The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 381: a captive

Chapter 381: a captive

Neon City, South Ville District, Orion Street, Oliver mansion.

50 minutes after the successful assassination, 2 white cars drove into the street in a leisurely manner. With pop music blazing out of the cars sound amplifiers, the 2 white cars cruised into the Oliver mansion.

The car in motion had such a carefree vibe to it that it would seem like the least likely car an assassin could escape with, everything about it had the natural charm of rich spoiled brats who spend money lavishly.

As soon as the car drove inside the mansion and the gate was closed, the music was switched off immediately as the 2 cars quickly drove inside the garage.

From there, the assassins alighted and with brisk steps, they quickly navigated their way inside the mansion. After resting their back on the sofas in the large living room, they finally heaved a sigh of relief.

All of them closed their eyes without exception immediately after their backs rested on the sofa as they tried to rest a bit.

Throughout all their actions, none of the other assassins in the room spoke nor did they do any action to disturb them. After confirming that their nerves finally relaxed a bit, Captain Daniella stood up and silently went closer.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Her face suddenly became solemn when she couldnt count all the assassins that went for the mission, she didnt disturb the resting assassins though. She went to a similar sofa and sat down, seemingly in wait for them.

Her waiting was not unfruitful as 5 minutes later, Captain Drake finally woke up. Opening his eyes, the first thing that he saw was the female Captain sitting opposite him.

9? Captain Daniella asked calmly.

Like he suddenly came to a realization after hearing that, Captain Drake swept a glance through the still resting assassins before his face sank.

10, he didnt leave with us.

There were complications and the assassination was only successful because of him, and we also escaped successfully because of him.

Keenly feeling the regret and guiltiness now emanating from her superior, Captain Daniella took in an exaggerated deep breath to attract his attention before asking.

Did he say anything during the time of your escape?

Yes, he said that hell arrive 10 minutes after we get here.

Knock! Knock!

At the same time, both of them immediately turned their heads to the door to guess who was knocking. As was instinct to them already, they felt their muscles tense up in preparation for an enemy attack.

Did the government discover our disguised hideout?

Captain Drake doubted it the moment that the thought came to his mind.

Throughout all his dealings till now even after he allied with the Spartan soldier, he was extremely careful not to let any holes that could be used to guess at their identity.

Feeling a little trepidation in his heart, he clasped his weapon tighter and went closer with Daniella alertly following behind him.

In the living room, all the assassins were already alert for battle including those that just came from the assassination of the minister.


As soon as the door opened, tons of weapons pointed at the intruder immediately. But these weapons retracted the next moment as they recognized the tag on the newcomers headband.

Clark gently nodded at Captain Drake before taking a step inside the living room, on his hand was an iron rope as he dragged a soldier inside with him.

The assassins already heaved a sigh of relief but they all stood up in alarm again on seeing the extremely familiar blue and black uniform of the Radan army, suspicion was now visible on their faces.

What is this? Captain Drake frowned; his hand that held his weapon subconsciously tightening in preparation for battle.

A captive.


Clark smoothly removed the veil that was covering a part of his face, revealing his new disguised look that was formed by his mask.

When I entered the laboratory building, he was the leader there. I left immediately after getting your information, but I kept him in mind as I noticed some strange feelings from him.

Captain Drake frowned even more as he directed a puzzled look at the middle-aged man that was beside Clark.

Clark continued without paying too much attention to him. Im a soldier myself. Even if I may not know most things about female soldiers, Im pretty confident that I know male soldiers.

From his hesitation, his reaction on seeing me, and his reaction to my question, I keenly noticed that he was not in the right state of mind so I brought him.

Who knows, maybe he may have something useful to further your cause.

Hearing the last word that Clark used to end his sentence, Captain Drakes eyes glittered brightly as he seemed to have experienced an epiphany.

Then he suddenly became depressed. He wont answer even if we ask him. If it was so easy, we would have captured other soldiers like him. Weve captured before, but they never answer our questions.

This one is different. Clark said confidently before going closer to stand man to man with his captive.

You can continue with the recovery procedures; Ill speak with him personally. Clark directed this at Captain Drake without turning back.

The captain heaved a sigh of relief on hearing that. Though Clark was currently using another face, having met the prodigy soldier before, he still deduced that he was Clark.

After what Clark did in this mission, he already eliminated any other doubts in his heart about his motive.

He left the captive with Clark, told his subordinates to monitor the surroundings properly to ensure that they were not followed, before turning to go to a secure room with Captain Daniella.

For the other assassins that followed him, they were already led to other rooms to rest properly. What they just accomplished was not an easy feat.

Before he left completely, he suddenly remembered something and turned to face Clark again.

How did you escape despite the scrutiny of the Heimdalls eye scanner. Thats one of the only 3 gadgets of high-grade country standards that the republic has, Im really curious.

Hearing what he said, Clarks face became strange. He turned his head while bringing something like a mini-printer with him.

You mean this?

Captain Drakes mouth was left hanging open in a big O shape.

Once again, he was convinced that the promises that Clark made during their negotiation were not just baseless talk. But he still felt depressed, how can someone of the same grade be so much stronger than him?

Forget it, Drake, hes an ally. He placated himself with that.

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