The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 447: treasure impure exotic metal

Chapter 447: treasure impure exotic metal

Hearing the scream, the other tourists felt their hearts tense up as horrifying scenarios were cooked up by their mischievous brain but they did not break their formation.

Mustering all the courage that they could, the other tourists finally turned to look when Clark and some others already looked since.

At this was a tense atmosphere, they were obviously not about to stay in one place for long so all of them acted fast while still fending the relentless attacks from the Scavenger rats.

The almost invisible eye lenses on Clarks eyes silently flickered, then a deep scan was performed, outlining the object that was below the sand. Clarks implant worked rapidly and quickly arrived at the answer.

[Ding! Object Identified: Impure Exotic Metal.]

[Type: Daniphite Metal.]

[Size: 2 meters.]

[Value: Approximately 500 million Spartan credits.]

Seeing this, Clarks eyes rapidly flickered as he felt a bout of greed strike at his heart. His legs almost moved forward already but he was able to hold himself back after exerting all his willpower.

Right now, keeping his disguise was the priority. He was not ready to botch his chances of finding his girlfriend for 500 million Spartan credits though he was severely tempted.

As he thought, others already moved towards the object with speed.

The 2 other mercenaries that Clark recognized moved with speed like phantoms. They may not understand the value of this metal, but getting it first and appraising it later was a basic mercenary rule.

What surprised Clark was that apart from these 2 mercenaries, another tourist that he didnt suspect before joined the fray too and she was the fastest.

The 2 mercenaries already pulled their weapons intending to attack each other to vie for the first to get the treasure.

Seeing the 3rd party, they subconsciously turned their attention to deal with the petite lady tourist first but this seemingly harmless lady was indeed harmless, but she was as flexible as a leaf drifting in a windy storm.

She bent, rolled, ducked, and dashed forward like a veteran rat collector, leaving the 2 mercenaries to the dust in just a few seconds.

The 2 fellows were dumbfounded but they did not give up as they rushed closer in pursuit. With vicious expressions now on their faces, they pulled their guns and shot at her.

Already predicting that the lady rolled one last time, her hands gently brushing against the glowing metal slightly poking out of the ground and it disappeared with her hands pulling back.

Immediately, she gave up on going further with the expedition team as she rolled into the midst of the horde of Scavenger rats intending to escape through the chaos.


A sword suddenly stabbed down, sending countless Scavenger rats flying while killing a ton of others as the sword stopped slightly at the ladys neck.

The lady paused at the last moment, just a step further and she would have lost her head. With a bitter expression on her face, she inclined her head up to see who it was.

The mercenary lady who volunteered to lead the expedition looked down at her coldly. The next moment, she tapped her hips, activating a blue energy shield that shimmered to life around the both of them.

Hand it over and come back to the expedition team. She coldly demanded.

Hearing her tone, the petite lady bit her lips. She wanted to argue but she knew that it meant nothing before someone stronger than her. While gritting her teeth, she produced the metal out of thin air.

The real one. The mercenary demanded even more coldly as she pressed her sword closer to the petite ladys neck, drawing even more blood.

Ok, please, take

As she blurted out, she suddenly rolled backward, not stopping mid-way, she rolled to the side intending to mix with the horde of rats again but a powerful force suddenly impacted her back.


The mercenary viciously kicked at her back with force, sending her slamming to the ground as she coughed out blood in waves.

Here it is. She quickly threw the metal object down amid her coughing blood as the mercenary was already ready to deal the death blow.

Without saying a word, the female mercenary picked the object up and kept it in her bag. She shot the petite lady a cold look before swaggering away, her exotic shield dissipated with her as she left.

Already expecting that, the petite lady did a backflip, jumping to her feet as she immediately scurried her way back to the expedition team.

While fending off the Scavenger rat horde, Clark and the other tourists in the team looked at the 4 of them who participated in the treasure hunt with mixed expressions on their faces.

After grouping back with them, the lady said coldly. Lets continue.

No tourist in the team said a word, her show of power already planted a psychological cue in the hearts of the other tourists in the team. Even Mr. Sandstorm was quiet as a light bulb as they followed her lead.

Even though such a strong lady kept most of the danger away from them, such a horde of Scavenger rats was still powerful in their own rights which gave them a lot of problems.

After everything that happened, the youth Casanova already mellowed down a lot and the family of 4 were already showing some regret for why they decided to participate in such an extreme horror and thriller adventure.

The death of 4 of their teammates already left a trauma in their hearts, the only thing saving them from not going crazy immediately was the fact that they already heard of such situations before embarking on the expedition.

For the remaining part of the escape, with no intruder like the maneater snake coming for their flesh, they persevered through the horde of Scavenger rats in exchange for paying a huge price.

If not for the energy shield that Mr. Sandstorm erected around them when the going went too tough, more of them would have died.

Under his expert directions and understanding of the region, they persevered through the tide of beasts and finally arrived at the man-made pipe which was slightly revealed after the sandstorm started.

On getting to the location of the pipe, Mr. Sandstorm ordered the others to form a protective formation around him while he went to work.

He searched through the whole pipe and found what he was looking for a few minutes later written on its surface.

[Tunnel route: U-29.]

The guide visibly heaved a sigh of relief before summoning what seemed like a virtual master key. He pressed a strange depression inside a part of the pipe, then a virtual screen opened before him.

After rapidly inputting some strange figures out of the sight of the tourists, he finally inserted the virtual key in a virtual hole.


The pipe snapped open with a sound, revealing a rusted metal interior to them. Mr. Sandstorm heaved a sigh of relief and turned to them.

Lets go in.

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