The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 265: war for the bean quadrant enhancer

Chapter 265: war for the bean quadrant enhancer

Amid the ongoing battle, as soldiers of various countries threw themselves at each other, tearing and biting at each other like savage beasts, King watched quietly from the background.

The number of soldiers before him was mind-boggling, probably up to a thousand already as they moved like a colony of ants, cramping up all the space in the corridor.

How many squads got here actually? This is a little exaggerated. King got more and more shocked as he watched.

When he first started trailing behind these battling fanatics, his heart was on his throat as he was afraid of being discovered. He did not know what caliber of detection devices that they brought here.

If he was found out, being torn to pieces would be his only fate. There was no way that he could survive an assault from so many soldiers.

After 5 minutes of trailing behind them and not being found out, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He could rejoice a little now, this meant he was safe temporarily.

As he followed the large gathering of soldiers, he was able to observe a lot of details.

The first important point that he observed was that the soldiers were not fighting randomly, they were fighting with a purpose.

Though some of them died occasionally, he could notice that they were consciously trying to reduce the casualties to a bare minimum.

Why cant you stop fighting entirely then? The rational thinking of the leaders of these squads left him speechless.

He also noticed that some specific individuals were receiving special attention in the battle, he deduced that these were probably the soldiers that got some important loot on the way here.

Despite the allure from the rooms at the sides of the corridor, the soldiers did not even contemplate stopping their battle to loot properly.

It seems that all of them were drawn to the prospect of getting the main mission target first, all other things could wait till that most important target was secured.

King felt like chuckling. If only they knew. Fools, you guys are busy fighting here while 2 clever soldiers are already taking the good things away.

This boring monotonic battle was clearly not going to come to a halt any time soon. King prepared himself to endure a long, boring, and drawn-out battle with no purpose to it.

As he predicted, so did it happen. They were already moving across the corridor for 3 hours but the end still seemed far and out of reach, he could feel that the leaders of the soldiers were also feeling frustrated.

I curse the architect of this corridor. He muttered a curse softly to cure his boredom.

The only time that he got to act was if he found another note left behind by Dickson. The soldiers ignored all the notes, probably thinking that they were unimportant things left behind by the Aragan scientists.

After all this while, he already amassed a sizeable stockpile of his bomb samples. He was able to get his hands on some strange bombs that as knowledgeable as he was, he didnt know their effects.

His hands itched to test these new goodies out, he couldnt wait to use them in a battle to know their effects.

Now, the only thing that was attracting him to where the main mission target these people were after was stored was the prospect of getting even better bomb samples. He was practically drooling on thinking of it.

And to check on Clark of course, he would not forget about the chosen one just because of his love for bomb samples.

As he moved forward mechanically, his mind mostly dreaming about new bomb samples, he suddenly noticed a strange situation. He almost hit a soldier that stood on his front before he pulled to a stop.

He wiped inexistent sweat from his forehead. What happened? Did they finally get tired of battling brainlessly?

He felt relieved as if he was unfortunate enough to hit that soldier, he would have been exposed, which meant immediate death. His back was filled with cold sweat on the thought.

After getting a grip on his emotions, he finally peeped his head out to see what exactly made the soldiers stop their battle.

He was pleasantly surprised. The end of the tunnel, we finally met the end. I thought for a moment there that there was no end, finally!

Seeing the extremely large door that towered over them like a giant, he felt a lot of anticipation fill his mind. He was completely hyped for this.


Just like when Clark and Dickson just saw it, all the soldiers that were previously battling stood stunned in one place after seeing this. A lot of thoughts rambling through their minds.

King didnt know what the rest were thinking about, but him- Evolved bombs, I cant wait to try out evolved bombs.

The soldiers were intelligent enough to stop their battle after seeing this, coming to a temporary truce.

5 technical soldiers came out of their midst the next moment as they went closer to the door, brought their tools out, and went to work immediately.

Unlike Clark who needed an hour to do it, these guys only needed 15 minutes before the door made the familiar booming sound, shaking their perception as they didnt expect it.

It made ominous creaking sounds as its opening mechanism kicked in the next moment.

The soldiers held their breaths, hands grabbing their weapons tight. It's opening!

Dickson was having the time of his life for the past few hours. During this time that he stayed alone in the large research hall, he already took enough loot that left him grinning widely like a fool.

His bag was already blotted, filled to the brim with loot. As Clark left his bag before teleporting away, he was able to fill the bag to the brim also with loot.

Though because of the space restraints, he could not take the bigger loot in this hall for himself, these small ones already left him satisfied. He was now practically swimming in Daland credits.

Though no one was foolish enough to sell any of these loot for money, if he converted them to money value-wise, he felt that he already looted up to over trillions of Daland credits.

At times, he even felt that trillions were still underestimating the wealth that he just got, quantifying it in zillions would be more apt. That was how outrageously rich in resources this research base was.

He felt horrified thinking about it, making the 2 bags that were with him seem heavier all of a sudden. He was sure that if others knew that he was with such wealth, 80% of all the mercenaries in the world would go after him.

Despite getting so much loot already, he was not satisfied yet. He felt angry at himself for not bringing a bag with much more internal storage capacity.

The loot that he already got was just a drop of water in the ocean of wealth that was in this hall, he wanted more. He could not suppress his yearning so he took on another strategy.

He quickly started searching through the hall, looking for a convenient place that he could modify and turn into a hiding place to keep more loot.

He knew that others were coming and they were probably already close, he was even more reluctant to let the loot fall on their hands.

His eyes lit up in joy as he found a hole that was dug in between 2 large robotic machines. It seemed like a hole where repair tools were kept and the space was perfect for his plan.

The machines flanked the hole from both sides, slightly obstructing it from view. He wanted to see inside more clearly, so he squeezed himself between the machines to get a good look.

As he wriggled himself through the small hole, he suddenly felt the ground vibrating slightly.

What is that? He stuck his face out.


This time, he was almost thrown off his feet as a loud sound echoed across the hall at extremely high decibels.

His face paled immediately; he was familiar with this sound. The others are here, the door is opening.

His emotions became a jumbled mess for a moment as he panicked on how to safeguard his life.

He was sure that if the others came and saw him inside, they would all focus-attack him first before asking questions and doing anything else.

He was worried about Clark, how was he right now? What was happening to him? The questions in his mind were too much and the answers were too few.

As the components that made the huge door slowly unveiled themselves outwards, his panic gradually receded. His eyes flashed as he looked at the hole now before him, conviction filling his heart.

This hole could act as the best hiding place for him in this place.

When danger finally came, he no longer cared about loot, all he cared for was his life. Only the living could enjoy luxury, if he died, all the loot would become others possession.

Dragging himself backward, he dropped the 2 heavy bags and his weapons. After taking a deep breath, he exerted force on his hands and started pushing at the heavy machine that was on the left.

The machine was a heavy beast, refusing to move an inch despite his 2nd rank high-grade soldier strength.

The door continued making creaking sounds as it opened while he put in even more effort to move the machine, his face was now red with veins curling all over his face.

Sweat dripped down his face but he had no leisure to wipe it away, he was in a race against time.

After exerting more effort, the machine finally moved an inch. This shook its foundation, making it no longer as sturdy as before. With a little more effort, he created a space through which he could enter.

The door opened widely to the limits at this same moment.

He jumped into the hole immediately while praying that these newcomers were not perceptive enough to detect his presence at this moment, he directed a glance back as he fell down.


He rolled forward on landing, reducing the sound that was emitted to the barest minimum.

He quickly picked himself back up and rushed to the entrance of the hole, he peeked out to look. As he did this, he also smoothly retrieved the 2 blotted bags expertly.

As soon as the hundreds of soldiers entered the large hall, they stood still in awe, admiring the splendor and wealth on display. This did not last though; they finally spotted the main mission target that they were all yearning for.


A soldier had his head sliced through cleanly by an opponent, this poor fellows death heralded the start of the war for the bean quadrant enhancer.

Gunshots and cold weapon stabs filled the hall with blood closely accompanying it.

Chaos descended immediately.

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