The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 330: the convergence plan

Chapter 330: the convergence plan

We are surrounded, and trapped!

This was the only thought that was in the terrorists minds after a series of events that transpired as soon as the wall was withdrawn back.

They had the advantage before, they had the advantage of stronger experts in the form of their Commanders and numbers too. They were winning, which only should have been strengthened after the wall withdrew.

But no, it seemed that the wall withdrawing was a curse rather than a blessing to them in this case.

As soon as Clark shot the flare into the air, an enormous energy shield in a dome shape that covered the whole city rose from the ground. Its size alone was intimidating.

Seeing such a big shield rising up was intimidating, but it was far less intimidating than if it was a weapon that was that big.

As soon as it finished covering the whole city, the terrorists were surprised to observe something. The shield was not protecting the city from them but was actually trapping them inside the city with the Vatican soldiers.

It was something that only a fool would do, but this assumption changed in just a few seconds after the shield was fully erected.

From deep inside the city, dust suddenly started rising from the distance like a pack of rhinos were stampeding towards the direction of the battlefield.

When what was inducing the dust became clearer, the terrorists sucked in a breath of cold air. It was a disorganized group of soldiers; they were clearly not a proper military force but their numbers were the real deal.

This group consisted of soldiers from the Spartan army, policemen in the city, road safety officials, and all the other paramilitary forces of the city whose members underwent any form of military training.

If they came alone that would have not been too frightening, but they didnt. Exotic vehicles, various exotic heavy weapon vehicles, and even more tank vehicles trailed behind them like bodyguards.

At the front of this group were 2 soldiers riding 2 black bikes in an all-black outfit. Closely behind them followed another group of individuals, also dressed in all-black.

The rhythm at which the wind blew suddenly seemed to have developed a pattern to it, imaginary boss music seemed to be ringing in the background as this happened.

Dickson and King felt like heroes as they rode at the front of the group, but they did not smile. Heroes dont smile, that was the cool factor.

Albert, Jason and his clique, and Clarks followers from the Spartan army followed behind the 2 leaders of their troop as they arrived at the battlefield with a bang. King announced their arrival in case some terrorists missed it.


The bomb explosion rocked the ground, spreading red-hot fire across like holy rain as they drenched the still shocked terrorists with their loads.

Dickson was not about to let him hoard all the glory for himself, taking hold of his shield, he jumped from his bike, did a few backflips in the air before landing while slamming the shield down.

The ground cracked; the crack quickly expanded as it snaked outwards swiftly like the flash. After announcing their entry, they finally started the exciting part, battle!

Attack! Who else but Albert would yell this?

As soon as they arrived on the battlefield, the pause button that seemed to have been pressed by an invisible god before finally got pressed again. The battle resumed, and this time it was completely different.

The terrorists were not even done organizing themselves to form a proper resistance before another variable appeared. Behind them, close to where the wall was erected before came openings that led under the ground.

And from this underground came another group of reinforcement- The Pendragon mercenary group!

Their debut into the battlefield was almost as iconic as that led by Dickson and King. Not about to be outdone, Captain Briggs and Captain Josh led the mercenaries out intimidatingly.

Unlike the others, they didnt have military vehicles that they brought from underground but they had alternatives.

Boom! Boom!

Bombs were released like they were water, and like they were only worth fart. They rocked the battlefield, spreading a mutual destruction vibe. This was how they announced their entrance into the battlefield.

In just a few seconds, just like a switch was flipped, all the advantages that were originally on the side of the terrorists got overturned.

They originally had the advantage of numbers, but these 2 new additions negated all the advantages that they originally had.

They originally had the advantage of quality also before, being two 3rd rank high-grade soldiers but now that was negated too. Adding Josh, Briggs, and King, that was now four 4th rank high-grade soldiers on the side of the Vatican soldiers.

In terms of 2nd and 1st rank high-grade soldiers, the difference was already too much to compare, it was painful to the eyes.

And to cap up their misery, the city was already locked down by the enormous shield. They didnt know how durable it was, but for it to cover the whole city it had to be freakishly durable.

Commander Titus face grew gloomy immediately on seeing the sudden turn of events, a heavy aura already surrounded him. What he worried about was that every single one of his soldiers was here.

He felt like laughing at himself, he was played and toyed with by some kids who were not even born yet when he started conquering the world.

Well played, kids. Well played. He laughed loudly like a maniac.

Their fate was already sealed, the best he could do to satisfy himself was to unleash all his power on Clark and show him that some boundaries shouldnt be crossed in this world.

As he was about to move, he suddenly stiffened and stopped.

Old man, stop there. Were your opponents! Josh patted his chest smugly while dragging Captain Briggs along without shame.

The old Commander smirked. 2 against 1, are you not ashamed?

Josh counter-smirked. An old man like you battling kids like us, are you not ashamed?

The Commanders face darkened; he took a deep breath to calm his mind down. You really have a foul mouth; Ill do you a favor and correct it. Even if my subordinates all die today, Vatican City will remember me.

Come, come and experience my power. He widened his hands.

Old man, cut the bullshit and


Josh did not finish as he felt the blunted side of a sword smacking against his face immediately. He didnt see the opponent, but he knew who attacked him.

Despite feeling pains, he did not shout in pain. He turned his head to the side and screamed at his ally. F*ck you Briggs, do you think Im Clark? Come here lets teach this old fool a lesson.


He was interrupted again as he felt a leg sharply hitting his back, he was slammed to the floor. Despite his armor protecting him, he felt that a little dirt entered his mouth. He spat, disgusted.

Seeing this, Captain Briggs shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed. This was probably going to be his most embarrassing battle since he became a Captain, this old man was a freak.

He crossed his mind like he was going for the execution ground before sprinting forward to clash with the old fool bravely.

He was caught in the neck by one hand, the Commanders other enormous hand grabbing Josh on the cheeks as he slammed the both of them to the floor in a mighty throw.

They were suffering, but they were doing the job of holding the freak down so everything was good.

As they fought, the whole area surrounding them already descended into chaos. Soldiers and terrorists clashed like water and fire, a nemesis that could never combine nor mix up.

The war that was prepared for over a month finally started for real.

[Thanks for reading.]

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