The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 353: going to the dakra republic

Chapter 353: going to the dakra republic

Getting out of the secret military base, Clark revealed a smile of contentment as he embraced the ever-shining sun of Africa that he was just beginning to get used to. Bathing in it always revitalized his soul.

As soon as he came out through the small tunnel entrance, he did not have to climb down the way that Estela and her 2 teammates did. All he did was jump and freefall downwards.

He followed the waterfall straight down and plunged into the rapidly flowing river with a loud splashing sound accompanying it. He stayed underwater for a few minutes before coming out at the shore.

Activating a device that was hidden in his body, the water was smoothly dried from his body. He waited a bit before a blue car started driving in his direction.

As soon as the car stopped before him, he entered inside and rested his head against the headrest.

How was it? Albert asked as soon as his master entered the car.

It was smooth like I expected. Clark replied lazily while propping his chin up with his left hand.

Can we go now?

Clark was surprised. Where?

To Mr. Calibris


Clark whacked his student on the head. Are you crazy? I should go dressed like this? How can I go to meet such a distinguished man like this?

Albert paused, a look of grievance on his face. But whats wrong with your dressing? It looks fine to me.


A few minutes later, the metal door slammed shut again as a still grumbling Albert drove the exotic car inside the circle-shaped drawing on the floor. Clark paid him no attention as the car quickly descended.

As the exotic car slowly descended, Clark finally started thinking of what he was about to do today.

After delaying it for too long already, he finally made up his mind to visit Sonias dad, Mr. Woods Calibri.

For a soldier of his caliber, it was a shameful thing but he actually felt uneasy about going through with this visit. Perhaps, it was because he grew up in a fairly average home, but he had a certain phobia for billionaires.

He was not afraid of them, but he always felt a strange feeling overwhelm him whenever billionaires are mentioned. Albert and Sonia were the only billionaire kids that he had come into contact with.

They were both not as petty as he thought in his mind, but this could not stop his strange feeling. Most especially when this was the father of the girl that he loved.

Despite the evil Clark inside him instigating him to rethink and cancel the visit, he already made up his mind to visit the billionaire.

He cared about Sonia, and now he really wanted to put effort into looking for her. Benny was already married, if he delayed his for too long, he knew that it would become awkward.


The car finally touched the floor of the base that he bought for himself, dragging him out of his embarrassing thoughts. Getting out of the car, the first thing that he did was to go have a thorough bath.

After doing this, he came back and started asking Albert for his billionaire's opinion about the dress code that he should wear.

In this world, there was nothing like knowing it all. The more you know, the more you feel that theres a lot left for you to know.

After deliberating about it with his student for some minutes, he finally settled on a filthily expensive suit that Albert suggested to him. Without hesitation, he ordered it online.

Putting his shame behind him, he sincerely sat Albert down and asked for guidance on the behavior and etiquette of billionaires. He didnt want to meet the father of the girl he loved and end up acting like a novice.

Ding! Dong!

The electric bell of the underground base suddenly rang, informing both soldiers that the delivery guy was here. To hide the presence of the base, a house was built nearby and that was where the base was connected to.

Albert stood up immediately and sprinted upwards in the direction of the house to get the product.

When he returned with a huge bag in his hand, a weird expression took his face as he saw his master fidgeting slightly. Is it because of the visit? How beautiful is that Sonia exactly? Master seems flustered for real.

Wisely curbing his curiosity so as not to earn another whack from his master, Albert gestured that they enter the dressing room to change which Clark agreed on.

A few minutes later, both soldiers came out of the room looking like completely different beings. Albert quickly observed his master to make sure that nothing was wrong.

The suit was in a plain black color. Visiting a man at the top of the world like Mr. Woods Calibri, dressing too flamboyantly might only irritate him. Dressing nice and decently was the best.

Unlike the soldier stern vibe that he always exuded; Albert keenly noticed that Clark exuded a more gentlemanly vibe for the first time since he knew him. He secretly nodded to himself.

In a plain black suit, black shoes with diamonds lacing the surface, a gold watch, and an elegant tie to match everything up, Albert complimented inwardly that his master now looked ready to face his future in-law.

Seeing his students scrutinizing gaze, Clark suddenly felt a little inadequate. Is anything wrong?

No, youre perfect to go. Albert smiled.

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief on hearing that, Clark finally locked down the base, left his exotic car behind before leaving for the airport with his student in tow.

The Dakra republic, being the leading country of the 2nd European large alliance that the Spartan republic was also registered in, was a hegemon of a state. The perfect adjective to describe it was flourishing.

In practically every way, including the quality of soldiers that the Spartan republic is renowned for, they were still dwarfed by the much more developed country.

Perhaps, this was another of the reasons why Clark was nervous. This was his first time willingly visiting such a prosperous country with high-grade military strength.

Getting to the Radan republics central airport, they didnt waste much time before they were registered on the plane. The Dakra republic was a significantly far distance from here, so it was going to be a long journey.

As the plane slowly rose into the sky after the runway was clear, Clark looked out through the windows.

I hope Sonias dad is as amiable as her.

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