The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 212: the relentless pursuer

Chapter 212: the relentless pursuer

It was another bright morning in the great Himalayan peaks, as the rare but faint sight of sunlight finally started peeking through the veils of the mist around to illuminate the mountain.

This was the time that tourists love the most, as this would provide better background contrast for them to take beautiful group and individual photos. Life was sweet here if you avoid the dangerous places.

2 female tourists giggled as they made a video call with their high-quality cellphones, transmitting this rare beautiful sight to their blog followers.

Other tourists did other things, as the middle-aged ones among them made video calls to their children to wow them with this stunning sight carefully crafted by nature.

The tourists around here were plentiful. It was rare to see so many tourists clustered together, but a shelter was close by, which was what brought them all together here.

Hmmm, what is that? Is that a human? One of the tourists suddenly asked, while looking ahead at the distance.

It does look like a human, its walking uprightly with 2 legs, that makes it a human, right? Another tourist that was close by answered.

But it also looks like an animal. Another one quickly butted in, while squinting his eyes to look curiously.

Its a Himalayan black bear, ahh, run!!

One of the girls who just looked once and was spooked by the sight quickly shouted in fear, startling the others as she ran speedily like the flash to the direction of the shelter.

The commotion that she caused made many of the tourists follow her footsteps, as they ran for their lives.

There were some with nerves of steel though, as they all stood their ground, believing that that was just brainless panic. Even if they were wrong, they had other alternatives to escape danger.

A tourist that could spend money on an expedition to climb the Everest definitely also had the money to splurge on getting soldier bodyguards.

Though this would not grant them full proof protection from every danger, it could save them from most dangers of this region.

Just as there was danger all over the Everest, so were there also safety zones marked out by the big 5 for terrorists to pass. Its not like they were going for a mission, so normal soldiers could protect them in these regions.

Though they had the nerves to stay behind and wait, they were still rational enough to know that staying and hiding behind their soldier bodyguards was the best.

As they waited and watched, the figure that was clothed in black slowly trudged closer to their location. He was evidently coming to the nearby shelter; this made the truth of him being a human more viable.

Seeing the tourists that clustered together with guarded expressions on their faces, and were looking at him like he was a beast, the black-clothed mans face twitched fiercely.

What is this world turning to? Children now cant even recognize their fellow beings again, what degradation this is.

He was dressed in all black, different parts of his mountain climbing uniform were filled with tear marks and dust. His face was barely visible, as he covered it with a black hood.

To the tourists, if he was a human, he looked just like a barbarian slave. If they thought to the other extreme though, he looked like a mysterious spy.

As he drew closer and walked into the midst of the tourists who stayed behind, their soldier bodyguards formed a blockade around him to prevent any sudden movements from him.

This made him even more exasperated. Sigh, humans can never learn without being spanked first. Im not surprised.

Are you a human? What did you say? Hearing his muttering, one of the soldiers asked while still keeping a stern face.


He suddenly removed his veil, revealing his face before jumping up and screaming at the nearest soldier while making his hands look hideous to form a scary sight.

Ahh, its a human. Which weirdo is this?

The remaining tourists that stayed behind, despite seeing his human face, were still scared by his injury-filled face as they took to their heels immediately.

Hehe, take that f*ckers!! He quickly shouted out with a loud laugh.

Hearing this, the soldiers that were startled by his sudden movements and were already prepared for battle were stunned. They stood rigidly, as different emotions flashed past their faces.

What a bastard. One of them finally spoke out in conclusion.

The black-clothed man only raised a middle finger in reply, as he walked with a swagger now in his steps to the direction of the shelter.

The first few tourists that ran on seeing him first laughed from their various locations on seeing the once steel-hearted ones also running, their curiosity about this strange man only grew by this.

As they didnt see his injured face, they had different thoughts. Is he a comedian coming to entertain his audience from the Everest here?

Getting to the door of the shelter, he did not enter immediately. He flashed a mischievous smile at these people first, before his legs finally motioned to enter.

Hey, are you a comedian? One of the tourists could not help but ask.

F*ck, youre the comedian. Im a soldier, and not an ordinary one too, a Captain. Get that into your stingray brain.

With that, he entered the shelter before closing the door behind him with a loud bang sound accompanying it.

Haha, hes definitely a comedian. The tourists laughed at this before concluding to themselves.

Entering the shelter, the man quickly scanned the whole shelter round. He found where he wanted swiftly, so he did not linger as he went closer to the bar in the shelter.

If Clarks squad was here, they would recognize this place as this was the shelter where they hid to take shelter from the windstorm.

Get me a standalone beer. The man quickly spoke to the attendant that was there, while plopping down on the chair that was provided.

Which quality, sir?

Get me your best, do I look like someone who settles for less?

No, sir.


After getting his beer, he leaned back casually on the chair before savoring the alcohol leisurely. As he did this, he finally removed the hood that was covering his face.

Part of his face had slight injuries and was a little disfigured, but it was not too extreme, so the tourists around reacted mildly to it. Despite this, he still felt bummed at this mild reaction.

If not for those stupid soldiers, my handsome face would have been kept. Now I have to get back home first to get plastic surgery, what an inconvenience. Just wait, when I retrace your steps, I will make sure to demolish you all.

Though it was already a week since it happened, he was still very angry at the outcome of the pursuit that he started. Yes, he was the Mariana Captain that went after Clarks group.

Thinking of all the trouble that he passed through just to pass through the destruction wrath by the avalanche alone, he was indignant.

He survived in the small hole that he found in the mountain wall, but not without injuries. An avalanche in Mountain Everest was not something that can be survived easily.

He suffered a lot of pain and setbacks just to retrace his targets trail to this shelter, he was now determined to get them no matter the circumstances that opposed him.

As he muttered to himself hatefully, the door of the shelter was suddenly banged open roughly as 3 men that looked like thugs barged inside without any care of the world.

Seeing these 3 unruly men, he narrowed his eyes, but he did not react as he slowly sipped his beer.

After the 3 thugs located a seat and sat down, they started having a loud conversation between themselves. They behaved like they were the owner of the shelter, and everyone else was their subordinate.

Though the other tourists were irritated by this behavior, they all kept quiet and minded their business like they were already used to this.

Seeing this, the Mariana Captain narrowed his eyes even more that they now looked just like those of a snake.


He suddenly called out, startling everyone present. The 3 thugs were also startled, as they turned to look at who made this sound.

What? Are you talking to us?

Which other fools do you think Im talking to?

Who did you just call a fool? As they questioned, they already stood up with frightening grandeur, intimidating the other tourists that were close by.

Is that all you can do? Thats kids strategy, its too old-school. Try to upgrade yourself, even back then in my days, this was already outdated.

Seeing that this man was not intimidated but was rather talking to them back, the 3 thugs were surprised, rendering them clueless for a second.

This did not last though, as they took their childish antics to the next level. They started walking closer to the captain while puffing their shoulders to raise their grandeur.

The thug who took the lead got close enough, that his face was already sticking to the captains. The tourists faces twitched, as they looked at this weird sight.

Are they really threatening themselves? Thats too intimate, it looks more like they are about to kiss.

Now, what did you say again?

Even before the thug could finish his sentence, a big hand already grabbed his neck before raising him easily like he was just a leaf being rocked by the wind.

Gasps escaped from the nearby tourists on seeing this. The other 2 thugs were also shocked, but they quickly suppressed their shock and rushed forward to attack.

Pa!! Pa!!

2 resounding slaps suddenly reverberated, as both thugs flew back with more momentum than they came with.

Not this again. Seeing this, the thug that was grabbed tightly on the neck slowly felt a familiar feeling of dj vu as his eyes widened to the limits. Though he was shocked, he still decided to try his luck.

Do you know who I am? Drop me immediately, my boss is the king of demolition.

Hearing this, a weird expression came over the captains face. And who is the king of demolition?

Ah, you dont know him? Drop me now, Ill probably contemplate letting you go, my 2nd boss is a high-grade soldier with lots of subordinates.

The captains face narrowed into slits on hearing this. This bastards random blabbering was not entering his ears, but this surely did. A lot of things flashed through his mind.

Did your boss and his subordinates visit here recently?

Yes, so you know him. Now, drop me immediately.

They are all dressed in black, they are

Yes, thats them, you know them.

After asking of all the qualities of Clarks squad that he knew off and getting a positive reply, the captains face grew ugly.

F*ck, so you know those bastards.

Pa! Bam!

2 minutes later, the 3 thugs were humbled with various bruises on their swollen faces.

Is that all that you know about them?

Yes, sir. Im so sorry, Im not lying, he is really not our boss, we just met him by coincidence.

The Mariana Captain ignored the other blabbering of the 3 defeated thugs, as he left the shelter with a satisfied expression on his face. He finally got the information he needed.

Enjoy yourselves, for now, f*ckers, I will soon catch up to you guys.

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