The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 429: peak highgrade power

Chapter 429: peak highgrade power

Seeing the outcome of the clash that just happened, both the Spartan and Mocan armies were thrown into a daze amid their fierce battle.

Disbelief and horror could be felt from the Mocan army, seeing their 2 seemingly invisible Commanders get so beaten in just 2 minutes and forced out of the battlefield sprouted all the horrors in their hearts.

They felt like they were hallucinating, but they knew that it was real.

For the Spartan army, the soldiers only felt reverence and adoration on seeing this. The morale which was originally slowly dying rose again, spiked, and blazed like raging wildfire in harmattan.

For Sparta! They roared in unison.

Then, like they received a strange buff, they became more effective on the battlefield immediately as they automatically switched their strategy from defense to offense.

Every single Spartan soldier on the battlefield suddenly started punching harder, the ranged soldiers strangely started shooting sharper with more accuracy, they fought like a god of war possessed them.

If the war was originally at an intense state, at this moment, it directly graduated to an apocalyptic intense state of war.

Without even taking a glance at the change that happened on the battlefield due to his actions, Leonidass face revealed a slight twitch of pain but he suppressed it as his eyes remained trained on the 5 warships.

Already noticing the threat, the warships tried to adjust but did it mean much? The answer was up in the air as the President moved.

With a loud whooshing sound, President Leonidas activated the same speed gadget, propelling him at tons of Newton forces as he rapidly moved towards the nearest warship in preparation to collide against it.


His sword was held back by the sturdy defense shield protecting the warship, but his golden energy force erupted again, pushing the sword with even more force as a part of the shield popped into starlight.

His hands did not stop, he quickly chained dozens of stabs and slashes with the first as the warship started shaking in the air.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

Without hesitation, the warship retaliated amidst its shaking. All its subsidiary weapon armaments bombarded this human, while the main weapon armaments tried to aim at him to bring him down.

Amid the bombardment of bullets, energy beams, and fire, President Leonidas moved around the warship, flashing left and right like a phantom as his sword repeatedly flashed with him.

Even the other 4 Mocan warships started providing cover fire, but all these were not enough to put down the Spartan President.

Surrounded by his golden energy force, each attack from him squeezed the air, shredding the space like the tides of history and time were being rewritten.

Darkness from the void covered the air, it felt like a black hole directly descended as the shockwaves of the fierce battle converged to form a thick black fog in the air.

Amid this thick black fog, the lights of the warship suffering the attack illuminated some parts, while the other parts were illuminated by the occasional flashes of golden energy that accompanied each attack from the Spartan President.

After a fierce battle where his blood was drawn, Leonidas finally succeeded in breaching a hole through the extremely durable energy shield.

Before the warship could automatically repair it, he rapidly rushed inside, colliding with the exotic metal armor of the warship.

His sheer power combined with his exotic sword meant that the armor could only do so much before him, the first stab from him cut through deep inside the thick armor of the warship.

The warship sent warning alarms everywhere, alerting the crew manning it but it did not do much in changing the overall situation.

After chaining together 5 attacks at the same location, the Spartan President finally got access inside the warship.

With eyes still blazing fierily with a golden light, he swept a glance at the interior of the warship before he started his work which was destruction.

The field soldiers guarding the warships inside tried to intercept him, but they were just like moths flying towards the fire. They were burnt without being able to deal any damage.

The numerous defense measures of the warship were activated in a bid to stop the damage, but a 5th rank high-grade soldier like the Spartan President was a nightmare that should only exist in dreams.

Boom! Boom!

Outside, only booming sounds could be heard as the soldiers saw the constantly vibrating body of the warship.

Its altitude slowly decreased like its energy reserves were being rapidly used up, its shaking made it seem like it would explode any moment from now and it did explode.

With one last explosive sound, a part of the warship exploded as it finally lost all its propulsion force. The fire tried to spread, but the anti-fire systems worked rapidly to curb the remaining effects of the explosion.

It didnt explode completely, but it was crippled completely.

For the first time since the war started, a warship crashed. Amid the loud sounds of the ongoing battle, invisible ripples containing different emotions seemed to ripple through the air.

As the warships crashed, falling down, a golden figure suddenly tore out a hole through the side of the warship and started rapidly advancing towards the next warship like a launched nuclear bomb.

The crew of the warship was stunned, they tried to adjust but the meteor-like object already slammed at them.


This time, due to the accumulated speed, force, and other factors, President Leonidas succeeded in drilling a hole through the warship just from one charge.

The same situation that happened to the first warship started again. After a fierce tug of war between them that spanned 10 minutes this time, the warship succumbed as he finally infiltrated.

The forces inside resisted him more fiercely, but no one could still stop him as he destroyed every obstacle like a bulldozer.

In just 17 minutes since the Spartan President appeared on the battlefield, he made the 2 Mocan Commanders flee with their tails behind their legs and crashed 2 Mocan warships.

While trying harder to suppress the twitching pain invading his body, Leonidas clenched his teeth, converged his golden energy force, and rushed at the next warship.

In just minutes since he came, the originally dominant Mocan forces were thrown into chaos and a huge disadvantage.

This was the power of a 5th rank high-grade soldier, a Commander who already grasped a little of the essence of his special ability or uniqueness- which was the golden uniqueness.

This was high-grade power at its peak and just below the Elite grade.

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