The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 344: the federal republic of radan

Chapter 344: the federal republic of radan

After finalizing everything else that was necessary in his mansion, Clark and his student finally strapped their bags to their back firmly before going out of the mansion the next moment.

His workers already came to send him farewell messages the previous day, so none of them escorted him out.

He didnt want to let the whole city know that he was traveling, sometimes telling the citizens would only make things complicated.

Only Rose stood at the highest balcony of his mansion and waved vigorously at him. He didnt know if it was because of his blurry vision due to the distance, but he thought he just saw tears falling from her eyes.

Thats weird. He shrugged, hauled his last bag into his cars boot before entering the car with his student in tow.

As he started driving out of the mansion on his exotic car, Albert poked his head out and started waving back vigorously at Rose who still stood on top of the balcony looking at them.

The destination that the atlas arrow rested on the previous day was a low-grade country so he didnt have to turn it again, it was the federal republic of Radan.

Clark has heard a lot of talks about African countries before, but this was his first time even contemplating the thought of going there. A few years ago, he never even dreamed of actually leaving the Spartan republic much less going to Africa.

Throughout his career, the only instances where he left the republic was when was going on missions. And the Everest mission that took him to Mariana was the farthest he had ever gone from the republic.

He was surprised to notice that he felt a little nervous about it. How was living in a brand-new country with new people, new culture, new rules, and practically new everything look like?

Would they even accept him into their country? What if they didnt accept him, what should he do? What if as soon as he entered the country, the whole Radan military turned on him, could he survive?

As if noticing his anxiety, Albert turned to face him. Master, is something wrong?

F*ck, was I so obvious? He cursed before turning to face his student with a smile. No, everything is absolutely fine Albert. I was just thinking about how fascinating Africa will look like?

Ok. After saying that, Albert leaned his head back on the chairs headrest, placed a headphone over his head before closing his eyes to sleep while enjoying the smooth music blazing over.

Seeing him, Clark clicked his tongue and turned back to look at the road. He had to admit there that he was overthinking a bit, he had to play it cool.

As his mind gradually calmed down, this was when the problem of different weather conditions finally came to him. Compared to the Spartan republic that had fairly neutral weather, Africa was an extremely temperate region.

As a high-grade soldier, his body was sure to adapt to it quickly, but he was not sure if he could adapt to the new lifestyle in such a region so quickly.

Well, thats why its called an adventure. He muttered while nodding his head in understanding.

He made a little change to his plans. Granting control rights over the car to Its A.I, Uther, he brought out his phone and quickly accessed the internet. He searched for information regarding a lot of things.

After getting what he wanted, he ordered a new set of clothes for himself and Albert that would aid their adaptation to the new region.

He also bought a new batch of solar panels. All his exotic weapons were powered by specially adapted energy, here in the Spartan republic he could just pass it to the military and the energy will be refilled.

But in where he was going, he was not sure if such unique energy would be as abundant. Instead of banking his hopes in one place, he preferred going for multiple options.

And besides, with the abundant amount of sunshine recorded in Africa year in year out, he was pretty sure that the solar panels could power all his energy needs.

Getting to the airport, a group of cars with different emblems were already waiting for him. One was from the company that he bought the new set of clothes from, the other was the solar panel company.

As he already transferred the money to them, all that was needed on their part was to stuff the goods into his exotic car.

The car changed its configuration to better accommodate the new goods. It changed into a big jeep-like shape, turning its vibe from sleek and fast to strong and heavy.

After it took in all the new goods that were brought, Clark gave the company workers a tip before riding his car inside the plane that was already waiting for him. He already completed every procedure online, so the plane didnt waste time.


It roared a sound before picking up speed the next moment, after that it gradually soared into the sky.

Clark looked down from the window as this happened. I wonder when Ill come back to the Spartan republic.

For now, its my time to explore the wonders of the outside world.


The hatch of the plane opened as passengers started coming down, Clark did not monopolize an airplane for himself to avoid unnecessary attention after getting to his destination.

As soon as his exotic car was driven down from the plane by one of the security officials, it went through a thorough security check before it was finally handed over to him.

He and his student were also subjected to a thorough security check. He didnt actively tell them that he was a soldier, he wanted to start this experience of a new region in a completely neutral manner.

After the checks were done and they were vetted to leave, Clark thanked the security guy before going towards his car.

The first Radan impression that hit him after coming here was indeed the weather. He was only standing at the airport for 10 minutes, but he felt that the sun was scorching hot and even burning.

Another impression that he had was the color of citizens here. Unlike the Spartan republic where he was surrounded by mostly white people, he was now surrounded by people who were of the same skin color as him.

Yes, he had a slightly dark skin tone, he never paid much attention to it but being in this environment made him give more thought to it.

He smiled as he entered his car. What a nice welcome this is, Ill see how it goes.

[Start to another arc, I fell nervous and excited.]

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