The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 403: mech battle the fall of a general

Chapter 403: mech battle the fall of a general

Seeing the destructive force that just wreaked havoc in his territory, General Cable felt an urge to laugh like a maniac but his vocal cords could not send the sound waves out.

He glared at the strange heavy machine. Whoever is controlling this, you and your whole family will be dead before the new year.

The mech did answer but not in words, it answered with action. Hidden ports were revealed all over the mech, from the leg all the way to the neck, heavy and light weapons came out from these opened ports.

The mech jerked, then all the weapons started releasing their loads at the General who didnt cower but rather sprinted directly to meet the mech.

Inside the mech, Clark felt his connection to the mech transit into a deeper level than ever before. As he expected, in a real battle, the feeling was entirely different.

The mech raised its right leg and took a step forward, it raised the sword high before striking it down at the rapidly advancing General.


General Cable dived in and got embroiled in a brutal battle with the mech.

Their swords repeatedly clashed head-on without engaging in any complicated maneuvers, both parties quickly got absolved in the euphoric feeling of pure unadulterated melee battle.

Every step from the mech sent the ground caving in and vibrating like an earthquake was imminent, every strike from it sent shockwaves that destroyed even more than the sword itself destroyed.

In just a minute, it became clear that the Presidential villa as a whole was slowly going towards that path of annihilation.

Outside the Presidential Villa, Captain Drake and the others stood while watching in awe and reverence. Though the bright lights of the battle were blinding, they could still get some details.

They could see the heavy machine moving all around the Presidential Villa, constantly sending heavy blows at the General.

They already guessed what it was but they found it hard to believe. In their knowledge, mechs were things of legends and sci-fi that were unrealistic, but seeing it in action left them feeling excited like kids and solemn like adults.

Every step from the mech sent tremors in the ground that they could detect from their position despite the kilometers distance separating them.

At this point, everything of importance was already destroyed, reducing the Presidential Villa to a rare ruin spanning kilometers.

The symbol of glory of the Radan republic was already reduced to dust.

Captain Drake and the others had complicated looks on their faces, most especially when they already guessed who was piloting the mech.

They looked at King and the others complicatedly, King had a solemn look on his face while Josh had an equally lost look on his face.

As for Albert, he was still in the process of finishing the daunting task of piloting his helicopter from the CenterPoint of the artificial disaster to safety.

As the others watched reverently, King suddenly excused himself before going to a secluded corner as quickly as he could. He brought out a special communication device, sighed before activating it.


The sword struck down again, hitting the General square in the face as he fell down and started coughing blood in waves. He immediately rolled away despite the pain to escape the follow-up attack of the mech.

His armor was repeatedly being destroyed, and he had to repeatedly replace them lest he dies the next moment without knowing how.

At this moment, most of his teeth were already lost to the repeated hits. At some point in time, rain started falling which further decorated the fierce battle.

He was still left in shock. How was a machine this big able to move and battle so fast, just like a high-grade soldier? Is technology in higher-graded countries already so much vast than ours?

The more he thought about this, the more he rejected it. It was common knowledge that heavy machines piloted by A. Is had many flaws, like slow reaction speed due to how heavy the machine was and a lot of others.

Seeing the immaculate battle from the huge machine, he was repeatedly being drawn closer to a conclusion that he found even more unbelievable.

A Mech!


He was struck on the face by the flaming sword again, this time his brain directly short-circuited for a moment.

Before he could recover, the flaming sword was already cutting down. He was able to dodge and survive it, but he lost his right hand that wielded his sword.

Feeling the pain and seeing the blood dropping in waves, he finally felt desperate. Without hesitation, he turned around and started looking for ways to escape from the already dilapidated Presidential villa.

Already ready for this, Clark activated another function of the mech.


The mech erected a shield in a dome shape around the villa, he strengthened it with the energy reserves of his mech before taking a step forward to finish the Radan General.

Seeing this, General Cable despaired. He anxiously pulled another exotic sword out and frantically attacked the shield with his left hand but he was not able to get much of an effect.


The flaming sword cut his exotic armor from the back, shearing hot pain exploded from his back as he opened his mouth at the air and gasped for breath.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the mech raise its flaming sword to finish him off. Seeing this, his bloodshot eyes radiated a sense of craziness to survive, craziness to live.

As he brought out more devices to protect himself, he tried to extend a part of his virtual consciousness to the Radan Defense headquarters with the help of his implant.

He wanted to activate the nuclear bombs of the republic.

If I should die today, then Radan should die with me.

As soon as the General made the move, Clark detected it immediately. And instantly, he counter-attacked with the power of his implant.

Both implant processing powers clashed, the battle couldnt even be called a tug of war. Clarks implant was of the standards of the big 5 while the Generals was of a vastly lower quality, it was not even a battle.


General Cable revealed a look of unwillingness and despair as the virtual defenses of his implant was directly shattered, impairing it completely.

He tried other methods but nothing worked. 5 minutes later, he ran out of means and his body was exhausted from all the fighting.

He could only look up indignantly as the huge flaming sword descended.


Blood spattered like rain; the Generals body twitched for a few seconds before it finally went limp. The huge sword directly crushed his head to pieces, destroying every brain matter in the process.

25th December, the tyrant of the Radan republic died.

The mech finally stood upright as all its weapons were returned to their hidden points inside its massive frame.

Amid the falling rain which added an even more visual impact to it, the mech went invisible, and just like the wind it disappeared into the rain.

The battle was over.

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