The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 206: is that a human

Chapter 206: is that a human

Clark took the initiative by moving first, while the soldiers of the vanguard team followed him closely as they finally set foot into the territory of the cats.

The cat den was completely silent as a faint breeze blew through its passage, making the atmosphere look creepier, only the sounds of scratching made by the cats that were awake could be heard.

This was when the use of the soldiers boots maximum silence step coverage configuration came to play, as every sound made from their movements was completely absolved and defused by the exotic boots.

Despite the problem of noise already being taken care of, the overly cautious high-grade soldiers did not take anything for granted as they tip-toed like thieves about to raid a glossary shop behind Clark.

Unbeknownst to the owners of this den, their backyard was currently being raided and molested without their consent.

The few cats that were awake bundled together in groups, as they played and scratched at each other. Though they played, the soldiers were astounded by the fact that they were disciplined enough to not make any noise.

They could only pray that none of them would suddenly drop down from their holes by mistake, thereby exposing them. Such a low probability occurrence would definitely spell their doom.

The only noise in the background was the scratching noise being made by the cats claws, their mouths were kept shut always as no meows were let out.

Anytime a glaring sound was made by one of them, they would all incline their heads to look up at the hole where the gray-haired giant cat was sleeping. The vanguard team already confirmed that this gray cat was their leader.

As the soldiers slowly went deeper inside the tunnel which now looked like a home built by hardworking ants, they finally started seeing the other cats that were originally hidden from their sight.


Clark reacted fast as he quickly stuffed his right hand roughly inside one of the soldiers widely opened mouths, thereby muffling the loud curse that was just about to come out of it.

His eyes showed his rare side of anger, making the soldier bow his head in apology. He pointed to his head, meaning to ask that was the soldier mad? He was a goddamn f*cking soldier.

Though Clark was really angry at such an amateur mistake, he quickly stopped the admonishment as he was also a little guilty. When he first saw it, he was also startled by the sudden sight that appeared before them.

At the left side of the tunnel, as they were moving forward, a hole that was originally hidden from their sight suddenly appeared before them.

This was not enough to make a soldier curse. The large white cat head paired with its big opened maw, revealing dagger-sharp teeth inside was what made the soldier freak out.

What made the soldier feel worse, was that he almost kissed the big cats whiskers when he turned to look at the left alertly. He felt molested, now his innocence was gone.

For a moment there, he thought that he was in a horror movie where his head was stuffed inside the mouth of a zombie dog.


Clark softly whispered into their comm while using his hand to cross his mouth to form a signal for silence, as the soldiers suddenly stood still on his orders. He wanted to confirm that they were not discovered, before moving forward.

His heart was already palpitating rapidly, as he took a deep but soft breath before inclining his head to the side.

The big white cat was still sleeping, as its long whiskers shook occasionally to the cool breeze blowing inside the tunnel. From its sleeping posture, Clark deduced that this dude was enjoying the fresh breeze.

What a prick.

He heaved a sigh of relief on seeing this, calmed his twitching lips before inclining his head to other locations.

His sharp and alert eyes went to work, as he scrutinized every part of the tunnel. From the snoring cats to the playing cats, to the ones that slept in indecent positions, he scrutinized them all.

His implant was analyzing at full power output, as every cats status was quickly deduced.

After confirming that they were safe, he finally heaved a sigh of relief inwardly but he still did not let his soldiers move. He whispered into his comm again.

Diana, we already crossed the tunnel past a quarter of its overall length, you can now move with the soldiers, but take it slow and steady. Please, I dont want any mishaps.

Check the soldiers boots again to confirm that they are in the right configuration before moving. As long as you are all silent, I promise that you will all be safe.

Ok, Major. Well be on our way soon.

Good, we will continue ahead. Try to keep up with our pace, but your safety comes first.

With that, Clark turned around, made a forward swipe with his hand at his vanguard troops to indicate that everything was fine and that they could go.

The few high-grade soldiers heaved a sigh of relief again, before turning to move with their Major. The one who almost kissed the sleeping cat could only suppress his irritation and follow.

Because of the darkness inside the tunnel, Diana could not see Clark nor anyone in the vanguard group again, but this did not make her panic as she calmly led the remaining soldiers inside.

After taking the first crucial step and getting no contrary reaction, she finally started trudging deeper into the tunnel.

They came for an important mission, but they were currently like an adventure group that came to a big mountain to seek excitement.

Them tip-toeing and looking around alertly, made it seem like they were a bunch of protagonists going straight into danger with the firm belief in the power of their legendary plot armor.

Just like that, due to Clarks meticulous plans and guidance, the soldiers were able to avoid any area that could complicate their situation, as they safely crossed half of the tunnels boundary.

As the vanguard group continued forward at the front, something that seemed different from the normal stale color of the tunnel walls started coming into their vision range.

Just like a faint beacon of light in the darkness, the blurry orange light shone from the corner of another hidden hole that they could not see at their current position.

Noticing this, the soldiers hearts tightened as they reflexively felt for their weapons, they were already prepared for the worst-case scenario.

At their current position, they were already knee-deep inside enemy territory. Their only choice was to continue forging ahead, retreating was no longer an option for them.

Sensing his soldiers anxiety, Clark motioned for them to stop before talking into the comm again. This time, in a far lower voice, it felt just like a fairy whispering.

No movements, keep calm, regulate your breathing rhythm to the lowest frequency. Dont be anxious, we are soldiers, we can deal with any problem that appears, just be alert and prepared.

Wait here, I will go and check it out. I repeat, no sudden movements, your survival is now in your own hands.

After making sure that his soldiers were calmer, Clark took hold of his exotic daggers before turning to look at the light source again. He could not fight properly with his spear in such a narrow tunnel, daggers were his best weapon choice here.

After regulating his breath and emotions also, his face turned to its default poker look before he finally took the first step forward.

Step by step, he cautiously walked closer to the direction of the light while prepping himself up for battle if he ever needed to fight. His gloved hands were already filled with sweat, he was also a little anxious.

After getting there, he gently placed his hands on the side of the holes open surface. He took another deep breath, before finally poking his head over to the other side.

What?? This? What is this?

His face quickly froze from the sight that greeted him. He became breathless for a second there, as he fiercely fought back the urge to scream out in shock.

It took about a minute before he finally recovered his emotions, as his face went back to its poker look. His face became cold before he finally spoke into his comm.

Everywhere is clear here, there is no danger.

Really? Major, you took over a minute to speak out.

Shut your trap and listen to me. All of you should listen to my commands, I will not tolerate any disobedience this time. This is a direct order from me, you know the consequence of disobeying that.

As you guys pass through here, I want none of you to turn your head to the left to look. I repeat, no looking. Keep your heads straight and your eyes sharply to the front, no sideways glancing.

Did you all get that?

Yes sir.

Good, Diana?

Yes, sir. We all heard.

After getting confirmation from all his soldiers, there was no change to Clarks face as he motioned for the vanguard group to come closer to his position.

The soldiers obeyed, as they moved forward with solemn expressions on their faces. Though they were curious, seeing the rare cold look on Clarks face reined in all their impulses.

Clark stood still, watching the soldiers with hawk-like eyes as they obediently passed his location with their heads all raised high and facing forward.

Seeing them like this, Clark felt that they looked like school kids performing a match pass parade, but he could not bring himself to be amused at this as the sight he just saw was still bugging him.

It took about 5 minutes before the soldiers finally passed the location where the light was coming from.

He heaved a sigh of relief as none of the soldiers disobeyed his orders. He inclined his head to the side to look again, shook his head to dispel the shock in his mind before continuing forward.

The rest parts of their passage across the tunnel were smoother and more straightforward, as the number of holes housing cats finally started reducing in number.

They finally passed the place with more concentration of cats, and the distance to the opening ahead for them to emerge from the tunnel was now less than a quarter of the original size.

Stop, soldier, restrain yourself, dont look. Remember your Majors orders!!

All the soldiers in the vanguard group suddenly stiffened on hearing their second in commands voice on their comm, as they hastily turned their heads back to see what was happening.

Diana, whats happening? Clark asked with slight anger now on his tone, but he received no reply.

Soldier, please, listen to me and keep your head focused at the front. Suppress the impulse.

The soldier that was being muttered to kept a deaf ear like someone that was possessed, as his face slowly started inclining to the side.

At times, a strict warning and threat was not always the best tactic to command obedience. Due to Clarks serious tone, this soldier could not keep in his curiosity, it was biting at him fiercely.

The orange light coming from beside him was so captivating that it seemed like light from heaven to him.

All his comrades beside him were alarmed on noticing his actions, as they all motioned to stop him. Instead of being effective, this only made the already mesmerized soldier even more curious.

He could no longer control it, the deed was finally done, he disobeyed a direct order from his Major and looked.

As soon as he turned his head to the side, his eyes widened to the limits of horror and dread as he staggered and stumbled backward before blurting out in fear.

Is is that a human???

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. Sorry, there was a mistake here, I just rectified it. If you love this book, please leave your power stones behind to support it. Purchase privilege for The Conspiracy Of The Elites and read a varying amount of chapters ahead of regular readers.]

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