The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 221: the kingdom between 2 cliffs

Chapter 221: the kingdom between 2 cliffs

Youre saying you saw Molly still trapped inside the mysterious egg, and he is already decaying? Dickson asked again with more weariness now on his tone, as Clark led him out of his tent.

Yeah, the sudden sight of him was what actually led to the casualty that my squad suffered there.


I know that its painful, but I think you should get over it. Youre the leader of your squad, you already heard my plans, if you remain like this, our chances of survival will go down even more.

Clark finally spoke out on this, as he already noticed the disadvantages they would face if his ally remained like this. A drop in morale was the least of concerns.

Hahaha, I know, but I dont think I can for now. Dickson spoke while laughing in a self-mocking manner, as he raised his head to secretly wipe the tear that was threatening to fall down his eye.

You cant understand my condition, Clark. Do you know how many wives became widows, how many children became orphans, and how many families will grieve just because of my incompetence?

I feel like Im a murderer. I know its ok for soldiers to die for the good cause, but I feel guilty. I led them all to their deaths, Im an incompetent bastard and I know that.

Youre the Stranded dragon, the Magician, youre a genius in everything and a nightmare to all your enemies, I dont expect you to understand.

Clark didnt know what to say to comfort his new ally, he just patted him on the shoulders. After this, he finally took on his business tone again.

Like I said, to form an alliance that will grant us enough strength to escape this forest, your soldiers need to rest and replenish their strength.

I will help you as you already lost all your supplies during the pursuit, you can take half of my supplies. You need it more, and if we successfully leave here, we can replenish it.

You know yourself best and I believe in you, only you can devise the best strategy to go over this setback. All you have to know is that we are now tied to one stick, so I will provide unconditional help to your soldiers.

Thank you, Major Clark. I will not forget this kindness. Dickson said solemnly. Clark just patted his back again.

Im not really the magician that you think I am. Even during the gladiator tournament, I was always scared of what would happen the next day. You know what made me scale through? Determination.

Get that, and you get everything.

Clark whispered into his counterparts ear before he finally departed to his camp. To him, calling himself a genius was a misconception, you only had to read his heart and you will know the truth.

In every battle, in every situation that he had ever faced, he had always been afraid.

Sighing, he turned to go but stopped on seeing the female second in command from his new allys camp that was about to leave.

Please, wait. He quickly called out.

Yes, Major. The lady answered respectfully.

Sorry if this sounds rude, I dont think you are just his second in command. I want to know, are you his wife or his?

His fiance.

Oh, then I want to give you a task that can increase our escape chances. As soon as you get back, please take it upon yourself to try every means to cheer your fiance up and make him forget these setbacks.

I may not understand his setbacks but I know him, he is a fierce warrior when in his right domain. I want you to bring him back to his peak.

Yes, sir, Ill do that naturally. Thank you for the concern. The lady thanked him skillfully.

Its all for the plan. Clark quickly replied, nodded at her before turning to go back to his tent.

From this exact moment, preparations for the great forest escape began in full swing.

Their allies already lost everything, so Clarks squad provided everything that they needed. They still could do that, their 2 supply bags were not stuffed full for nothing.

They provided them with solar panels to recharge their weapons and equipment energy reserves, while also supplying them with abundant food to replenish all their lost strength.

Food was always king in the jungle. The food supplies worked like wonders, as the originally downcast and hopeless soldiers who seemed like dead woods became energetic again after taking it.

For the next few days, their temporary camp became busy as soldiers went back and forth in preparation for their planned battle.

The soldiers with some technical backgrounds in the group went to work, as they started finetuning all the weapons and equipment again.

Others worked on the software devices, as they checked all their programs to detect if any bug suddenly materialized or if anything hampered with the sensitive devices.

Long-range detection devices were also dispatched around their camp, as through it, every sudden intruder could be sniped from a distance even before they could see the camp.

The allied force also created a makeshift training chamber, where the soldiers could spar and make sure they were at the peak for the impending decisive battle.

As the Spartan squad almost provided everything that they needed, the other squad began losing their independence bit by bit as they slowly started succumbing to the Spartans influence.

There was nothing Dickson could do. The benevolence displayed by Clark left him too guilty to impose superiority at this moment, he was fine with taking the support role this time.

He already got over it, but at times he could not help the innate competitive human spirit in him. He sometimes compared his squad with the Spartans, and only depression resulted from every single time.

His squad tyrannically came with 100 soldiers for the mission, now they were left with only 37. The Spartans came with only 50, and they were still left with 44, the difference was too glaring just like 7-up.

As all these activities went on, making the temporary allied camp boisterous, Clark did not forget the importance of getting to know the enemy more.

Today, he finally gathered an exploration team to go out and explore the territory of their enemy. For the past few days, he was already thinking about it, so he created the perfect crack team that he could think of.

He wanted only 5 soldiers for this important mission, and they must be elites, as this would make them more flexible to react better to unexpected circumstances.

After convening with Dickson, they both finally settled on the best. He will be the leader of the group, Dickson, Diana, Negro, and Shakes, these were the elite 5.

Dickson wanted to shirk the responsibility, as he insisted that one of the leaders was needed at the camp to stabilize things but Clark vehemently rejected all his proposals.

Preposterous, why the f*ck would an invaluable defensive soldier like yourself be left behind? Even if Im mad, its not to that realm yet. Clark quickly shot all his points down.

Dickson also argued that Benny should join the team as he was among the best of the soldiers also, but Clark also shot down this suggestion.

He reasoned that instead of him staying behind to stabilize things, his friend was the best candidate for the job.

Taking a jab at this loophole also, Dickson also successfully removed his fiance from the list of candidates originally being debated for the mission. None of them wanted their close ones near any danger.

Negro was a male 1st rank high-grade soldier from Clarks squad, while Shakes was a female 1st rank high-grade soldier from Dicksons squad. These 2 completed the quota of 5 soldiers.

As all the soldiers were already informed before now, when the time came, they all convened outside the region of their temporary camp. Clark spoke out as the leader.

You are all elites here, and you already know the reason why we gathered, so I will not take the bother of going deep and bore you with details.

I just want to remind you of our core purpose for this team. We are gathered together as vanguard explorers; our main mission is to stealthily approach the enemy and get information about them.

Stealth and flexibility are our main advantage in this mission, that is why I decided on only 5 of us.

With 5, we can advance and retreat in tandem. We can engage in swift maneuvers when required, we have various trump cards as elites, and most especially, with 5, we are indomitable.

After spitting out some more load of crap that kept on coming to his head, Clark finally embarked on the journey with his 5 comrades.

Everything else in the camp was left for Benny and Dicksons fiance to take care of, they just prayed not to come back and meet a camp already run over by beasts.

Just like the wind, the 5 white-uniformed soldiers blended with the snow and the forest trees as they moved swiftly across the forest.

This time, to give them even more of a chance against the beasts, they all dyed their climbing uniforms to white to enhance their camouflage abilities, this was part of their preparation.

The effect was obvious, if not looked at clearly, they seemed just like a bunch of ethereal phantoms that were phasing across.

With their skill, it was hard to see the snow get disturbed and their military boots erased all their footprints due to the configuration that Clark ordered them all to set it at.

Hours later, the nimble group of 5 soldiers finally arrived at the biggest and most important part of the whole forest.

Due to their speed and focused movement, the distance that originally took Dicksons squad 3 days took them only a few hours to cross.

When they got there, it was already late in the evening, so they couldnt see the scenery clearly but Clark and the others were still stunned by the sight that greeted them.

Finally!! They all heaved sighs of relief with joy evident on their faces, only Dickson and Shakes had solemn expressions on their faces.

2 enormous mountain walls stood before them, standing proudly like 2 primordial dragons with a large opening in the middle, separating them to form 2 mountain cliffs.

The large opening looked like something that was drilled by a mountain drilling machine, they all watched awed.

This opening was clearly the pathway to leave this forest as confirmed by Dickson, but their faces quickly grew ugly on seeing the countless primitive settlements that were laid below it.

At this time of the day, the animals were not asleep yet, under the 2 cliffs was extremely boisterous as animals moved left and right disorderly.

Snow leopards, mountain cats, Himalayan Tahrs, Red Pandas, Musk Deer, Wild Yaks, and other animals lived together in complete harmony, baffling the soldiers.

They live like this only because of their alpha. Dickson finally spoke out. None of them dares rebel, he is the absolute leader here.

The soldiers kept quiet on hearing this, as they slowly took in this unforgettable and equally intimidating sight.

I think we should lie low for now. Clark suggested. They all nodded, as they quickly dug and hide under the snow.

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