The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 287: a familiar scene

Chapter 287: a familiar scene

None of the airplanes in the Delhi City airport were verified to take off to Vatican City and as he didnt want to impose his authority on any civilians, Clark took the road.

As soon as he arrived back at the highway, he pressed hard on the accelerator to the maximum as the car basically started flying across the road.

At such a high speed, this was when he finally knew how badass this military vehicle that he was given was. He didnt know the correct specifications, but he suspected that this car was of a higher level than his exotic car.

Upgrading his exotic car was one of the priorities that were on his agenda as soon as he got back, so he was in no rush to get a new car.

At an average speed of 600km/h, he sped across the highway like the flash. Of course, red flags were raised and the road safety officials were alerted but as soon as they knew that it was a military vehicle, they retreated.

This was one of the joys, freedom, and privilege of being a soldier. Though this was cool, the punishment for losing control of your car and causing an accident was even cooler.

That is when the notion of all lives matter will be firmly ingrained in your brain by the military.

Clark didnt lose control though. As he was an expert and a Major to boot, losing control of a car was just embarrassing.

Especially now that he fused with such a wonderful resource as the bean quadrant enhancer, he felt that he could go up to 1000km/h but sadly the cars maximum load was not up to that.

A thousand kilometers per hour seemed outrageous, but that was nothing compared to feats that were already established by higher-ranked soldiers.

It was recorded in the legends of the Spartan army that when President Leonidas was still active during the period of the great battle of supremacy, he could go for speeds as high as 12,000km/h.

So for the current Clark, he still had a long way to go.

It took him 3 whole hours, but he finally got back to his home city- Vatican City. Coming back victoriously from a mission was always his best part of being a soldier, he always felt nostalgic on returning.

After he drove down from the highway, smoothly maneuvering across the road filled with vehicles, he penetrated the roads of the city in the direction of his mansion.

His military car drew a lot of attention but that was all. If his identity was revealed, he was pretty sure that he would have been swarmed by a horde of excited Vatican citizens already.

After expertly driving forward a few dozen meters across the familiar road, he finally saw the silhouette of his mansion in the distance.

Seeing this made him heave a sigh of relief.

It may seem like an overreaction but as he drove through the road, he was actually afraid of seeing something that would have indicated an attack on the city.

His worry was not without basis. When he was yanked out of his comfort zone to participate in the Everest mission without his consent, he left a lot of troubles behind for the citys counselors.

Not seeing any signs of an attack showed that the counselors managed the city well in his absence, and most especially this meant that the Persian tigers organization did not attack again.

Thinking of the state of his city when he left, he could not help but feel burning anger for the hidden powers that pulled the strings from the dark.

Just wait, in a few years Ill get you all.

As he drove closer to his mansion, another notable fact that he observed was that this district was far more developed than he recalled.

Seeing the luxurious buildings that were rambling across his vision and their tips that were touching the sky, he confirmed that a rapid expansion occurred here during his absence.

He was happy, this meant that the city was still developing despite his absence.

As soon as the car drove to the front of his mansions towering gate, the gate opened automatically by itself. As the owner of the mansion, of course, its A. I could recognize him from a distance.

The sudden opening of the mansions gate to a strangers military vehicle clearly alarmed the people in the mansion as the security and a few others came to the entrance to inquire.

Clark sighed, suddenly feeling the urge to facepalm. Its me.

Whos me? The gatekeeper questioned harshly. This is Major Clarks mansion sir. Whoever you are, this act is disrespecting the esteemed Major by trying to barge inside the mansion without permission.

Clark was amused, this guy that was originally so timid when Rose hired him was now so bold that he even confronts Spartan military cars. Thats some improvement there!

As he inwardly gave a thump up to the gatekeepers performance, he finally heard a familiar voice. Boss, is that you?

Clarks face darkened. Even you dont recognize my voice again?

Oh! Its the boss, quickly clear the way.

The boss? The gatekeeper and his fellow confronters were shocked to the bone as they hastily evacuated the way to allow the boss in.

Even as Clark already drove inside, they were still shocked speechless. After not seeing their boss for months, they did not expect him to come so abruptly without any prior prompt.

Their only saving grace was that the last time that they remembered, their boss was a benevolent one.

Heaving a sigh of relief, the gatekeeper finally realized the significance of this news. The boss is back! He yelled.

The boss is back! The boss is back!

As the workers rejoiced excitedly among themselves about the return of their boss, Rose held the back of her head after being smacked, with a begrudging look on her face as she escorted her boss inside the house.

Boss, youre finally back.

No, cant you see that Im still in your village?

Rose twitched her lips. Boss is still the same, youll never change.

What did you say?

Nothing. She denied, an innocent expression on her face.

Good for you. Clark was too lazy to argue with her. He just plopped down leisurely on his chair to rest, indulging himself in this feeling of luxury again after staying in a snow-filled region for so long.

Why didnt you at least ping me to prepare for your arrival, a welcome party would have been the best. After settling down, Rose finally said.

No need for that, you know that Im not the party type.

Ok, boss. Now that youre finally back, do you want a report of how the mansion has been managed since your absence?

No, I dont have the strength for that. Youre already here to take care of that, why do you expect me to go through it again? Thats your problem.

Rose beamed happily. I know that youre the best boss.

Clarks eyes flashed on hearing this term. I hope you did not squander my money, or else!

Rose winced slightly on hearing that tone. I, I did not squander money.

Laughing at that, Clark let himself enjoy the cushiness of his luxurious chair to the fullest, leaving a glowering Rose in his wake. As his eyes were about to close shut


Uncle is back!

Clarks eyes shot open, widening in amazement as a group of children rushed in his direction before throwing themselves at him.

He was speechless. He directed a confused glance at the children before directing a questioning gaze at Rose.

His assistant shrugged. You said your relatives are allowed here?

When did I say that?

The day of your inauguration ceremony.

Ugh! Clark finally remembered. He could feel a headache coming immediately. Directing a glare at his assistant, he patted the children on the head before cleverly excusing himself.

Clark, youre back?

Shit! Why is everybody coming at such bad timing, I f*cking want to rest? This time, he turned a fierce glare at King who had an innocent expression on his face like he did nothing.

Forget it, wake me up in 3 hours King. Im off to sleep.

When he got to his room, he was gratified that Rose did a good job in making sure that the room was as perfect as it was when he just left.

He gave her a thump up in his head before

Plop! He was asleep.

When he woke up, the time was already advanced. It was already 4:00 pm, which meant that he slept for an additional hour. I f*cking told him to wake me up.

I tried; you just didnt wake up.

Clark jumped in fright on hearing his fellow students voice. King, what are you doing here?

Its obvious. Dont give me that face, you also go to my room frequently when you were still training under Master.

Clark was shocked, he hastily whispered. Lower your voice. How can you talk about Master so loudly, what if someone is listening?

King had a nonchalant expression on his face. They wont understand a thing. Theyll just think that weve gone nuts, thats all.

After taking time to complain for a few more minutes about King badging into his room, he finally started asking him about how hes gelled in with his new environment here in the Spartan republic.

Its fairly average, to be honest, its much less backward than I expected.

Get lost!

Chuckling to himself, King took a snack from a small bag in his hand before chomping down leisurely as Clark went to the bathroom to have his bath.

As soon as Clark came back from the bathroom, he asked for Jason and his cliques whereabout.

That strange guy already took his friends out to explore the town. After being in an extreme region like the Everest for so long, I bet they cant wait to do some mischievous things.

They better dont, this is my city.

You better tell them then. Because by the way I saw them when they left, those freaks may have already found a few chicks to hang around with.

Is that what you call mischievous things?

Yeah. King chomped down on another chocolate.

Clarks chest rapidly heaved up and down but he calmed himself in the end. After staying with King for months, he already understood his personality but he was still damn annoying when he wanted.

Well be going out together soon.

Im not going out; I have no such tendencies.

I told you that Im the leader of this city, I have to go take a look at the things that commenced during my disappearance.

I intend to go visit my counselors; they are the ones who were in charge during my absence. I just want you beside me, please. Clark finally used the golden word while hiding a smirk.

Hmm, ok. As you said please, I can help you.

In a jiffy, he quickly dressed up and went out with King.

After so long of separation, he felt nostalgic, he was finally having a reunion with his exotic car. He almost forgot the feel of holding his babys steering wheel already, he had to make up for this.

Zoom! He drove out of the mansion the next moment.

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