The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 414: scale of the war

Chapter 414: scale of the war

Northern Spartan, in the Presidential Villa.

At the war emergency building inside the Presidential Villa, a group of Spartan higher-ups was already gathered as they discussed the implications of the sudden invasion attempt from the Mocan republic.

Even at this moment, the sounds of battle, striking at high decibels could be heard from outside as the Spartan army engaged hard with the Mocan army.

The fact that the sound could reach inside this extremely fortified and soundproof building showed the proportions that the ongoing battle already climbed to.

A tense atmosphere reigned in the building as each higher-up had different thoughts in their mind. The only thing common among them was that all of them had a solemn expression on their faces.


The door suddenly flung open as a stern-faced Leonidas stepped into the meeting hall. His back was kept straight, his face was calm but this could not hide the certain dangerousness shining from his eyes.

Seeing the President step inside in such a mood, all the higher-ups currently present immediately stood up to welcome him.

As soon as he sat down, he did not beat around the bush. Rashford, tell me everything that I need to know.

Yes, Mr. President. Commander Rashford immediately stood up with an equally serious expression on his face as he projected statistical data in the air.

The war is already going on for 2 days already, and at this point, we already more or less completed our observation of the Mocans war strategy and pattern.

From the trajectory of the war, it is evident that they place more importance on this invasion attempt than previous ones, and their focus is on our higher-ups.

Not the soldiers, but mostly the civilian higher-ups that we have.

The invasion attempts first kickstarted in Odin, Naria, and Tempa City, and these 3 cities are the resident cities of our Minister of Technology development, Finance, and Implant Education respectively.

They were almost killed in the process, but they survived the initial wave.

After that, we escorted every willing higher-up of the republic to the Presidential Villa and in less than a day, over 60% of the Mocan forces converged here.

From the clues, this is clearly a revenge war for the Spartan Rages operation.

From the sounds that we are hearing, it is clear that though our soldiers are holding up, for now, it wont take much longer before the Mocan soldiers open a breach and infiltrate the Presidential Villa.

The Mocans invested a lot in this invasion without caring for losses, this is a war for dignity and prestige.

Their intensity and conviction are frightening this time, and they invested all their 11 warships in this war which is an astronomical force.

Our 6 warships can not compare in any way, that is why we need to make a decision immediately to curb the effects of this war.

And besides, both Commander Naga and Commander Ash were mobilized.

I already tried to mobilize more soldiers from the Spartan army headquarters, but there are more than enough sacrificial Mocan forces in place to tie them down.

Mr. President, I suggest that we call back all out external soldiers before it becomes too late. And also, every 3rd rank high-grade soldier and above should come and reinforce the Presidential Villa after stabilizing things in their region.

After saying this, Commander Rashford sat back down.

The silence of the other higher-ups indicated their consent to the plan. They were also frightened by the resolve of the Mocans this time, this was the first time that their archenemies were revealing all their trump cards so easily.

President Leonidas rapped his hands at the side of his chair for some seconds before he abruptly stood up. Rashford, you have my orders, do it.

As he was about to leave, he stopped and turned with narrowed eyes. Armstrong, I want to give you this last reminder to know your boundaries.

I dont want to personally take action, but if I ever discover that you have any hand behind this, you know what I can do better than most people here.

His tone became deeper and dangerous. I can decide to kill you and all your subordinates, and theres nothing anyone can say about it. Read my lips and remember my words.

Without waiting for the Generals reply, the President of the Spartan republic stormed out of the hall with heavy footsteps.

Amid the sound of the raging battle, Clark walked into his makeshift office to rest. After 2 days of unrelenting battles and sleepless nights with the fear of infiltration from the opponents, all his nerves were stretched taut.

Though Vatican City still held their enemy at a stalemate, their losses were slowly increasing as more of the soldiers became weary.

The energy powering the Dome Shield was already dimming as the unrelenting attacks from the Mocan soldiers already severely damaged it.

Now, attacks that were powerful enough could briefly breach it, resulting in more deaths among the Vatican City soldiers who were at the other side.

Despite the number of deaths, Vatican Citys situation was still good.

During these 2 days, Clark was not kept in the dark as he already heard the news about other cities. And though the news was hidden from lower-ranked soldiers, he knew the situation in the Presidential Villa.

The reports only made him more and more afraid of wars of such a scale, the deaths across the republic were already bordering towards a million just in 2 days.

And according to statistical experiments from previous invasion attempts, the number of deaths would spike after the 4th day of battle

The fact that the Mocan Republic mobilized all 11 of their warships also left him shuddering in fear. The thought almost prompted him to go retrieve his mech, but he knew that doing that was stupid.

He could only hold his nerves, do his best, and hope for the best.

The rest of the world already knew of the country-wide war, so no foreigner was entering the country as the whole of Sparta was already in a state of emergency.

The whole world stood still, watching this spectacle between archenemies like the best action movie available. This was what soldiers loved in this era.

Nodding in greeting at the soldiers that he met on the way, Clark quickly entered his room. As soon as he entered, he was attracted by his beeping communication device.

Going closer, he immediately went through the message.

His eyes narrowed in alarm. Is the situation so bad already that the President personally asked for reinforcements?

For the first time, he felt a sense of urgency. Due to the situation in Vatican City, he thought that the situation was not too serious but he could not be more wrong.

He finally knew why the Mocan soldiers fighting against his city did not call for reinforcements despite how much they suffered on his hands.

Clearly, the invasion started with a clear goal in mind.

According to the message, it said that he should stabilize the situation in his region before going to the Presidential Villa in at most 24 hours.

And his region meant Vatican City and environs.

Without any hesitation, he informed his commissioners and Corporal Cinnabar, made sure that no complication appeared in the battle before boarding his exotic car.

He secretly left the city to not alert the Mocan soldiers.

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