The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 456: a band of rhinos

Chapter 456: a band of rhinos

The next morning, after waking up, Clark felt relieved as none of the tourists detected his actions through his robot after they finally escaped the scorpions which met his treasure was safe.

Due to the death of Miss Tracy and the other tourists, the survivors were a little affected. The more time they spent together, the more they dreaded it when one of them died.

Despite all these, they were still adamant in their goal to get to the tip of supremacy. With Mr. Sandstorm taking the cue, everyone started preparing to start a brand-new journey today again.

A few minutes later after they were done, they switched on their cave lights and slowly navigated their way forward, gradually disappearing into the distance.

2 weeks and a few days later, the expedition team finally got to the end of the tunnel after surviving several great ordeals that almost wiped them out.

Their encounters throughout the journey was eventful enough to be documented into a blockbuster movie. Just their first day in, they met an exobeast sand fox and a powerful group of scimitar-horned oryxes.

For the later, both Mr. Sandstorm and lady treasure had to reveal extra trump cards before they escaped the deadly exobeasts pursuit amid 4 deaths as the leading scimitar-horned oryx had 3rd rank high-grade strength.

For the next 2 weeks after, they encountered danger upon danger that left them at the brink of death. Now, only 8 tourist survivors were left, and 6 locals.

After all these ordeals, finally finding the end of the tunnel left them emotional. They felt like the journey spanned lifetimes instead of just over a month.

Lady treasure was the lady mercenary. Mr. Sandstorm mistakenly called her this once, though he apologized, every tourist in the group already recorded it in their minds as the name was apt for the lady.

The sandy tunnel came to a natural end with the other parts completely submerged in the unending sand. At the end stood what seemed like a staircase made from congealed sand leading upwards.

Seeing this staircase, the tourists felt emotional. After everything that they went through, they were among the lucky who tide through till the end.

To some of the tourists, this feat of surviving the journey through the sandy tunnel alone was enough to validate them as real adventurers.

With an abnormally serious expression on his face, Mr. Sandstorm took the lead, climbing up the staircase. As soon as he climbed, the other tourists in the expedition team followed after him.

After spending over a month together since the expedition team was formed, they already formed a bond between themselves but Clark could acutely feel something wrong in the atmosphere.

He became wary but he didnt pay much attention to it. According to Mr. Sandstorm, they were now close to their destination more than ever before, and he deemed it that the time was right for him to strike to get his treasure.

He knew that he was not the only one who felt this way, every mercenary that was in the expedition team probably felt the same way.

Despite his feelings, he didnt say a word as the tourists followed Mr. Sandstorm upwards. It didnt take them long before they climbed to the top, and at the top was a familiar object, another of the metal pipe.

Getting there, Mr. Sandstorm didnt follow the procedures to open the pipe and get access inside immediately as he instead turned to face his customers.

His expression was a little complicated, he glanced longer at lady treasure and the mercenaries but in the end, he turned to rapidly input the necessary codes to access the metal pipe.

While inputting the code, the other local guides went closer to him and surrounded him like they were protecting him against something.

[Sand Warrior Recognized!]

[Rank: Expedition Team Captain.]

[Authority: 2G Authority.]

[Order Received: Desert mechanical pipe opening]

With a whoosh sound, an opening was revealed to access inside the metal pipe. As soon as the opening was revealed, Mr. Sandstorms right hand grabbed his weapon as his muscles tensed up.

The 1st and 2nd second passed but nothing happened, by the 10th minute, he finally relaxed and entered the mechanical pipe.

Though no one spoke, every tourist in the team noticed what just happened. No matter how dumb they were, they already deduced that something was about to happen so they took the necessary precautions.

Though they badly wanted to ask their lead guide what caused his actions, the rare action was enough to make them keep quiet and become cautious.

After entering the mechanical pipe, none of them could rest easy due to the previous actions. Amid the tense atmosphere, Mr. Sandstorm inputted the details again as the pipe jerked slightly before revealing another opening outside.


As soon as the mechanical pipe started opening, someone erupted. Already aware of her notoriety, every other tourist kept a safe distance from lady treasure but this safe distance was clearly not safe before her.

As soon as the pipe opened, she rushed forward with such speed that only a blur was left in her wake. Her spear conveniently sliced through, separating a tourists head from his body as she arrived before her target- Mr. Sandstorm.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

The locals protecting the lead guide immediately opened fire at the terrifying lady mercenary, but these were worth fart before her might.

She easily dodged while deflecting the other bullets as she arrived before her target instantly. Her left hand grabbed Mr. Sandstorm on the neck, while her right hand sliced down with her sword at his throat.

A loud metallic ringing sound reverberated the next moment as a shield far sturdier than the one being used by Mr. Sandstorm since appeared.

A loud booming sound followed as a rocket suddenly materialized on the guides back. Before the huge force could push him away, he grabbed 2 of his fellow locals to escape with.

The enormous Newtons of force behind the rocket was able to yank the guide, successfully freeing him from the death grip of the mercenary.

Seeing what just happened, the other tourists in the team freaked out as they had different reactions to what just happened. Those with guards were grabbed by them as they went on the run.

All these people, including Clark was slow, the only person who reacted at the same instant that the lady mercenary moved was the petite lady.

As soon as Mr. Sandstorm escaped with 2 of his fellow locals, the lady appeared at the entrance, narrowly slipping through before lady treasure could discover her completely.


Lady treasure discovered it late, but she attacked instinctively after detecting it. Her sword cut 2 of the locals obstructing her path apart, clearing a passage to the petite lady through their blood.

Seeing everything that transpired, Clark already knew what was happening. The local guides already escorted them to a location that lady treasure knew, so she wanted to silence everyone and keep everything for herself.

As his eyes flickered, the other tourists already sprang up as they started running towards the entrance of the pipe to escape.

Lady treasure was far stronger than the petite lady. Though she managed to escape outside the pipe due to her frightening agility and flexibility, lady treasure still caught her but this was all she needed.

Lady treasure stiffened after catching her target as she felt something, she dodged and rolled immediately but she was still hit by the powerful horn of the deadly creature.


This was a band of Rhino exobeasts.

[Thanks for reading.]

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