The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 262: professor granits diary

Chapter 262: professor granits diary

Clark was stunned speechless in one place, he looked at this man that suddenly appeared before him with eyes glinting with curiosity.

It was not just an exaggeration that he referenced the great warlock Gandalf immediately on seeing the old man that appeared before him, the resemblance is uncanny.

If he lied, he was ready to go 2 hours without food.

Hearing his question, the old man chuckled heartily. Young man, it's nice to meet you. Its been long since I met humans, I feel even more blessed knowing that someone of this era remembers the great Gandalf as I do.

After observing for a few seconds, Clark felt that something was wrong. Curiosity left his face, instead, it became grim.

What are you? He asked.

You noticed quite fast. Are the soldiers of this era this era so exceptional, or is it just you? Im impressed. The old man commented smilingly.

Clark did not reply, he now had a poker look on his face. He already noticed that this was not the projection of a living being and it was not an A. I either, so what was this?

Im the head scientist of this research base. Well, was the head scientist would be more correct. The old man still had a smile on his face.

Clark had a strange expression on his face. What happened to you?

Is that a question? The great battle of supremacy happened of course. Those dark days, humanity still does not know what they lost when I died. The old man sighed, a melancholic expression on his face.

Clark hesitated. How are you talking to me?

Haha, kid, I understand your feelings. Dont worry, Im dead, this is just a fragment of my brainpower that was preserved after I succeeded in one of my forbidden experiments.

Those days, it felt good being a scientist.

And this is not my real appearance. I configured myself to look a little like the great Gandalf without making it too obvious. I always loved his sage-like look as a kid, his white flowing beards were heavenly to me.

Hearing all these, though Clark did not still understand everything that was happening, at least he had a basic understanding now. He no longer beat around the bush; he went straight to the point.

I came for the bean quadrant enhancer, so why was I brought here? He didnt know why, but he suddenly became bolder on entering here.

I know, I was just trying to enjoy my last moments with a human. The old man was calm.

What do you mean? Clark frowned.

What do you think? As you already noticed, the energy supplies here are depleting, and soon the machine powering the remnants of my brain fragment would shut down.

Then, Ill finally leave this world for good and rest in peace.

Well, I dont have much time, neither do you, so I guess I should go directly to the point.

This virtual domain is my diary.

Yes, I destroyed the physical copy of my diary and kept it in here for the person that would have the luxury of successfully fusing with the bean quadrant enhancer that I created.

Clark had questions already, but he kept quiet and listened.

The bean quadrant enhancer is not what the researchers that came here a few months ago think it is, its much more complicated.

Thats why I brought you here. Before you go for the fusing, I want you to know what youre getting involved into.

Take your time and go through my diary.

The old man disappeared the next moment after saying this.

Then the world seemed to have changed. A chair appeared from nowhere, and Clark was now seated. The sky before him opened like a page flipping open, then a book title appeared before him.

>Professor Granits diary>

Clark was shocked immediately after seeing this name, he knew who this man was. Before he could think further the sky flipped again, and now the first page of the diary was on the sky before him.

August 8, 2085. After applying over and over again, the higher-ups finally approved my idea. They built an extremely big underground research base for my monopoly, Im excited. Long live Araga!

August 27, 2085. I finally had a dedicated group of like-mind assistants that understands me. With this, I think Im one step closer to cracking the limitations of the human brain, and probably finding the ultimate solution also.

October 4, 2085. Now, Im feeling even more confused. Why cant we humans use our brain to its fullest potential when one puny alien can? This is puzzling.

February 12, 2086. I found it! I think I found it, the reason why we are limited by our brain. Experts of old said the brain is better than a computer, now I understand what they meant.

Due to a lot of limitations brought by our low race species, we humans can only use a puny amount of the power offered by our brain. We can improve through practice, but practice cannot crack all the mysteries of the brain.

I will research further; I want to achieve the ultimate goal. I want our Aragan soldiers to utilize the full 100% potential of their brain, that way, well become the hegemons of the whole world.

March 5, 2086. My request was finally approved, I can now start the brain liberation research program. Im so excited, this will be legendary. Ill probably leave my name in history if I succeed.

Pfft, whats probably, Ill definitely leave my name in history. Now, let the research begin.

Clark read through dozens of pages that focused on the research results, progress, and problems. After reading for an indeterminate time, the research pages finally started diminishing a bit.

January 3, 2087. It finally happened. The agitated countries cannot restrain themselves any longer, the battle of supremacy finally starts. This world is slowly taking on a route of destruction.

Well, who cares? All I know is that my experiment now has more priority to the higher-ups which means I will have more allocation of resources. Perfect!

August 2, 2087. I finally had a breakthrough; the preliminary research results of the bean quadrant enhancer prototype have been collected. It looks promising but a lot of areas could improve.

November 1, 2087. I did it, I created the ultimate biological device that can help humans break through the limits of their brains. This is a groundbreaking achievement.

Now, piloting mechs is no longer a sci-fi scenario. A lot of things can be possible because of this discovery, we can now use our brain to its fullest potential. Long live Araga!

December 5, 2087. I cant believe it, the first high-grade soldier to attempt the fuse died. What happened? There were no incompatibilities, everything seemed smooth-sailing. Im so frustrated.

December 29, 2087. The government is criticizing me, is my work a failed project? In just a month, 10 high-grade soldiers have died to my enhancer. I feel like a traitor.

Is this what it feels to be a mad scientist?

January 1, 2088. The government is desperate, the war situation is not going well, they finally approved the decision to send a 4th rank high-grade soldier. Im excited, there shall be no complications this time, Im sure.

January 2, 2088. Gosh, I cant believe it. I killed a 4th rank high-grade soldier! I have no use living again, Ive killed my country, Im a traitor.

January 10, 2088. Experiments on the enhancer have stopped, and Im sentenced to death by the government to appease certain parties. What an irony! The great Professor Granit is now a pig used to appease some petty humans.

Despite the governments decision, I still secretly continue my experiments.

February 2, 2088. I think I finally created the real enhancer, this one shall surely work, right? But there is no one to fuse it with.

Im shocked, invaders from another country found out our hideout on this same day. A fierce battle is going on and most of the researchers are already being escorted out. Im being left to die!

No, I have to do something. Even if I die, my research cannot die so easily. I will do something; I still have the most authority over this research base before my execution day.

If I do this, anyone can get access to the quadrant enhancer. But I have to do it, my research cannot die with me.

My forbidden research also succeeded; I have a 30% chance of transplanting my brain in the regurgitation machine. I hope this works.

Im about to do it. If I press this button, everyone in this research base will die and be buried by the mechanical soldiers. I hope a worthy soldier comes in the future. My research result coming to life lies on you, future soldier.

My history ends here. Goodbye world, goodbye Professor Granit

The lines suddenly stopped; no words were written on the dairy again. The Professor was dead like he said, only a portion of his brain survived in a machine.

Clark was left stunned, strapped stiffly to the chair.

Unknowing to him, his back was already filled with cold sweat. The information that he just encountered was mind-blowing, he did not know how to react at all.

A biological device to help humans break through the limitations of their brain, is that even possible?

As if sensing that he had a lot of questions, the air rippled as the old man appeared before him again.

Clark was a lot more respectful before him this time after knowing his identity. Despite existing just as a brain, Professor Granit was a well-respected scientist in the biological sector.

Seeing Clarks fiery gaze, the man chuckled. I know that you have a lot of questions, thats what I left my brain for, to clarify the fateful soldier that comes.

Before you go for the fusing, let me answer all your questions.

An intelligent interactive session began immediately.

The king of demolition stood before the secret door that led to the Aragan ruin. Seeing the big bold A imprinted on the door, he felt a lot of emotions raging through his mind.

After Clark and his companions escaped, he stayed behind and had a bitter battle with Grey Fur.

As expected, he was trashed by the outrageous brute strength of the exobeast but his cunning enabled him to survive. He did not only survive, but he also helped some of Clark and Dicksons subordinates to escape.

With his area of effect bombs, he could do a lot on a chaotic battlefield.

After escaping from Grey Fur, he finally found the trails left behind by Josh. He followed the trail and found Diana and the others that were going back after traveling for a few hours.

They relayed the situation to him.

After understanding the situation, he also revealed to them that some of their subordinates survived and showed them likely places that they could find them.

After separating, it did not take long for him to navigate to the location of the secret door.

Clark, I hope youre alright. I still believe that youre the chosen one. He did not hesitate; he opened and went through the tunnel immediately.

He was anxious to know Clarks status and he also wanted to transmit what was happening back to his master.

He had to be fast.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it.]

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