normally used when the big 5 wanted to set a new rule that may change the paradigms of the era.

It was used last 2 decades ago, which only showed how much importance was being placed to this marriage not only to other peoples puzzlement but to the couples puzzlement also.

Clark already tried getting to know exactly what was happening through authority figures that he knew, but all of them told him to wait till after the marriage ceremony.

Left with no choice, he could only obey their will and focus on enjoying his marriage ceremony as it was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

At this moment, he was already at the church podium with his best man beside him, Corporal Leonard Bane who broke through a month ago.

He tried to suppress it but he could not, he was all smiles as he looked at all the guests that came to celebrate with him at his marriage ceremony.

Who would have thought the 18-year-old cadet would become so big in the future? This was the only question in his head as an urge to shed tears started dominating his mind which he quickly got rid of.

Though he never really thought of his parents, at this moment, he could not help but miss them as his emotions became jumbled up.

Noticing it on time, Leo raised his hand with the wiper in it and gently cleaned his best friends eyes. He winked at him before patting his back. Cheer up bro, this is your day.

Yeah, this is my day. Clark smiled again.

The marriage proceedings continued for a few minutes before slow, soft, and sweet music started being played in the background. It was time to welcome the bride to the podium.

Every eye turned to the door including Clarks as they all shone with focus to welcome the lucky bride of the day.

Her first step inside the church took breaths away. Sonia was dressed in a long stylish flowing gown that was decorated with shiny white gems and crystals, her face and body were lightened with nice make-up.

At this moment, she looked more like an angel than a human. In the podium at the front, despite her face being covered by a white veil, she stole her husbands heart away.

Beside her was her father. A proud Mr. Calibri was all smiles as he led his gorgeous daughter to the podium, his happiness could not be restrained.

After a sweet and deliciously styled walk to the podium, he finally handed his daughter to the handsome soldier with a smile.

Thanks, Dad. Clark greeted with a smile.

Youre welcome. Mr. Calibri answered before going back to his seat.

As soon as he held his wife-to-bes hand, Clark felt some familiar stares concentrating on his back. Turning his head slightly, he saw King, Albert, Josh, and a few others of his friends smiling, winking, and sending thump-ups at him.

Seeing this, he felt a little embarrassed and had the urge to bonk them on the head but in the end, he just smiled back at them.

Do you, Mr. Clark Pendragon, wish to take Ms. Sonia Calibri as your lawfully wedded wife to love, to protect, and to cherish forever in every situation of life?

I do.

Clap! Clap! A round of applause arose from the audience.

Do you, Ms. Sonia Calibri, wish to take Mr. Clark Pendragon as your lawfully wedded husband to love, to honor, and to cherish forever in every situation of life?

I do. Sonia responded with a smile under her veil.

Clap! Clap! The audience responded with even louder applause.

I hereby bear witness to this union, in the name of the father, and of the Son, and the holy spirit.

You may kiss your bride.

A tense silence fell for a few seconds as Clark turned to face his wife with a smile. Slowly, he raised his hand to remove the veil, exposing the beauty underneath.

Seeing the beautiful face before him, Clark went for the target before his brain could correctly process what he was doing.

He gently grabbed Sonia on her hips who responded by grabbing him on the neck. They leaned closer, then their lips enveloped each other.

Clap! Clap! The audience clapped even louder amid the cluttering sounds of virtual cameras as pictures were rapidly taken for reference.

Go Clark! Go Clark!

King started it, soon Albert and the others joined as they chanted their friends name from the background. They stopped only after the couple finally separated.

From today, I hereby declare you husband and wife.

Clark and Sonia didnt kiss again, they simply smiled and hugged each other as tears of joy trailed down Sonias face, prompting her best woman to work on wiping them off.

It didnt take much longer before the church service came to an end. As soon as everything ended, the couple came out and started taking photos with family and friends.

Here, Clark fulfilled a childhood dream that he always had, he took a photo with his childhood idol, President Leonidas.

Today was undoubtedly the best day of his life.

About an hour later, the couple got home to their mansion. It wasnt Clarks original mansion; it was a marriage gift that Mr. Calibri bought to celebrate his daughters successful marriage.

Comparing this with Clarks previous mansion was like comparing bronze to gold, it was miles ahead and luxurious in everything.

Throughout the rest of the day and the night, Clark enjoyed himself to the fullest with his wife. It was a day he would never forget.

[Thanks for reading.]

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