The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 466: a date

Chapter 466: a date

A day after the reunion with her family, Sonia took permission with her parents before going on the first official date with her boyfriend.

It was a date, but they just wanted to spend more time together and close to each other. The few years apart was torment to them, now that they had the opportunity, they wanted to make up for it by all means.

At first, staying together left them feeling awkward but they soon got over it and started reliving the feelings of a few years ago.

For the destination for their first date, none of them planned for it as they were both individuals who have never interacted with the opposite sex in such fashions before now.

As the only daughter of a famous billionaire, other billionaire sons already tried courting her in the past but she simply didnt find them appealing enough, so she always ignored and avoided them.

After just a day of staying with Clark, her brother, and her parents in her childhood home, she now felt the feeling of home again.

Though the trauma left by the Sahara was still there, it already reduced by a lot. Unlike in the Sahara where she always had to act tough, now she could simply act anyway she wanted, like right now when she acted like a kid before Clark.

Not a stubborn kid, just a fragile but mischievous one.

Sonia, please stop. Clark was exasperated as he used his eyes to indicate at the people around them. Cant you see the people around us, youre embarrassing us.

Whats embarrassing about this? You called me your girlfriend to my parents when I never even gave my consent, so you have to carry me now.

Cough, I did that to save you.

As the both of them kept on bickering about why one needed to carry the other, Clark eventually admitted defeat as he felt embarrassed arguing with her just after rescuing her.

In the end, he resigned to his fate and carried her to the nearest cable cab. Still carrying her, the both of them entered the cab amid loving, curious, and reproachful eyes from the other passengers.

After the required passengers were complete, the cable cab jerked, aligning with the long cables as it started the journey through the skies across the cables.

As he already succumbed once to her wishes, Clark adamantly refused to succumb a second time so he got to chose their destination this time.

After thinking long and hard, he settled for the Bane Mangrove waterfalls.

During their journey to their destination, Clark finally started narrating his encounters since they separated as Sonia already narrated hers the previous day.

Of course, before his girlfriend, he didnt want to make himself look pitiful so he exaggerated a bit to make the stories much more exciting and badass in his favor which Sonia reacted to with raised eyebrows and soft chuckles.

He told her everything, his exciting adventures in the Mediterranean Sea, the next one in the cold Everest, his encounter with the primordial exobeast Drakonous, a lot of other things then finally his encounter in the Sahara.

After saying his, Clark finally raised a doubt that hes been having since. Though he knew Sonia was talented the other time that they were together, he didnt expect her to become a 3rd rank high-grade soldier so quickly.

Hearing his doubts, Sonia erupted laughing while covering her mouth with her fair hands to prevent herself from losing control due to the laughter.

Whats so funny? Clark suddenly felt bad.

Nothing, I just told you that I had a teacher. She chuckled and gently caressed his head to comfort him on seeing the sad expression on his face.

Ah, before I forget, you also said you had a teacher. Please, can you tell me about this teacher of yours?

For some reason, Clark could not respond as he was charmed by the look on his girlfriends face as she giggled, smiled, and chuckled.

Noticing the strange action, Sonia froze. What?

In reply, a hand enveloped the back of her head as a lip enveloped hers almost at the same time. She almost instinctively pushed but for some reason she held back, then she simply left herself to melt in the feeling.

A few seconds later, they separated, now feeling even more awkward due to the stares from the other passengers around them.

Hey, why did you do that? Sonia finally protested, feeling a little embarrassed as she bumped a fist at his chest.

You stole my first kiss. Clark answered with an innocent expression on his face, leaving Sonia flabbergasted.

What? You started it, you came closer Seeing Clarks face turning to a smile as she spoke, she felt even more embarrassed. Ill beat you!

Their date was an awkward one but Sonia and Clark thoroughly enjoyed themselves. After getting to the Bane Mangrove waterfalls, the both of them spent hours there, watching the beautiful waterfalls with other tourists.

From there, Sonia suggested next that they visit a restaurant which Clark gave his consent to. The both of them checked the internet, got the information of the restaurant with the best reputation nearby before going over.

Getting to the restaurant, they had another enjoyable encounter as they ate a variety of the food that they ordered and was prepared by the restaurant VIP chef who was specially reserved to serve them.

By the time that they finished eating, it was already afternoon and once again, it was Clarks turn to suggest their next destination.

After thinking a bit, he made his suggestion. Lets go to my country.

Hearing that, Sonia pouted a bit like she already expected it but she didnt complain, she stood up and they both left.

With the resources available to her through her family, the long journey was reduced to less than an hour and 30 minutes.

Getting to the Spartan republic, the first thing that Clark did was to meet his friends. Surprisingly, the Pendragon mercenary group was also in the country, so he met with Emily, King, and the others too.

They all had a nice time at a 7-star hotel, enjoying life to the fullest around 4:00 pm. From there, Clark left with his girlfriend, and they visited Sonias friends whom she got acquainted with when she impersonated a Spartan soldier.

From there, they visited Clarks ancestral home. They watched one of Clarks favorite movies there until evening set in.

Lets sleep at a hotel, my mansion is dominated by my student.

Ok, I almost forgot that you said you had a student. So, which hotel?

Hearing that, Clark smiled. He had the perfect candidate in his mind already, he promised to visit again a few years back when he was still a cadet.

10 minutes later.

Welcome, Mr. Clark Pendragon.

Thanks, Ms., no, its Mrs. Lily now, you remember me?

Yes, sir, how would I forget you? I thought you already forgot about your promise, you really came back?

Yeah, I did. Clark smiled.

This hotel was the same hotel that he lodged when he finished his last graduation mission issued by his cadet training base then. He promised to come back, and here he was.

So, whos the pretty miss here? Lily asked with a smile.

Oh, shes my fiance, Miss Sonia Calibri.

Nice to meet you. Sonia offered a handshake with a smile on her face.

Nice to meet you too, I wish the both of you a nice time together.


After Mrs. Lily left, Clark finally entered the room with his girlfriend. As soon as he entered, perhaps, stimulated by tiredness or she has been holding it in, Sonia hugged him tightly.

With a smile that seemed awkward and panicked at first, he hugged her back, allowing his male hormones to respond appropriately as he carried and lifted her into the king-sized bed.

They both had a nice time together.

[Thanks for reading.]

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