The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 436: meeting with the calibri intelligence agency again

Chapter 436: meeting with the calibri intelligence agency again

Vatican City, 5 days after the war.

The city was now in full recovery mode as soldiers, constructors, architects, and engineers patrolled everywhere, measuring and calculating various statistics on how to best reconstruct the city.

The recovery was not as fast as predicted, this was because of the huge money that the city lost in the war and there was little that can be done about it.

Vatican City was among the cities in the republic that lost the least money, despite this such money was still staggering to them.

After addressing the whole city, Clark finally convened with the citizens and a mass burial was organized 2 days ago to bury the dead.

It was a sad atmosphere throughout but the deed was done and nothing could be done to revert it.

After the burial, the city pooled its remaining cash reserves to compensate and support the families of the deceased soldiers, and also to slightly help the civilians. This was the best that could be done given the situation.

After construction for the past few days, the main road leading through the city which suffered lots of damages was now more or less pliable again.

The city simply focused on the more important things first, the others would be attended to later when the cash flow rate increased.

Emily and the Pendragon mercenary group stayed for 4 days in the country after the war before they left. As a mercenary group, they had to continue with their lives to make money and maintain a living.

Right now, in Clarks mansion, only his assistant Rose, Albert, and his workers who all survived the war were left.

As one of the most expensive buildings in the city, his mansion suffered some damages after being focus-attacked but it was able to hold strong, protecting all the people that were inside.

From leaving to visit the new virtual market headquarters built in the city, that was the last time that Clark caught a glimpse of his mansion and his assistant till the war ended.

Some of the workers in his mansion were among those that mourned, some of them lost family members and friends in the war.

Because of this and a lot of other reasons, Clark allowed most of them to go on a mourning leave. The war was over but his mind was still a mess.

One of the main things that left the most trauma on him from the war was the death of the old woman he referred to as his mom. Thinking of it only left him boiling in rage.

She didnt die from being shot or from the shockwaves of the war because she was perfectly protected, rather she died from a heart attack after being tense for the 7 days duration of the war.

When he heard the news, he felt like a wrench was drilled through his heart. Once again, he felt the cruelty of war which only made him feel like tearing his brain out in pain and rage.

Are you leaving?

Alberts question jolted him out of his emotional battle as he turned to look at his student. Yes, Ill be back later in the day.

Without saying another word, he put on his jacket, went outside, and left on one of his luxurious cars.

After the war, he tracked his exotic car, and unsurprisingly, his car got damaged completely due to its proximity to the Presidential Villa battlefield when it grew the hottest and most intense.

At this moment, he already grew numb to the bad news that followed after the war so he didnt even bother to feel bad about it.

Right now, he wanted to visit the address that was sent to him by the Calibri Intelligence Agency. He felt that doing this was the only way for him to retain his rationality, or else he would probably go crazy from the agony of the war.

The next day was the main military burial that would be organized in the Spartan army headquarters, and he was obligated to be in attendance.

He wanted to conclude matters with the Calibri Intelligence Agency before going the next day for the mass burial.

Vatican City, Low Ridge District, Ram Street, The Galloping Bar.

Silently confirming the address in his car, Clark finally switched off his car before coming down. With his mask, he already changed his face as he didnt want to draw unnecessary attention.

The galloping bar was a normal bar where drunkards drank their sorrows away. At this moment, the bar was unnaturally full because of the people depressed from the outcomes of the war.

With the intention to not draw unnecessary attention, Clark entered the bar and located one of the few tables that were not occupied yet.

2 men already sat there, so he gave them a tip so they could leave. Seeing the money that was offered, the 2 men did not complain as they took it and calmly left the bar.

Then, Clark offered 3 bottles of a soft drink. He placed all 3 on the table to form a triangular shape, then he placed his hand in the middle of the triangle.

The ring on his finger was reflected in the smooth surfaces of the 3 bottles.

This was the secret gesture that he agreed with the intelligence agency to make contact. 2 minutes after he made this gesture on the table, a man came and sat opposite him.

C? The man asked.

I. E. Clark replied smoothly.

The man nodded, then he brought out a book and placed it on the table before him. He raised his head and looked straight at his eyes.

When are you leaving?

Less than 4 days from now.

The man nodded. Without saying another word, he stood up and left the bar. Clark tried to trace him with his implant but he soon left his range, it seemed like he disappeared completely.

Shaking his head slightly, he held the book that was placed before him.

>Medical Physiotherapy>

This was written at its top. He looked at it for a few seconds before putting it inside his jacket, then he stood up and left the bar.

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