The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 384: rescuing moana

Chapter 384: rescuing moana

In the capital city of the Radan republic, Arial City, a luxurious blue car cruised through the streets at a leisurely pace. Albert with a new disguise on cheerfully waved at the people in the street as he drove across.

Though the press conference where the President used to address the minister of finances death left most citizens feeling angered, they quickly got over it as they were already used to such methods.

Seeing this rich young man waving at them cheerfully warmed their hearts and they waved back with beautiful smiles.

As Albert drove around leisurely, his free hand held a deep scanning device as he thoroughly surveyed all his surroundings for the signs of the building described by Ares.

After driving a few kilometers more, when he was getting to the more remote parts of Arial City, he met a military checkpoint.

Almost at the same time that he met the checkpoint, his scanner blinked a bright green color, indicating that a match for the described secret building was just found.

Officers, good afternoon.

The soldiers coldly looked at him without replying, clearly intending to intimidate him. They were already used to such rich children driving wantonly around the city, so they were not surprised to see him.

Umm, I think Ill go first.

Albert impeccably acted in a way that was expected of any rich kid. He added some stutters in his speech to make his fear seem more real, then he steered his car and drove away immediately.

10 minutes later, he casually parked the car at a remote alley before coming down with a luxurious designers bag on his back.

Turning into another alley, he disappeared.

After deactivating the camouflage device that he brought with him, his real look in his ninja outfit was finally revealed.

But none of the CCTV cameras caught him though, he decided to bring his stealth armor this time too after receiving permission from his master.

Just like a ghost, he retraced his steps back to the military checkpoint.

Easily bypassing the checkpoint, he came before a forest. With just a glance, he confirmed that the forest was artificially grown.

Not fazed by this, he smoothly infiltrated inside without being discovered. When he went deep inside the forest, he finally came before a building. When he cross-checked, this was not the target described by Ares.

Going forward, he met 3 more buildings like the first, and a few minutes later he finally arrived before the building that was described by Ares.

3 military vehicles were outside the building, and it was heavily guarded by soldiers armed to the teeth. All the windows of the building were closed, locking it completely from the outside world.

After confirming that this building was his target, Alber suppressed the disgust in his heart for the Radan government again before preparing for his infiltration.

As the first mission assigned to him by his master, he didnt want to disappoint. He was not sure if he would be able to live with the embarrassment, and besides, he didnt want to endanger Aress small daughter either.

After making sure that he was ready, he finally made his move.

With his stealth armor, he didnt have to make many complicated moves. He simply waited for another soldier to open the main door, and without letting any evidence, he sneaked in with the soldier.

As soon as he arrived at the large living room, he saw a sight that made this building seem like an orphanage.

Lots of children, not only children, there were teenagers and even some adults held in the building. Though they were currently not being manhandled, it was clear that they were not happy either.

Quickly, Albert activated his scanner again for a more meticulous scan. After confirming that his target was not here, he scaled the stairs upwards. When he got to the 3rd story, he finally saw Aress daughter in the living room there.

The 9-year-old girl sat numbly with the other children, vacantly looking at the cartoon that was being projected on the air for them.

Albert did not act immediately. He first stood still, carefully observed the 5 soldiers that were watching the children, made some calculations, before quickly arriving at the best strategy to use.

Using his implant in conjunction with a device, he conjured a virtual screen. He quickly started inputting virtual orders rapidly, he stopped after 2 minutes.

3, 2, 1. Now!

All the lights in the living room suddenly switched off, prompting the guards to hold their weapons firmer as they looked around in confusion and alert.

Whats happening? A male voice sounded.

Conrad, contact technical.

Yes, boss.

As all this happened, Albert already arrived beside the 9-year-old girl as he gently patted her on the shoulders. She was startled but he immediately silenced her by putting his fingers to her lips.

Moana, you want to meet daddy? He tried to use his gentlest voice.

The girl was confused for a moment, but she quickly nodded on hearing the attractive term daddy. She was intelligent though; she didnt make noise as she keenly noticed that this uncle was trying to remain unnoticed.

Albert already activated a device to isolate the other children, so none of them could hear their conversation.

I can meet daddy? She asked in a whisper.

Yes, daddy sent me to bring you home. Youll cooperate with me, right?

She felt suspicious, but the daddy term just kept melting her heart. Yes, I want to meet daddy.

Ok, take. Wear this vest.

Ok. She agreed and wore it without hesitation.

As soon as she wore it, the vest activated and she became invisible. Albert brought a robot and quickly activated it before carrying her up.

Boss, it was just a glitch.

The soldiers heaved a sigh of relief as the lights finally came back on. This did not make them complacent though, they did their duties and thoroughly observed the children for any abnormality.

The number of children was complete, nothing abnormal happened, and some of them were crying because of the light glitch which was normal for children.

Nothing happened. They heaved sighs of relief.

At this moment, Moanas eyes revealed a robotic red light as it started scanning the surroundings. When the soldiers looked over, it immediately returned to being the 9-year-old girl.

In a big mansion close to the Presidential villa in Arial City, a soldier with a badge indicating his rank as a Corporal knocked on the door of his superiors office who was the owner of the mansion.

Come in. A deep voice sounded.

As soon as he stepped inside the office, he placed his hands above his head and saluted while greeting respectfully.

Good afternoon, General.

The sharp-eyed General turned his rocking chair over as soon as his subordinate greeted. His eagle-like eyes scrutinized the Corporal, then he finally relaxed back on his chair.

What is the problem?

There was an abnormal occurrence in the 5th control mansion at the west of the city.

The General placed his hands to his chin in thought. How abnormal?

There was a glitch which resulted in a temporary light interruption, and this is not supposed to happen as we used the best available resources to build the control mansions.

Did you discover any clear signs of intrusion?

No, General. The children are still complete and intact.

Then forget about it. The General waved his hands.

Dont disturb me with such trivial matters again, all our focus now should be on the 1st of January next year. We need to wipe them out completely.

Yes, General.


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