The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 463: reunion

Chapter 463: reunion

While Arthur asked the pirate, Clark already went to work as he closed his eyes to focus. As experienced soldiers, they already put a lot of contingencies in place during their tour around the pirate city.

Even if they wanted to catch some fun, it was too unrealistic for them to just keep touring without setting anything in place.

With his implant, Clark immediately accessed the hidden cameras that they placed around the city, most especially this bar. It didnt take him long; he saw a hooded female going out through the bars back door.

Found our target.

While muttering to Arthur, Clark already turned to storm out of the bar. Arthur simply knocked the 2 pirates out before storming out also.

In seconds, they were out of the bars main structure.

A few meters away from the bar, a hooded lady walked through the streets at a leisure pace as she kept a close but alert eye on her surroundings.

Who are those mercenaries? Asking this in her mind made her shudder.

Though she tried to keep herself calm, she just couldnt stop her emotions from spilling over. When she heard from her subordinate of the 2 mercenaries tailing him, she took them as the everyday mercenary.

What she didnt expect was for these 2 fellows to be both 3rd rank high-grade mercenaries. The horror she felt when they acted was so strong that she froze for a few seconds, but she quickly escaped after recovering.

Right now, all she wanted was to get far away from the bar. As she left, she couldnt help but bite her teeth in anger and frustration.

She was supposed to be used to it already, but every time that it happened, it always left her feeling clueless, frustrated, and abandoned.

Ill avenge you, Crane! She growled.

Beep! Beep!

Immediately after she growled, she heard this, making her stiffen slightly. Without even looking, she already knew what happened and reacted accordingly with speed.

No longer willing to remain conservative, she sprang up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, disappearing into the nearby alley in seconds.

As she ran, she also brought out a jamming device and activated it.


Clark and Arthur stormed outside, but they had no choice but to stop. They lost the pirate already, and now the cameras were also rendered useless.

This didnt frustrate them much though; they were confident in their strength and abilities so they simply separated and went in pursuit.

Somewhere in the pirate city, an underground hall was crudely built. In this underground hall was a group of pirates who were dressed better and looked more powerful than normal pirates, their leader was Pirate Queen Anamel.

This Pirate Queen was currently seated in the only chair inside the underground hall with her legs crossed, revealing her tantalizing cleavages.

A few meters away from her, her subordinates stood, manipulating different virtual devices as they maintained their surveillance of the city.

The next moment, a sound was heard.

Beep! Beep!

One of the pirates suddenly stood up and went to meet the Queen who was nonchalantly seated. Queen Anamel, the target has been found.

Hearing that, the Pirate Queen smiled, then she cracked her head to relax her neck muscles before standing up. Good!

As the female pirate who was still escaping the 2 mercenarys pursuit continued escaping, she suddenly experienced a feeling like she was locked on.

As a veteran pirate who has survived in this treacherous region for years, she trusted her intuition than every other thing so she tried taking precautions immediately while fearing the worst.

Entering another alley as a female pirate in a black hood, she came out as a middle-aged female pirate but with rough green hair and a black leather vest.

After changing into this, she felt secure for a few minutes as she continued her escape in a less conspicuous manner but what happened next made her despair. Out of nowhere, a group of pirates appeared in front of her.

Cobra b*tch, I knew you would change your disguise again, Im already used to all your stupid antics and methods.

Turning her head, she saw someone that she didnt want to see at all at this moment. She stopped as the pirates took this opportunity to start surrounding her but her brain was somewhere else, thinking of how to escape.

In the end, she concluded that facing the 2 terrifying mercenaries was the worst outcome. Against them, she was sure to die but against her greatest rival, perhaps her knowledge would help her tide through.

Youre the b*tch! She growled before lunging forward.

Like I expected. Pirate Queen Anamel scoffed. Kill her!

Already prepared for her, the pirates used targeted measures against her to slow her swift battle style, preventing her from escaping immediately then the real battle finally started.

After over 8 minutes of looking for the pirate that escaped their grasp, when Arthur was already feeling frustrated, he heard the residual sounds of an ongoing battle. He didnt know what was happening but he checked nonetheless.

Looking over from a few meters away, Arthur quickly understood the situation. Though she was currently disguised, his scanning device told him that this was the same target that they were looking for.

He didnt engage immediately; he instead patiently waited and sent a message to Clark. When they attacked, he wanted to wipe every pirate on the scene at the fastest possible speed.

About 2 minutes later after Clark arrived, he also laid his eyes on the battle. At this moment, the green-haired lady was already bloody and injured.

Are they fighting for the pistol As Clark asked, his tone lowered as a memory started being triggered in his brain. He looked at the green-haired pirate more intently, then his brain suddenly seemed to have short-circuited.

Clark. Arthur called softly.

Clark! This time, the battling pirates heard the voice.

Though they still battled, the pirates turned their attention to see the newcomers. As soon as the green-haired lady turned her head, she stiffened, allowing her archenemys sword to stab deep inside her abdomen.

Youre dead now, b*tch! Pirate Queen Anamel screamed in hate.

Seeing this sight, Clarks brain exploded as he felt like a wrench was driven through his heart. Without even thinking, he rushed out into the battlefield while bringing out his exotic spear.

He swung his sword at every obstacle obstructing his path, using his full force that enabled the spear to cut through like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Bam! Bam!

4 minutes later, every pirate on the battlefield was lying in a pool of their own blood, leaving only the green-haired pirate.

Clark stood, not knowing what to do next as he looked at the green-haired pirate with complicated emotions flashing through his eyes.

His hand was injured and bloody but he could not feel the pain, only the pain being reflected in this pirates eyes hit his heart repeatedly.

Sonia? He called out softly.

Clark needed no confirmation, her reaction on hearing the name said it all. This was his girlfriend, this was Sonia Calibri, and at this moment, she needed a big hug from him and that was what he did.

Sonia didnt reject his hug; she simply melted in his broad chest and broke down in tears. All her pent-up emotions were let out.

From the side, Arthur looked on at this scene silently.

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