The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 209: evicting a soldier

Chapter 209: evicting a soldier

All the soldiers screamed simultaneously in shock, as they watched their Major get submerged inside the rock with the cats. They had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Clark, no, no!!

Benny, being the soldier who rushed out of the tunnel last, it took more time for him to react, but when he did, he was devastated.

Though most of them were all focused on escaping and saving their sorry asses in panic, the few stronger ones were able to delegate a little bit of attention to their leaders battle.

They saw him when his armor was breached with a single bite, they also saw him when he stacked his exotic shields together in a desperate attempt at stalling the grey alpha cat.

What if his exotic shields are finished? Can his body alone withstand the impact of such hard rocks?

Thinking of this, some of them finally turned to face the soldier who caused this with indignant expressions on their faces. Because of his actions, they lost a high-grade soldier and probably their Major also.

Diana was stunned, as she stood rooted in one spot like a lonely tree amid a raging storm. A lot of things went through her mind at the same time.

Thinking of when her Major hugged her from behind when they were escaping from the Himalayan black bears, she wanted to blush but her inner self could not allow it.

For the past few weeks, though neither she nor Clark mentioned it they both knew that after that encounter, their subordinate-superior relationship became a little awkward.

In her part, since then, she always found it hard to look him in the eye. She did not romantically like him, but his status despite his young age made him seem charming in a way she could not describe.

You cant die, please, youre my secret role model. Youre better than this. She didnt know when, but she already started seeing him as someone to look up to.

Without him, she felt like she was lost. She just could not imagine being a proper soldier without him again. This was ridiculous as they just met about a week ago, but it was the truth.

Every soldier had different reactions to the possible repercussions of the disappearance of their Major, as silence reigned, only slight gulps could be heard in the background.

Benny felt crushed. As one of Clarks earliest friends, though their relationship was not really fuzzy like others, they still had a close bond that tied them together.

His brain became hyperactive, as he imagined different scenarios that his friend was probably in. Crushed by a large rock, eaten alive by the alpha cat, stabbed to death by a pointed rock surface, the possibilities were endless.

This cannot happen. God, what will I tell Leo?

As his emotions kept on getting riled up by his imaginations, prompting a teardrop to start slipping down his cheek, a reaction was finally stirred in the tunnel exit that was now covered with rocks.

Every soldiers ear stood like antennas on hearing this, as their heads all inclined to the position of the sound in tandem.

Crack!! Bam!!

After another cracking sound from the rocks covering the exit of the tunnel, a louder sound of collision followed as the rocks quickly separated from the force coming from inside.

Shocked expressions took over the soldiers faces, as they were stunned in one place looking at the hand of their Major that just emerged from in between the rocks.

Exerting more effort, Clarks spear forcefully cleaved upwards from below the rocks, destroying every rock that was originally hindering its advance as his bruised head finally appeared.

This was when the soldiers finally recovered from their daze, as 5 of them with Benny in tow immediately ran forward to help their injured Major.

Let me down to rest, Im tired.

The soldiers obeyed, as they meekly nodded their heads like lizards before they carefully dropped him on the floor.

Seeing his bloody injured figure that was sprawled on the floor, they all sucked in a breath of cold air as they imagined themselves in his position.

His long hair was compressed to his head due to the rocks weight, as it was now sticky and wet due to the blood all over his face. His right eye was swollen, while his left leg was broken and bent to an unnatural angle.

Blood flowed steadily from his abdomen, as a deep injury evidently inflicted from a pointed rock stayed glaringly there.

His face was pale, but his hand was still tightly holding his exotic spear. Though the breakdown of the tunnel affected him terribly, he was able to improvise and survive.

As soon as he saw the rocks falling with speed, he immediately knew that he no longer had the time to escape, so he quickly took action.

He activated one of the exotic shields that he kept as reserve, before squatting down and raising his spear to weather the falling momentum of the rocks. The outcome was this.

He avoided death, but he paid for it with his blood, pain, and countless injuries. He felt exhausted all over, all his body was just telling him to lie down and sleep till forever.

Quickly, bring the first aid kit, the Major needs immediate medical treatment.

Diana was the first person whose brain recovered and worked correctly, as her reminder finally brought the soldiers back to the reality that their Major was in a critically injured state.

The 2 always protected supply soldiers finally came forward with the huge supply bags, as they dropped them down next to their Major.

Diana knelt beside Clark, before going to work as she sorted through the large number of supplies for the medical tools that she was looking for. It did not take long before she found what she wanted.

She first injected Clark with the bleed stoppage serum, then the injury clothing serum, before finally ending it by injecting him with the energy recovery serum.

These were top-grade serums that were made by top Spartan medical centers. Paired with a 2nd rank high-grade soldiers physique, Clark would probably recover completely in an hour to 2 hours.

She brought out bandages next, before covering the more glaring injuries on his body with it. She sprinkled blood clothing ointment on the shallower ones, making Clark groan in pain.

After all these, she finally brought out a white towel. Clark opened his mouth, as she easily stuck in inside. He knew what she intended to do, though he felt reluctant, he knew it was better than just waiting to recover naturally.

Umm, do it.

Ok, sir. Brace yourself

She did not even finish what she was saying before she grabbed her Majors fractured leg. She used her free hand to press his chest down, before turning the leg to the right angle with force.


Clark wanted to punch her immediately, but he restrained himself with much effort. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists before pounding the floor hard to curb the pain.

Despite being a high-grade soldier for so long, this was the first time that he suffered such severe injuries. Even during his time as a gladiator, he did not suffer something like this.

Diana finally released him, as his leg was already in place and back to normal but the lingering pain was still biting him fiercely. He felt light-headed and dizzy.

It took another 5 minutes before the pain finally became bearable, as his head quickly dropped back on the floor weakly. He felt sapped of all strength, as sweat dripped down and drenched his black climbing uniform.

Sorry, sir. After doing the deed, seeing him like this, Diana suddenly felt guilty as she apologized in a meek tone. Her voice was almost melting with the wind.

No one answered her, as Clark rested on the floor like a log of deadwood. He was completely exhausted this time. It took another 10 minutes before he finally woke up.

Thank you, no need for saying sorry. Me even behaving like that to pain is embarrassing, Im a 2nd rank high-grade soldier for f*cks sake.

Diana jumped back startled, as her Major woke up with this spilling out of his mouth. She did not know why, but she blushed on hearing this before lowering her head.

The serums really worked like magic like advertised, as most of the shallow injuries on his body were already closing up.

Seeing this, the nearby soldiers finally heaved a sigh of relief before plopping down into the mountain floor. They were also exhausted from the battle.

The terror from seeing the trapped corpse, and everything else that they witnessed in the tunnel was burdening their brain. Paired with the escape battle, they were sapped dry.

Though he was still feeling a little weak, Clark was already feeling countless times better than he felt a few minutes ago. He finally forced himself to sit up with a slight grunt of pain.

Remembering how Diana was working on him, and how he was groaning in pain like a fearful child that was receiving injections on the butt, he could not help but feel slightly embarrassed.

What a disgrace.

Despite how embarrassed he was, this was the emotion that was at the lower trend in his thought processes. Remembering the battle, anger blazed in his heart as he suddenly sprang up, startling the soldiers.

Ignoring the pain that struck at his consciousness due to the sudden maneuver, his eyes turned to scan through his soldiers as he quickly found who he was looking for.

Seeing the now timid and innocent-looking soldier, his anger blazed fiercer when he thought of how a high-grade soldier died to this guys disobedience.

He stormed forward angrily, as his target finally raised his head to look at him pitifully. He did not take any nonsense despite this pity invoking sight, as he quickly grabbed the soldier on his collar and lifted him like a rag doll.

He had a million words to say, but he did not know what to start with, so he just kept quiet and stared at this soldier with anger-filled penetrating eyes.

I, Im sorry Major. I deserve to die.

Yes, you deserve to die! What do you take me for? Is my easy-going attitude making you feel like I am too benevolent?

No, no sir.

Just shut up!

The soldier obeyed, as he quickly shut up and looked down guiltily. He waited tensely for the verdict that his leader would give.

Youre out of this mission. Clark suddenly spoke out, after closing his eyes to think a bit.

Even before the soldier could speak, another voice quickly spoke on his behalf.

What? Major Clark, thats too harsh a decision. We need him and everyone for the success of this mission, and he cannot leave this region himself. This is a danger-infested region

Shut up Diana!

Clark did not mince his words this time. The female soldier was stunned at first on hearing this, but she quickly recovered herself before wearing her poker face again.

Sorry, sir.

She apologized without emotion in her tone. Clark finally turned to face the disobedient soldier again, after calming his fluctuating emotions.

You will be the first example to show anyone else that decides to disobey my orders in this squad. My order is effective immediately, take your bag and everything that belongs to you.

Leave this mountain, you are no longer needed. You are big enough to make decisions yourself, so protect yourself and leave. I wish you a safe journey back, Goodluck.

Though the soldier wanted to beg, his leaders tone screamed finality, so he knew begging was futile. Lowering his head more, he acknowledged the order.

Ok, sir. Its been nice serving under you.

The pleasure is mine. Clark replied in a deep tone.

Take this anti-gravity device, with it you can fly over this region directly. Its a parting gift from me that will grant you better survival chances.

Thank you, sir. The soldier felt conflicted. Just a moment of following his will brought him into this, curiosity is a bastard.

He saluted Clark, turned to salute his comrades, picked his bag before turning to leave. As he left, he quickly activated the anti-gravity device that was now attached to his uniform. He took off to the skies immediately.

Sighs left the other soldiers lips, as they all watched their comrade leaving them. They did not feel pity for him though, his actions cost the squad too much.

This punishment was even light, their Major deciding to kill him directly was not too extreme to them.


Before the soldiers could think further, to their shock, a big bird suddenly crossed the air where their comrade just passed. The aftermath was blood and human body parts raining down.

What bird is that? They were shocked once again.

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