The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 342: the lulululu games reserve

Chapter 342: the lulululu games reserve

The next morning, they didnt waste any time at home. Kate and Rose made a simple morning dish, one that could keep their stomachs occupied until they got to where they intended to go.

Through female supremacy, Kate and Rose dominated and had to take Clarks exotic car while both males took Leos car.

Clark and Leo couldnt protest, they were the female Afterall. And it was just a car, they were too cool to haggle about such trivial matters so they let the 2 excited females take the car.

This time, they were going to a tourist center. The Lulululu games reserve was their destination.

It was a multi-purpose games reserve that is located on the outskirts of North Sparta. Multi-purpose was added to its name because its sights and activities were far more varied than most other games reserve in the country.

It was a tourist center for foreigners or any citizen who wanted to go on a beautiful sightseeing journey. It was also a games ground where hunting sports are organized for pleasure.

It had a lot of other myriad uses and sights, but what made it the most prominent was the fact that the reserve kept exobeasts.

It is the first of its kind where normal tourists get to see exobeasts without the fear of being devoured by them, so it was bound to be popular.

It was a good relaxation point, so when Clark suggested it, Leo and Kate only made slight comparisons before they all agreed on it.

From Leos mansion to the town where the games reserve was located was a 45 minutes journey. After they got there, Kate and Rose stayed in the car as Clark and Leo went to register them.

The gate entrance of the reserve was tightly guarded by a unit of soldiers. They made themselves not too conspicuous so as not to frighten tourists, but their prints could still be seen everywhere around the entrance.

A building was built at the side of the entrance, which was the registration building. For a reserve as big as this, a lot of money was pumped in by the government for security and its daily activities.

As soon as Clark and Leo got inside the building, showing their identities as high-grade soldiers granted them a lot of privileges, their registration, and subsequent entry was very smooth.

The overall layout of the game reserve was extremely wide, and it was in a circle shape. Despite its enormous size, it was surrounded all-round by a huge wall.

Clark and his companions were not allowed to take their cars inside. They directed them to a special garage where they should park their cars before they followed another group of people inside.

They came for a tour, so they joined the other tourists that were clustered together to be escorted in.

Protected by another unit of soldiers, they were finally led into the enormous games reserve. Perhaps, they gave the reserve its name for a reason. Inside the Lulululu games reserve was as crazy as its name.

For the first part of their tour, the soldiers led them through the grassland in military vehicles where they saw lots of animals roaming around.

The journey was noiseless, only the sounds made by the cars as they drove and that made by the animals were present.

The atmosphere was just tranquil and relaxing. Moving through nature had a certain relaxation effect to it.

Of course, seeing the familiar black things invading their personal space again, the animals did not hesitate to attack but as usual, all their attacks were easily nullified by the hard coating of the military vehicles.

From the grassland, they entered some special devices called Tip Eagles.

They were built like drones but were more like hovering planes. Through these devices, they were able to fly from the grassland all the way to above the nearby rainforest.

Clark was not sure how it was done, but the government was able to transform the different regions of the reserve to look like different natural formations of nature.

Because of the more fragile tourists among them, they were not allowed to go down to the rainforest, not that Clark and the others wanted it though.

With a pregnant woman among them, it would have been plain stupid for them to bring her close to any kind of danger. They may be high-grade soldiers but they were not gods, anything could happen.

From the rainforest, they visited a lot of places before they took a break. During the break, that was when Clark broke the news to his friend and his wife.

Im leaving, Leo.

Umm, where?

I want to leave the republic for some time. I want to go out and experience the world, Ive decided to leave. Ill go ask for the permit of leave from the Spartan army today after leaving here.

What Clark said was unexpected, but Leo was not too surprised by it. As a soldier too, hes heard of and even knew soldiers who also left the republic after becoming 3rd rank high-grade soldiers.

Its a good thing, at least you wont be a novice again when it comes to international matters. Leo laughed. But Im not joking, you can, its a good thing.

Why do I think that its because youve set a lot of legendary achievements. You feel proud right, is that why you want to go? Legends are not respected as much in their hometown until they are gone, is that the reason?

Hearing Kates question, Clark facepalmed. Who even told you that?

She shrugged. Its too coincidental. As soon as you set the social media on fire, you want to leave secretly like a boss legend.

If thats your strategy to make me stay, Im sorry, its futile. He ruthlessly put an end to her point.

An awkward silence followed.

Clark laughed, Leo and Rose laughed also as they slowly devoured the food that they ordered on the table. After eating and resting for an hour, they continued their tour with the other tourists.

This time, they only had one place remaining to go- the exobeast challenger ring game. This was a recreation tournament where the exobeasts in the reserve would be tipped to battle against each other.

When Clark and his companions got there, the place was already filled to the brim so they had to spectate while standing. The current challenge was between a cat exobeast and a Python exobeast.

In the end, after a bitter battle, the cat emerged victoriously. They didnt allow it to kill the Python as they stopped the challenge when death became certain.

After experiencing this last event of the game's reserve, they didnt go immediately. They just stayed inside the reserve to enjoy the wholesome atmosphere of nature.

By the time they got prepared to go home, they felt fulfilled. It was a day well spent with friends to Clark.

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