The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 196: military briefing and departure

Chapter 196: military briefing and departure

Clark still had a lot of time before the designated time of the mission briefing, but he didnt see any need to waste his time away in his mansion. To him, going there early was better than going late.

As he already gave instructions to his workers, when he got back to the garage, a driver dressed in a tuxedo suit was already waiting for him there.

The driver greeted him with a respectful expression on seeing him before opening the back door to let him in. He did not hesitate, after nodding to acknowledge the fellows greeting, he quickly entered.

After receiving orders from him, the driver quickly pressed on the accelerator, prompting the car to smoothly zoom out of the garage.

Seeing some of his workers who saluted from afar on seeing his car going out again, Clarks expression softened into a smile.

Though none of the workers knew that he was going on such a mission because of confidentiality, they still greeted him and welcomed him enthusiastically whenever he returned or was about to go out.

His mouth remained slightly raised in a smile as the driver quickly took him to the main road of the Spartan army headquarters.

Before, he was always the one driving, so he never really got the luxury of admiring the headquarters territory in detail. Now that a driver drove him, he could finally admire to his fill.

His mansion was hardly the best and most luxurious looking one around, as other better ones quickly greeted his sights when he looked out.

As soon as the car left the premises of his mansion, it felt like he was transmigrated into a brand-new world. Buildings rambling everywhere caused the environment to look like an empire city, making it feel like works of fiction.

Though he already saw most of this luxury, he still admired it again.

Works of architecture taking different shapes completely covered his sight. From buildings rolling up to the skies like the tower of babel, to others that took different weird architectural shapes.

Noticing one of the buildings for the first time that took the shape of a monkeys butt, his eyes could not help but widen as he gawked stupendously at this scene.

What??? Such buildings are even allowed? Who has such weird tendencies to pull out money to build such an abomination?

He shuddered a bit on thinking of how the personality of such a person would be. Saying you know all in this life was really exaggerating, uncountable weirdos are everywhere. His eyes felt blinded by the sight, what a pervert?

As he ordered, his driver drove at an unusually slow pace, giving him all the time that he needed to quench his vision curiosity.

Like this, it took over 40 minutes before he was finally dropped back at the large building where the mission briefing would take place.

As the driver slowly drove back after dropping him, instead of entering the building, he turned back to look at this companion of his. His exotic car was already one of his oldest companions, only Leo came before it.

Like the mechanic that unrivaled his mask said, the car needed an overall upgrade to meet his current standards. Though he wanted to do it immediately, the price was too steep even for the current him.

Ill make upgrading it a priority if I can survive this mission.

With that, he quickly turned back before going directly inside the enormous building.

Though he spent a lot of time along the way, there was still about an hour before the time of the briefing would start.

With the motive to utilize that time also, he decided to make the elevator ascend at a far slower speed than the default programmed in it. With this, he was finally able to take in all the beautiful sights of this oil well.

Through the transparent outlook format of the elevator glasses, his eyes came under the feast of the beauty of this money building.

This was the age of exotics and technology where science fiction is mostly already realized, but his brain could not help but still take this building as a work of science fiction.

From the little that he was privileged to see, this was a technology haven, making him wonder what the actual use of the building was.

Automaton was in full display, as different enormous and virtual working machines were controlled by the super A. Is programmed in them.

Though this was far more luxurious, technologically developed, and equipped, he could not help but compare this scene with that of the cave where vibranium was stored and the technological development lab of Wakanda in the ancient blockbuster movie, Black Panther.

With this comparison occupying his mind, he finally emerged at the top building of the mansion where the briefing was to commence.

He quickly went inside the door, as he already settled everything that his curiosity craved. Getting in, he was surprised as hundreds of soldiers were already here before him.

Hmmm, it seems some soldiers are even enthusiastic about this mission. Dont they know where the frontier is? Do they think this is beans?

Though these were his thoughts, he did not express them as he quickly went to the forefront of the large hall and located a seat there. As soon as he sat down, the originally slightly noisy hall calmed down.

This silence calmed his nerves, letting him relax on the chair. Like this, the remaining minutes for the designated time quickly elapsed.

This was when the remaining soldiers for the mission started trouping into the hall in droves. They moved fast to locate their seats, as they didnt want the Captain to come before them.

Clark suddenly smiled as he saw a familiar figure among the coming soldiers. Seeing him also, Benny smiled before trudging closer to the seat beside him. Though they had a lot to say, they restrained themselves because of the multitude beside them.

It did not take long before Captain Cinnabar came out from another door with his large entourage of soldiers in tow.

Like the no-nonsense man, he was, he did not waste time and went directly to the point.

Welcome back soldiers, I am glad to see that all of you were able to make it back to the mission briefing. I commend your diligence. Theres no time to waste, so Ill tell you what you need immediately.

This mission is one of extremely great importance for the growth of the Spartan republic, and we expect you to give your best in successfully completing it.

As you can see, the soldiers selected for the mission are much. 1000 soldiers were selected for the mission. Among them are five 3rd rank high-grade soldiers, eight 2nd rank high-grade soldiers, and fifty-seven 1st rank high-grade soldiers, the others are normal soldiers.

For such a large force, it is inevitable that a leadership structure is needed to organize things better. So, after a meticulous procedure, 20 soldiers have been selected among you to be the leaders.

With this format, this means that you will all be separated into smaller squads of 50 soldiers each.

Before I proceed, I want to call out the names of the 20 soldiers who received the privilege of becoming one of the leaders. If you hear your name, soldier, please kindly stand up.

Capt. Peter Dab, Capt. Josh Ves, Capt. Daniel Naman, Capt. Nature Bane, Capt. Asisat Medley, Major Clark Pendragon, Corporal Dennis Fa

Hearing their names, the called soldiers quickly stood up to indicate themselves. It did not take long before the 20 soldiers were announced and showcased to the others.

Soldiers, these 20 are going to be the leaders of this mission. They will have to be assigned to squads before you will ascertain your leader. With this done, I believe that I already laid the foundations for the mission.

All 20 leaders, please follow my assistant here, Corporal Joe to the next hall. That is where your briefing would be held, your briefing is different than that of the others.

None of the 20 elected leaders tarried, as they took their military bags and followed Corporal Joe to the next hall.

After they disappeared from sight, Captain Cinnabar finally clapped to draw back the attention of the other soldiers.

Ok, soldiers, your mission briefing officially starts. Pry your ears open and take note of any point that I give, because

Like a movie rolling over to another scene, Clark with the other 19 leaders quickly left the first large hall and saw themselves entering a more luxuriously built but smaller hall.

As they located positions to seat in the 20 chairs that were arranged before them, all of their eyes widened on seeing the person that stood at the chair prepared in the podium before them.

Commander Rashford!!!.

The Commander kept a calm poker face on seeing them, while slightly nodding to acknowledge their excited greeting and salutes. After they all sat down, he also finally stood up.

Welcome, soldiers.

Thank you, Commander, its an honor. As expected, most of the soldiers, even the Captains did not hesitate to lick the boots of such a well-known and reputed bigshot.

Waving his hand casually to acknowledge them again, the Commander finally started his briefing.

Like you, all may already know, I am the one that issued this mission. I uncovered it about a month ago, after receiving some distress signals from our troops stationed at the frontier.

Im sure you know what I mean?

The soldiers hurriedly nodded like chickens pecking food, earning a smile from the Commander.

You were already told, but I want to re-emphasize that the importance of this mission is something that soldiers like you cannot comprehend, till you get to my rank.

The main goal for this mission is not needed to be known by the other regular soldiers, thats why you were singled out here.

He suddenly waved his hand to the side, causing a large holographic projection to lit up, which succeeded in capturing the soldiers attention.

Clark was focused, as he looked at the bean size substance that was placed on a white plate on the projection. With another wave of the Commanders arms, the projection was enlarged countless times.

Soldiers, this is your goal for this mission, the bean quadrant enhancer. None of you know what it is, and I cant tell you, it's better that your knowledge remains like that at your current stage.

All you need to know is that the republic needs this bean-shaped substance.

Soldiers!! He suddenly boomed loudly, startling them.

Yes, sir!!.

What is our motto?

No retreat, no surrender!!

Good, you need this conviction for this mission. Like you stated in your oats when you became soldiers, fulfill your promise now.

If dying honorably is what it takes to get this bean substance, I implore you to do it for the betterment of the republic. This is the time that Sparta needs you, dont disappoint.

The target of the mission is a long-lost research lab of one of the big 5, Araga. This target is one of their labs with the most revered reputation, from their history since the great battle of supremacy.

Like every lab, this one also has research data. In addition to the bean substance which is your primary goal, if possible, you should strive to get any of the research information of the lab.

The tinier details to facilitate the mission will be sent to your implants later, so I want you all to go with the mindset of giving your all.

That is all I have for you this evening, the rest you will know through your implant.

Before you all go, I want to tell you all that I am proud of you. No matter the result you come back with, keep at the back of your mind that the republic and its leaders are proud of you.

Go and make history.

Yes, Commander.

With that, they were all dismissed back to the main large hall where the other soldiers were clustered together. The briefing here was already over also.

Captain Cinnabar did not waste their time as he started assigning them to the different squads. Soldiers names were called repeatedly, as they acknowledged by standing up.

It did not take long before every other preparation was done. It was already late in the night, so the Spartans could now mobilize their soldiers.

As the soldiers followed their squad leaders to go to their various departure points, Clark excused himself from his soldiers before going closer to meet Captain Cinnabar.

Good evening Captain. Please, can you give me a little of your time? I have a word with you.

Yes, of course, Major.

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