The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 299: leaving for the spartan army headquarters

Chapter 299: leaving for the spartan army headquarters


A soft sound reverberated as Clark shut the door to his room after entering inside, but he didnt move immediately. He leaned and rested his back on the door before closing his eyes.

He took steady and rhythmic breaths as his chest heaved up and down, repeating this cycle in silence.

His mind was not a complete total mess yet but it was in a disorderly state. It was slightly chaotic, worried, and concerned. Lots of thoughts battered his brain, making him feel more depressed.

Where are you, Sonia?

The more he thought of this, the more he felt like banging his head against a rock. He already spent millions secretly to fund a search team, but all these efforts were slowly proving to be ineffective.

Even though so many years have gone by, not a single trace of Sonia has been seen. Was she really dead? Or was her father hiding her? Nothing seemed to make sense to him.

Though he always thought of this daily, hearing that Emily was now also engaged prompted him to make haste now that he still could.

He was happy for Emily; he sincerely was but he still felt something prick his heart when he heard it from her mouth. In his heart, Sonia was the one that he loved, but it was pretty hard to resist beautiful ladies despite this.

He had always hesitated on the choice if he should just forget about Sonia whose status was unknown and take Emily who was available, his consciousness just didnt register with that.

Though he didnt register with that, hearing that the choice was no longer in his hands and that Emily already moved on hurt him a bit.

This was selfishness, he knew that but he just couldnt help it.

As the thoughts battering his mind started becoming too much, he began to develop a headache. He decided to just abandon everything and sleep, which always did the magic of resetting his brain.

Taking a step forward, he intended to go directly to his king-sized bed and enjoy a long sleep but his steps took him in front of the mirror instead.

He looked at his reflection through the mirror, a dull expression on his face.

His Spartan army uniform glowed a bright golden color from the mirrors reflection. His still growing beards were already granting him the real vibes of a man, not a boy anymore.

His skin was still slightly dark-toned, and his long hair was still all-black.

He was still the same but his friends were already changing by a lot. Leo would be a father soon, now Emily would be a mother too. Of them all, he was the only f*cking single.

He cursed at himself.

In his life, his career and everything seemed to be moving in the right way that leads to success. Only his love life was still bitching around, proving itself as the stubborn goat in the herd.

He brought his hand up to punish himself by pinching his chest, before he could do this a sound reverberated from the door.

Knock! Knock!

Come in. He already guessed who was there.

He was right, Rose walked into the room the next moment. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her but he refused to turn his head to look, something was different today.

Rose was dressed in a loose white slightly transparent gown, and she was only on slippers which was a dressing code that hes seen on her for the first time.

He heard her footsteps echo in the soft floor of the room as she came in his direction. As this happened, he didnt know why but he started panicking in his heart.

Boss, are you ok? She placed a hand on his shoulders, her full frame now fully reflecting in his eyes through the mirror.

It took him a moment to answer. Yeah, Im ok.

You know, if you have anything bothering you, Im always here for you to talk to. Rose offered generously, making Clark grow dazed for a moment.

Before he could react, he felt himself being turned around and a soft figure enveloping him in a hug. He wanted to resist but to his shock, he found that all his defenses seemed to have disappeared.

He melted in Roses arms, becoming completely vulnerable.

In his heart, he wanted to resist and push her away but his body was not willing at all. In the end, the body won, he remained in her embrace as he let himself relax on it.

Perhaps, he was already at his breaking point before now and this small push was what tipped him to the other side.

For years, apart from his cadet training days where he had Leos shoulders to lean on when he was distressed. Hes found out that in recent years, he had only himself to rely on.

Now, having somebody other than himself to take refuge in made all his defenses fade away completely like the wind.

It seems that the hug was not about to be interrupted any time soon. Unlike the hug that he had with Emily, he could feel that there was a difference in this one. There was something more to it.

It started slowly at first but it soon started dominating his thoughts.

His heartbeat increased, pumping blood rapidly through his body. He felt his temperature experience a slight increase, giving him an impulse to vent his unrest somewhere.

Then it happened, he felt a lip enveloping his.

He could not resist at all, his body now even dragging him in against his will. He lost track of time, he lost perception of space, barely understanding what was going on at this moment.

Not until he felt a soft hand touching his chest did all sensations return to him. To his shock, his military uniform was gone and his inner shirt was in the process of being unbuttoned.

His breath was rapid, that of the person opposite him was rapid also.

This was when the realization of everything that was happening hit him. Shocked, he pulled out of Roses embrace immediately. Not waiting for her reaction, he stormed out of the room with his shirt still half unbuttoned.

Ignoring the secret gazes directed at him by workers, he went outside, located his pool in the middle of the mansion before plunging himself in immediately.

He dove deeper until he was at the very bottom of the pool. That was when he stopped, brought his body mass lower, and made himself sit down on the floor below the water.

For about 30 minutes, he stayed there, holding his breath.

When his veins were already sprouting out like bamboo shoots and his face was red, this was when he finally swam back to the surface.

Out of breath, he laid down on the side of the pool and let the sun heat him.

His hyperactive brain finally settled down. He felt peace returning to him, and this was when the memory of what just happened also came to him.

Thinking of Rose, he felt slight regret at leaving her there so abruptly. At that moment, he knew that his body was ready to go the extra mile but his heart was not just made up.

If something happened then, he knew that it would have built up guilt in his heart which would have disrupted his peace of mind more.

If others knew about this, they may call him a virgin fool who knew nothing but he was fine with that. So long as his mind had peace, he was satisfied with his current status.

Though he was satisfied with this, the previous encounter also made him long for Sonia more. he just hoped that the days could run faster. After the attack on the terrorists, visiting Mr. Calibri would be his first move.

He no longer stood up again, he just fell asleep there beside the pool.

It was a Tuesday morning as the golden glow of the sun showcased its brilliance down on the masses below. The early birds were already up and chirping, announcing the start of a new day.

Activities went on in Clarks mansion as usual as the workers took care of their daily chores, making sure that the mansion looked as sparkly and neat as new.

After waiting agonizingly for a few days which seemed like years to Clark while training, a week finally elapsed. It was finally time for him to leave for the Spartan army headquarters.

Just yesterday evening, Captain Briggs sent him a reminder message about their appointment today.

During the past few days when he was at home, he already used the opportunity to make sure that a lot of things pending to be done by him were accomplished.

Under the leadership of the commissioners, Vatican City already started extensive preparations for the offensive that would start in a few weeks.

Among the soldiers, only a few knew about what was brewing in the dark, despite this as soldiers they were still able to detect through their intuition that something was about to happen.

They felt that a black veil was covering their heads, the only problem was that they could not detect the information that the veil was hiding.

For the Pendragon mercenaries, with Emily and Josh there, they were all able to settle down in Clarks mansion without arousing a lot of suspicion among the commoners.

During this time, Clark already refined his skills and power base further. Though it was not much, it was still something.

And he also contacted Dickson during this period. They already made an agreement, so he was not anxious on that part.

The only thing that gave him a headache for the past few days was his relationship with his assistant. After that incident a few days ago, though they never mentioned it their relationship with each other became a little odd.

They were still in their relationship of a boss and assistant, but it was much less casual now. The conversations became so stiff, practically everything between them was now exaggeratedly stiff like a stick.

Currently, he was in his room with Rose.

He was already dressed up in black velvet trousers, a thick black overcoat, a black wristwatch, and other accessories, and a black outing boot.

He was making the final touches on his dressing using the mirror as Rose mechanically read his schedule for the day to him. He felt helpless about his assistant, he said nothing throughout as she read to him.

After she was done, he thanked her politely, took hold of every other thing that he needed before going out of the mansion.

He quickly located his exotic car at the garage, ignited the engine before smoothly cruising out of the mansion.

Through the side mirror, he could see Rose standing at the distance looking on at his car as he drove away.

He sighed; this world was just too complicated.

Putting the sight behind him, he focused on what was before him. Today had the potential of being his busiest day since he returned from his latest mission, it was a day filled with activities for him.

He stepped harder on the accelerator; the car growled like a beast before releasing the expected reaction. It flew across the road like a thrown javelin.

[Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.]

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