The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 314: war mobilization

Chapter 314: war mobilization

Vatican City was quiet, the whole city was very quiet.

It was now 8:00 pm, and the usual bustling and hustling of the city were nowhere to be seen. All houses were closed, all shops were closed, and no civilian could be seen in the streets.

Only military vehicles plied the road, patrolling everywhere diligently like World War 3 or another battle of supremacy was imminent.

When the higher-ups of the Dragon military division and the local military force were fleshing out Clarks plan, they already deduced that the terrorists may make a move before the time.

With the strange tension that was in the city, it was just impossible for the terrorists to not have detected it.

Perhaps the terrorists ignored it, but it was unlikely. They were more inclined to believe that spies were already in the city keeping watch over them, this was one of the main reasons why they approved the Grade-5 lockdown.

With the Grade-5 lockdown, all communication nodes of the city were shut down, leaving only the special military communication nodes.

Till the purge was completed, there was no internet for the civilians, no communication, no movement. The scenario was similar to the period of the covid-19 virus which struck in the 21st century but much more severe.

Every civilian in the city was brought down to the underground military shelter bunkers, leaving the surface of the ground bare to enable maximum efficiency and efficacy of all the military plans.

Though just a few hours after the lockdown some civilians tried to protest, the guards assigned to the military bunkers easily suppressed it before it gathered momentum.

According to the constitution of the city, this can be classified as a period of war. And in war periods, civilians are obligated to cooperate with all military procedures and measures.

Any civilian that tries to avoid the rule, the military had the right to use any means necessary to shut them down.

The army suspected that some of the civilians who tried to light up the spark to a great riot were spies, but they didnt do anything now, ignoring them. After they won the battle, those spies could be taken care of at any time.

Right now, all they had to focus on was how to effectively execute whatever order that came from the higher-ups in a few moments from now.

The day was already dark but at every important checkpoint of the city, squads of soldiers manned them. No opening was left in the city, all hidden holes were already detected and blocked.

The atmosphere was tense as the soldiers patiently waited for orders from their superiors. Every soldier held their weapon tighter, something told them that the next few hours would be the most glorious hours of their lives.

They didnt know the plans of the higher-ups, they were only called a few weeks ago and subjected to special training for this fateful day.

Knowing that they were about to wrath vengeance for all the grievances that they had to endure after the terrorists terrorized the city, they were excited but also tense.

They knew the force of the terrorists; they saw the force of the terrorists and statistics said that those were not all the soldiers of the terrorists.

They were a little afraid, but not even once did they contemplate cowering and pulling out of the battle. They believed that with their leader with them, no obstacle was insurmountable.

Even in the underground shelters, the efforts at riot were already subsiding as the night grew deeper. Despite being underground, the civilians could detect the tension that was in the air.

In the Dragon military division base, the same tense atmosphere was affecting them. The soldiers all had a solemn expression on their faces as they tended to their weapons for the last time.

All the Sergeants, Corporals, and the leader of the military division were gathered in the strategy discussion hall.

A solemn mood reigned among them, no one talked, leaving the atmosphere as silent as a graveyard. All 14 of them were currently looking at a communication device in the room like they were expecting something.

In the government building that was at the center of the city gathered all the city officials. For their safety, they were all invited here to have reassurance when the attack finally begins.

All 5 commissioners were present, the minority leaders, all arms of governance of the city were present.

A solemn atmosphere reigned as they all sat in silence in the hall surrounding the round table. They all looked at a communication device on the table like it was their lifeline.

Their only saving grace was that no old man was an official. In such a tense atmosphere, there was a high tendency that a fragile old man could experience high blood pressure and have a heart attack.

They could feel the fate of the city ticking away with the time as the clock made tick-tock sounds, which only increased the tension in the air.

Clarks mansion was not excluded from the tense atmosphere roaming in the air. All his workers were currently in the underground shelters too, leaving the mansion abnormally silent and empty.

Even Rose was not here, she was a civilian also and she needed to keep herself safe. Only Clark was in the mansion.

He was currently standing at the roof of his huge mansion, his face looking at the east like he was waiting for something.

He was currently dressed in a black neutral military uniform. The only difference in the current him was that all over his body was filled with weapons, making him seem like a moving weapon box.

Despite the black shade of the night rendering everywhere dark except the illumination of light in the mansion, the weapons on his body could still be seen if looked at from afar.

On his back stood a plethora of weapons. 2 black spears were strapped to his back sideways to each other, forming a cross shape and visibly protruding from the sides of his legs.

2 swords were also strapped to his back, standing parallel to each other with their handles slightly protruding above his head.

Two 2-form guns hung at his side, dangling slightly beside his trousers. 20 ports were created in his uniform, and in these ports sat 20 throwing knives.

His arms were covered in a black metallic armguard that gleamed under the illumination of the lights in the mansion. The sharp spikes protruding from them looked dangerous and menacing.

2 deep pockets were made at the front of his trousers, and residing in these pockets were the 2 ultra-sharp long daggers. A smaller pocket was close to them and inside sat an exotic multi-purpose pistol.

Besides the swords and the spears that were strapped to his back, another even more conspicuous weapon was strapped there also- an exotic ax.

It was the biggest weapon by far that was in his body, and it was the heaviest also. Protecting his knees was an exotic kneepad with an automatic spike shooting mechanism created in it.

Apart from these new additions, his previous gadgets were still much alive. His multi-purpose boots supported his legs comfortably, and his exotic armor also lay dormant in his rib, waiting to be activated.

With so many weapons in his body, he looked just like the comic batman.

Even though Monkey Hands had a weird personality, Clark still respected his ability to cook up gadgets and weapons. After testing the weapons out a few hours ago, he was completely satisfied with them all.

All he could comment was that his money was worth it. With all these gadgets, he could finally unleash his full strength to its fullest potential without restraints.

Despite the silence in the air, he did not stir, he was still in one place waiting for something. Something that would decide the direction of the attack, something that would affect a lot of their decisions.

For 3 hours straight, he waited at the balcony without moving an inch but he did not show any impatience.

After another hour passed, a sound finally sounded from his comm.

Captain Clark, this is Tiver speaking. Ive thought through your proposal, and I accept. Ill be sending a document to you shortly, and it contains everything that you need to know to make your plan successful.

Sir, I fulfilled my part of the plan, I hope that you fulfill yours.

Yours faithfully; Tiver.

Hearing the ending remark, Clark revealed a slight smirk on his face before finally moving. He stretched his muscles that were already going stiff, smiled, before going back inside his mansion.

He sat down and went through the information that was sent to him. He compared them with what they already knew before. After confirming that nothing was wrong, he finally sent it across.

Finally! He exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Donning a mask on his face to complete his attire, he gave a mental order and all the lights in the mansion switched off.

Just like a secret windsurfer, he jumped from the roof of the mansion before blending with the wind into the dark night.

Operation Terrorist Extermination officially began.


Corporal Cinnabar stirred as soon as he heard the sound. Standing up, he went closer to the communication device only to see a message encrypted with dozens of military codes.

In less than a minute, he deduced the code and got the message that was written in it. Turning his head, he saw that his subordinates were looking at him with anticipation in their eyes.

We have our target.

All the soldiers heaved sighs of relief but their attention did not falter, they kept staring at their leader for the order.

The Corporal took a deep breath. The captain already moved; mobilize!

Yes, sir.

Saluting, the soldiers rushed out of the room to fulfill the order.

At the same time that they received the message in the dragon military division, the 5 commissioners also received it in the government building. As soon as this message came, it suddenly felt like a caged dragon was let loose.

Vatican City seemed to have woken up from a deep slumber. After confirming that all the military outposts remembered their duties, the military order for mobilization was given.

The originally silent city became active again, the originally static soldiers became active again. Across the whole city, soldiers were mobilized from their outposts as their leaders took the helm to lead them.

Entering the military cars assigned to each of their squads, a city-wide movement began immediately. This time, there was no hesitation in their movements, they knew where their target was.

Exotic tanks, exotic cars, and exotic bikes were all mobilized as the sound of locomotives filled the city immediately.

The movement was swift, the only goal now was to give the terrorist the first pounding and make sure that it was hard before they could recover their nerves.

War was upon them!

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