The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 255: mr and mrs leonard bane

Chapter 255: mr and mrs leonard bane

Back in the Spartan republic, in Delhi city, today the road was much more crowded and boisterous as the bright aura of something significant happening filled the atmosphere.

Today was the knot tying day between Sergeant Leonard Bane and Ms. Kate Bauer.

As a soldier who was serving in Delhi city for over 4 years already, Leo had an unprecedented status in the city. As soldiers were the protectors of the city, every citizen looked up to them.

Though he was not the strongest soldier in the Python military division, he and his wife were well known as he was among the few high-grade soldiers there.

When the news that Captain Daniel was going to attend the wedding ceremony spread out, the whole city stirred. Due to this alone, the hype for it blew through the roof.

On the main road of the city, special road safety agents armed to the teeth were on duty as they checked every vehicle that was driving across. This was to prevent people with ulterior motives from entering the city on this important day.

Back in Leos compact mansion, he was in his room as he was being attended to by a group of stylists and fashion designers.

He was dressed in a luxurious sky-blue suit, a neat tie that hung perfectly to his neck, a black shoe that was laced with diamonds, a golden wristwatch, and other minor accessories.

Overall, he looked unimaginably dashing.

The female fashion designer attending to him was already giving the final touches to his face. She had a focused expression on her face as she did her work dedicatedly.

Hey bro, are you not ready? The church service will commence soon. A man suddenly opened the door and entered the room, he had a slight frown on his face.

Its done. The fashion designer finally spoke out. She bowed slightly, arranged her equipment back into her bag before leaving the room with her assistants.

Leo finally turned to flash his colleague a bright smile. How do I look?

You look cool, satisfied? The man replied flatly before laughing the next moment.

His name is Joseph, and he is also a soldier serving under the Python military division with Leo. He donned a black suit also, only that it was less luxurious.

As both friends started talking, the door opened again with no other person but Smart man coming in.

Like the name he gave himself, he was really smart today. He donned a black suit, the only difference from the others was that he had his military medals lining the chest part of his suit.

Whats that? Leo quickly asked.

What did you think? My medals of course. Smart man smiled. You already have your wife; I want to use this opportunity to look for one also. With my medals, Im sure no girl can refuse me today.

Youre disgusting as always. Joseph snorted.

Hey, you dont know anything

As Smart man was about to continue, Leo interrupted him. Did you come with a message?

Ah, I almost forgot, they said the bride is already on the way to the church.

What? Leo and Joseph exclaimed at the same time.

They wanted to punch this man immediately but they had no time for that. They ignored him and rushed downstairs, they were not ready to let the bride arrive at the church before them.

Seeing the groom rush downwards, the other soldiers down here waved at him and followed him outside.

Leo was quickly led to a special car that stood out from the others; it was one of Captain Daniels luxurious exotic cars. The car looked so majestic that it was easy to mistake it as an imaginary work of fiction.

After Leo entered, his men on suit entered with him before the driver started the ignition. The other cars also started at this moment as they quickly drove outside.

As soon as they entered the road, the line of vehicles started stretching infinitely. Military vehicles and luxurious vehicles formed the entourage as they dominated the highway immediately.

10 minutes later, they finally got to the church. Leo was relieved as the bride did not get there before him.

Seeing the large silhouette of the church and the fleet of cars parked around, his face bloomed into a bright smile. He reflexively patted his suit, nodded at his companions before going into the church.

As he entered, a standing ovation was given to him.

He smiled brightly and waved a little in appreciation. This was a scene that he would never forget, friends, family, loved ones, even strangers, everyone was here for him today.

This was probably going to be the best day of his life.

After he sat down, the church process continued without any hiccups. A few minutes later, he was finally called to the altar as a sweet calming music started coming from the sound amplifiers.

The atmosphere in the church climbed upwards to a crescendo, loud applause from the audience accompanied the music as the bride started coming in.

She was dressed in an extremely long pure white wedding dress, part of which was supported by beautiful girls who followed slowly behind her.

Her beautiful face was covered by a veil, but this could not hide the beauty radiating out. Her steps were like those of the purest fairy. To Leo, she was the whole world to him right now.

This was his wife, Kate.

As soon as she got to the altar, her husband took her hands, flashed her the brightest smile he could muster before they both turned to face the pastor.

After the blessings of the church were bestowed upon them, the moment of truth finally came. It was the moment for the groom to kiss the bride.

The Pastor spoke solemnly. From today, I declare you both husband and wife. Now, you may kiss the bride.

Leo felt his wife blush a bit but he hardly cared, it only made his heart to be filled more with joy. He extended his hands outwards before removing her veil in the gentlest way possible.

The most beautiful face in the world presented itself to him. His hands drew closer by instinct as he softly caressed her gentle cheeks.

His face went closer to hers, they were now just a few inches apart.

I love you, Kate. He finally enveloped her rosy lips in the most gentle, intense, and passionate kiss ever.

Fireworks covered the air outside as this scene played out, while shiny objects were thrown and sprayed everywhere in the air cheerfully by the bridal train that accompanied the bride.

This sealed it all. They were now officially Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bane. The whole church erupted in cheers, clapping wildly in joy.

Captain Daniel had a rare smile on his face on seeing this scene. A nostalgic expression was on his face, it felt like this moment just made him relive some scenes decades ago that he has already forgotten.

We trust you, Leo! Leos comrades yelled at this moment from the side.

It took a full minute before Leo finally separated from the kiss, leaving his wife red and blushing all over. He smiled again before waving at the audience cheering him on.

After this, the other procedures that followed were much more straightforward and no longer wasted time.

A few minutes later, the church service finally ended.

Loved ones and close friends finally started coming forward to present them with gifts and also to take photos with them, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Fortunately, nothing contrary happened, making the wedding smooth sailing from the start till the end.

Thank you for coming, I appreciate it, Captain. Leo said smilingly while bowing a little at Captain Daniel.

Thank you, sir. Mrs. Leonard also added from the side.

No worries. The captain waved his hands.

Ive always found it a trouble thinking of which gift to give you both, but your intense passionate kiss a moment ago enlightened me.

Ignoring the blushing faces of the couple, Captain Daniel continued. He brought out a small pouch from his pocket and presented it to them.

I decided to give you this, take good care of it.

Thank you, sir. The couple thanked him again.

Ok, I wish you both a happy married life. I hope I get to see a little soldier running around the base the next time you return for duty.

Umm Leo laughed awkwardly.

Dont worry, I just decided to give you an additional 2 months' leave to enable you to celebrate your honeymoon properly. Dont disappoint me. He finally left after taking a group photo with the couple.

As soon as the couple left the church premises, all the bustle and hustle finally ended.

On the luxurious car carrying them home, Leo leaned closer to his wife as they both shared another round of passionate kissing.

As he intended to take it further, Kate stopped him. Leo, remember your promise?

Uh, which promise? Leo was confused.

About the military ranking. She feigned being hurt on hearing that he forgot.

Oh, sorry, my bad. He quickly apologized.

For months, Kate kept on pestering him that she wanted to know why the military ranking of this era was different compared to the 21st century.

Despite being fiances, Leo always refused to tell her, saying that it was a confidential military secret. He said that for her to know about it, they had to become a couple first.

And now, they were finally a couple officially.

Leo thought a bit before answering. About what you want to know, I also dont know much about it.


Hey, I didnt mean it like that. The Spartan republic doesnt even know much, but we only know the bits and pieces that were revealed to us by the big 5.

According to the big 5, the decision to change the military ranking system was made due to the appearance of an alien.

An alien? Kate was puzzled.

Yes, do you think that exobeasts just appeared out of thin air? Do you think that the breaking through phenomenon just sprang up from the air?

Umm, no

Thats it. Leo spread his hands. According to the big 5, animals evolving to become exobeasts started after the appearance of the alien. And they also changed the military ranking because of the alien.

Thats all that I know, they told the Spartan republic that they are still researching it so we dont know more.

I see Kate nodded in understanding.

Ok, what of Clark? I really felt bad that he was not able to attend our wedding. She quickly changed the topic.

Hearing this, Leo sighed. I also feel bad, really bad. I just hope that he is fine, Benny also.

On getting home, all his soldier companions read the atmosphere as they tacitly left the mansion to the newly wedded couples.

Leo brought his wife to the room. They kissed and tossed around on the bed, the night was a long and satisfying one.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it.]

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