The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 224: panic

Chapter 224: panic

Clark did not move an inch for the next minute, under such pressure, his military instincts quickly kicked in as the necessary basic reactions of such a situation poured into his brain smoothly.

He made sure to remain motionless like a sturdy unwavering tree, he held his breath, reduced his heartbeat to the barest minimum, secretly activated a device that wiped his human smell away, before praying for luck.

The atmosphere became strangely tense and oppressive to him after doing all these. He tightly shut his eyes to not freak out again, his implant was the one now updating him on what was happening.

[Ding!! From the exobeast lions angle of sight and its expression, it has been deduced that it is not sure of Masters presence here. It woke up due to the noise, but it still cant pinpoint what caused it.]

[Its innate intuition was what caused it to look directly at your position. After a lot of analysis, I suggest that Master should use this opportunity to silently escape.]

[If you stay here further, the tendency of being exposed will only get more and more increased as it can penetrate your stealth measures through its senses if given enough time.]

Hearing this analysis from his implant, Clark felt like crying, how the hell did he forget such important information at this moment? Panic was not good in any situation, but he could not help it.

Knowing that this predator was just guessing and following its intuition, Clark felt relief for the first time as he finally raised one leg slowly.

Getting no reaction, he dropped it, raised the next even more slowly, and dropped it further forwards. With this method, he started slowly moving out of the cave with his eyes still tightly shut.

[Ding!! Master has successfully gotten away from the sight range of the exobeast, you can move more freely now.]

Move more freely my ass! Am I mad?

As soon as he confirmed that he left the exobeasts range, he reconfigured his multi-purpose boots to the maximum silence coverage limit immediately before bolting out of the cave.

Even the flash would blush in shame at his current speed as he ran swiftly across the narrow cave, like a rabbit being chased by a cat.

Back in the cave palace, the white manned lion was still lying down as it continued looking at Clarks previous position with narrowed eyes. It felt confused as it could not feel anything there again.

It was too lazy to give a damn about whatever was there, it was about to go back to sleep but it stopped on seeing the Wild Yak yawning before waking up.

Roar! Maw!

It roared in a low voice at its companion, as the latter also made strange noises back at it. If Clark was still here, there was a tendency that he would have messed himself up on witnessing this sight, these 2 fellows were communicating!

Their deep predatory voices kept reverberating around the palace, as the gems laid in the wall did a good job of echoing them outside.

After 30 seconds of communication, the Wild Yak yawned again before going back to sleep. The Lion still had a confused expression on its face, but it also slept as it didnt have the patience of a human detective.

With that, the 2 hegemonic alphas of this large animal kingdom finally went to sleep again. The short disturbance was insignificant to them, they were afraid of nothing in this forest.

To them, if an enemy comes to assassinate them in the night, all they had to do was eat the fellow. It was as simple as that, and their strength could do it, so why stress themselves?

Back in the cave passage inside the palace, on hearing the deep roaring and strange sounds that evidently belonged to the alpha Wild Yak, Clark almost missed his steps in shock.

I was still discovered. Damn, Im roasted.

Panic submerged his brain, as he scrambled to run even faster than his legs could carry him. All that was in his mind now was to escape, he didnt regret his choice of coming here, but he was felt afraid for his fate.

If the 2 alpha exobeasts went after him together, he was pretty sure that he had zero chances of escaping. He could only try his best to escape and leave the rest to fate.

It did not take him up to a minute before he finally arrived at the entrance of the cave. Seeing the 2 rigid Himalayan black bear guards, a headache came in immediately.

He suppressed his irritation, lowered his speed so that the wind would not be stirred to alert these 2 guys when he passed. After doing this, he finally slipped past them silently.

As soon as he left them, he jumped immediately from the cliff as he started freefalling downwards.

In such an urgent situation, deciding to slowly climb back down was practically the same thing as forfeiting his life. Jumping directly down was the fastest, and it could bring him better chances of surviving.

The wind blew fiercely, hitting his armor and making whooshing sounds as he continued his dive down like an eagle.

The wind speed and his dropping speed were so fast, his figure seemed like a spaceship shuttling across. If not for his armors protection, his mouth would have been pried wide open by this fierce wind already.

As the wind hit his figure relentlessly, his panic slowly subsided as a strange calm started replacing it. Only his landing position was in his sight, as he narrowed his eyes to look clearly.

His brain was already on overdrive, as he calculated his chances of escaping and not stirring a commotion rapidly.


His multi-purpose boots suddenly erupted with energy when he got very close to landing, as its anti-gravity function was activated at a great expense of energy.

His figures dropping speed was lowered a bit due to this, as he landed with a bam sound while curbing the remaining impact with a forward roll.

Even if the bam sound was not too loud, there was no way that these perceptive beasts would remain unaware, especially the ones that were close by, but he was already prepared.

As soon as he rolled to curb the impact of his landing, he kneeled and swiftly brought a special short pistol from his bag before bringing a compact white bag housing dozens of injections.

Like he predicted, almost all the animals in this region reacted to his landing as they all woke up groggily. He took complete advantage of their still sleepy forms.

His hands moved smoothly like water as he carefully slotted 5 injections inside the small pistol. After this, he quickly turned and aimed.

Pu! Pu!

The injections were shot out like bullets, as they quickly impacted the nearby animals before discharging their loads inside their bodies.

As soon as the injections content was discharged into their bodies, they grew dizzy immediately before falling back to the ground and entering a deep sleep. These were special sleeping injections made for soldiers.

Clark did not stop to rest for a moment, as he kept slotting in injections into the pistol and shooting rapidly at the animals.

It took him 5 minutes, but he finally heaved a sigh of relief as none of the animals made a strange sound that would compromise his position. Despite this, he did not feel safe at all on thinking of the 2 alphas, he went on the run again.

Backing his bag, his figure flashed across the settlements of the animals like an expert parkour specialist as he jumped, ducked, and slid across every obstacle hindering him swiftly.

Other animals woke up as they sensed a commotion, but none of them saw his shadow as he left them all in the dust swiftly.

As he continued evading and fooling these animals, his confidence grew more and more, so he finally started using the drones that he placed on various places to draft out a better escape path.

With the drones, his escape quickly became dozens of times easier as he avoided any place that had too high a concentration of animals.

It took him another 20 minutes before he finally arrived at the edge of the animals settlement, as he could now see the elevated path of the forest where he originally hid with his companions.

This did not make his movements stop though. Giving an order swiftly, his multi-purpose boots changed their configuration again to become skiing boots as he slides swiftly up the sloppy pathway.

As he slides away, his tense nerves finally relaxed a bit. He now had the luxury to look back, but when he did, his face froze immediately.

It seems my escape was not as full-proof as I thought.

It seemed that his escape caused more commotion than he predicted as most of the animals were already awake, the glowing colors of their eyes shined in the darkness of the night to form a very intimidating sight.

The animals started running after his figure, as they formed a beast stampede immediately. Their strong hooves hit the ground heavily, making loud sounds like those of beating war drums.

Oh, boy!

He increased his speed more, as his figure warped forward across the slope speedily. His face brightened a bit, he could finally see his companions.

That was his faces expression though. Seeing him, all his companions had gloomy and annoyed expressions on their faces as they glared daggers at him with frightening intensity.

What the hell did you do Clark? Dicksons angry voice quickly sounded out even before he reached there.

Diana also opened how mouth to speak and show how annoyed she was, but Clarks next words quickly drowned hers.

Run, run immediately, the alphas are after us.

Not hearing the apology that he expected but this, Dickson was even more irritated. What the f*ck do you mean we should run? You will stay and fight these animals, we are not leaving today, wait, wh, what did you just say?

You provoked the alpha? Goosebumps suddenly erupted all over his body, as he felt his legs wobbling weakly immediately.

He looked to his side in panic, but to his shock, his other companions were not there again. Looking back, he could only see their figure swiftly disappearing deep inside the forest. They were gone.

What? Wait for me. He felt like crying, what a bunch of unreliable teammates.

He did not dare linger, as he also ran like the wind into the forest. Clark finally arrived before him, as he quickly overtook him through the advantage he was getting from his boots.

Wait for me!!

Like sneaky rats that were scrambling from a human after eating the latters fish, they ran swiftly into the depths of the forest, breaking their running records in the process.

If only they knew, the 2 alphas were sleeping peacefully.

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