The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 312: a monster

Chapter 312: a monster

By the time that Clark finished his virtual simulation training, the day was already 6:00 in the evening. He already completed his regular physical energy intensive drills, so he was completely justified in his decision to go out on a visit.

He didnt go out immediately, he left first to his room to have a proper bath. After taking a thorough bath that left his body sparkly clean, he finally dressed up.

For the trip that he intended to go on, he already prepared a special custom for it. It was just like the outfit Albert wore to fight him a few weeks ago, but it was of a vastly lower quality.

The peculiar factor about the outfit was that everything was black in color. Not the normal black, it was the black that could hide its wearer even in the brightest day and the darkest night.

After knocking on the door and getting permission to enter, the first thing that crossed Roses mind on seeing her bosss outfit was camouflage.

Though Clark was before her, she had to focus before she saw him. She wondered what her boss was doing with such an outfit that was filled with such high-grade stealth tech.

Are you going out? She asked while observing him curiously. You already completed your schedule for today, I thought you loved the resting hours most.

Not today, I have an old friend to visit.

In the night? She raised an eyebrow. Which old friend is that, I practically know all your friends already? Youre lying.

Say whatever you want to make you sleep better, Rose. Bye! See ya in a few hours.

Ignoring his astonished assistant, Clark completed the final touch on his new outfit, took hold of his spear, bent it to a small shape before placing it on his back. After doing this, he winked at Rose before leaving the room.

He walked through the corridor, into his sitting room, before going outside but none of his workers were able to detect him despite the lighting in the mansion.

Seeing this, he nodded to himself, this night was going to be sweet.

During the last week when he was reminiscing the old days with his best friend, that was when the memory of this old friend flashed back to him.

He almost forgot the terrorist Commander of the military base that he was tasked to infiltrate during his graduation test training.

He intended to uproot all traces of the Persian dogs in his city, so he thought it right to pay a visit to this man and give him his input.

As soon as he got to his garage, he took one of the luxurious black cars before cruising out of the mansion in a leisurely pace.

Commander Tiver sat on his huge chair in silence with a lot of thoughts revolving around his mind. He tried to calm his mind, but the faint feeling of anxiousness and panic could not let him rest.

He was the only one in the room currently, but he felt that hundreds of eyes were peeking at him from the shadows.

He didnt know what was happening, the problem just started mysteriously when his subordinate made a surprising observation a week ago. The theory was not conclusive yet, but he still felt uneasy.

As he tried hard without much result to calm his uneasy mind, 3 knocks suddenly sounded from his door. This was a familiar sound, but this sound surprisingly made him jump up in panic which was an embarrassing sight.

Im just panicking for nothing. F*ck, whats come over me?

Suppressing the bad taste that was left in his mouth from what just happened, he tried to recover his dignified voice before speaking in the direction of the door.

Come in!

He still felt tense, but seeing that the people who came in were his 4 executioners, he was relieved. This feeling did not last though as it was soon replaced by a puzzled look on his face.

Elliot, why did all 4 of you come here together? Is something happening?

The 4 executioners had an even more clueless look on their faces. You summoned us, right? We heard your voice on our special comm.

The Commanders face suddenly darkened, panic escaping from his face only to be replaced by rage and determination. Who is it?

With a bam sound which startled the already spooked executioners, the door behind them slammed shut at their back.

Im the one! The door slammed shut in their back but the voice sounded from their front, spooking them even more.

The Commander froze on deducing the location where the sound came from. His heart was already beating rapidly, his confidence dissipating like the wind. He turned his head around.


He fell on his buttocks immediately on seeing the face that presented itself before him. Major, Major Clark?

Hey! Miss me?

Of all the horrifying scenarios that the world could throw at him, the least of them all that Commander Tiver dreaded the most was coming in contact with this abnormal soldier again.

After his previous encounter with Clark years ago, he already expected the young soldier to become great in the future but Clarks achievements repeatedly shattered all his presumptions.

Before, he just saw Clark as someone to be wary of, but now, he was scared of this devil incarnate.

Elliot, dont you miss me? Clark turned to face the executioner that recruited him years ago, the latter froze like a statue.

All 4 executioners were in a state of shock.

Short circuiting was an understatement for what their brain was undergoing at this moment, they were undergoing a mixture of shock, dread, fear, and spooky goosebumps were currently crawling through them like worms.

They did not move at all. At this moment, they seemed to have mastered the legendary technique of standing so still that they could blend into the surroundings.

Clark already removed the mask from his face, so he was presented to the terrorists in HD quality, no breakups or scene cuts, just unadulterated presentation which only made it more goosebump-inducing.

He was currently seated in the Commanders chair. He was in the room since but he hid himself, he wanted his entry to be as boss-like as possible.

That would make the conversation that he wanted to have with these delusional terrorists more smooth-sailing.

To be sincere, he was shocked when he used his cities intelligence channels to search and found out that the Commander brought his small company of terrorists here in Vatican City.

Was he still looking for revenge? Or was he just stalking him for fun? He just didnt understand what made the Commander move here, maybe it was an order from their higher-ups.

The terrorist Commander felt despair that hes not felt in years engulf his heart. Yes, his small terrorist company received an order from the Persian tigers higher-ups about a year ago that they should relocate their base here.

He didnt know the reason; he was curious but he couldnt ask for the reason as his authority was not high enough. He wanted to avoid Clark by all means, but he also didnt dare disobey orders.

When the terrorists attacked Vatican City a few months ago, his company was among the attackers but he didnt participate.

Then, they didnt know why Clark did not show up when his city was in flames, the higher ups revealed very little to them. In the end, he thought that something happened to Clark.

That was his belief then, but this belief came crashing down like a flood now. Though Clarks heroic deeds were numerous, as a Persian tiger he did not want to lower himself before a Spartan soldier.

Till now, he didnt know that Clark broke through or he would have sunk into an unrecoverable pit of despair.

He forced his panic back and stood up. How dare you sit down on my chair? It seems that from the last time that we met, your manners have experienced a huge dip.

I will Bam!

He couldnt react on time; his armor did not even activate on time. Clark seemed to have teleported as his neck was grabbed by a strong hand and his body was slammed at the wall.

He felt dizziness hit him. The metallic taste of blood saturated his tongue, he could fell that his head had a huge injury but pain could not let him concentrate.

Despite this, one thing became evident to him. You broke through?

From just this one move, the 4 executioners brains directly graduated from a short-circuited state to an expired state. They all pissed their pants but they did not pay attention to such trivial matters at this moment.

In just one move, their invincible Commander was pinned to the wall. What power was this? In another one move, they all went on their knees on instinct, they felt like bowing to this strength.

Clark ignored them, but he secretly gave himself a thump up. His intimidation effort worked perfectly.

His face had on a poker expression as he looked directly in the eyes of the Commander, with his hands still holding his neck to the wall firmly. Do you love your life?

The Commander wanted to retort but he was too shocked, maybe scared also. He just let out a pained grunt.

I know that youve already detected that something is happening. Let me break the news to you, I already gathered a force and Im ready to wipe out every trace of terrorists from my city.

You dont have to know more; all you have to know is that I now have the power to wipe out every terrorist in this city.

I intended to wipe everything, but I decided to make an exception for you and your executioners due to your past history with me. If you help me, I can give you the privilege to live and join my mercenary group.

Ill wipe away all your criminal records, youll all become free men.

As Clark spoke, the Commander already recovered his nerves a bit. He tried to act tough. What if I refuse?

Clark grinned. Then youll die like this, without knowing.

Blue energy suddenly erupted from his boots, and with one move he flew from the ground with the commander still in his grasp. Breaking through the roof, they both flew into the air.

After theyve got to a high enough position that the executioners below could still see them, Clark brought out his sniper rifle and aimed at the east. Due to the silencer, no sound was made but the commander saw a bullet leave the rifle.

Youll die like this. Clark grinned before releasing the Commander.

With a loud crash sound, he fell back inside his room in the base. Scrambling up, he and his executioners looked at the sky but Clark was gone.

He let us live. Elliot said, still in a dazed state.

Bzzz! The Commander suddenly felt his special communication device vibrate. Taking the call, he felt a familiar voice sounding out but it was currently filled with panic.

Tiver, mobilize your troops and come to the convergence point immediately. The Eagle leader was just assassinated from a sniper who shot from your direction, we found no traces of him.

Did you notice any abnormal movements there?

The Commander did not answer, he could not, he was shocked to silence. From over a hundred kilometers away, Clark just assassinated one of his leaders who was also a 3rd rank high-grade soldier.

If their brains already expired before, now the brains of the executioners directly decayed after they connected the dots.

A monster!

That was all the Commander could say after 30 minutes.

[Guys, I'm sorry for the 5 days without uploads. The company that I signed a contract with, their server had a technical problem. I'll upload them now though, I'm really sorry.]

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