The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 194: is this farewell

Chapter 194: is this farewell

Early in the morning the next day, Clark woke up with the early birds. Though he had a good night's sleep, he could not stop the phobia of what he was about to face from affecting him.

When he got up, due to the little disturbance that he caused, his friend also quickly woke up.

They both exchanged buddy greetings, went to the brushing machine to go brush their teeth before going to the bathroom together. It took them less than 5 minutes before they emerged clean and fresh like live vegetables.

They took a few more minutes to get dressed, then eat and settle every other morning necessity before finally getting ready to go. From the time that they woke up till now, they only spent about 30 minutes, which was average for boys.

They didnt care about this trivial matter though, as Leo finally turned to face his friend with a conflicted expression on his face.

Today is the day you originally proposed for us to go to the Spartan army exobeast training base together. Bro, I wish you luck in whatever will happen, but I dont want you to leave like 3 years ago. It was traumatic to me.

Clark sighed on hearing this from his friend, he was slightly even expecting it. He had never felt this uncertain about any situation in years, he also hoped for the best.

Though saying it was a traumatic experience to him was exaggerating, he still felt bad about being separated from his friend years ago.

Leo, dont worry. I think my prestige means something even to the higher-ups of the republic, Ill try my best to avoid the mission.

Knock!! Knock!! As they both exchanged these ominous farewell words, the door to the room suddenly spread out soundwaves of being knocked by someone.

Rose, is it you? You can come in, Im ready. Clark quickly replied, while grabbing outwards to take his rank badge. With this, he was finally dressed in his full Spartan army military attire.

Good morning boss.

Good morning, Staff Sergeant Leo.

As predicted, the newcomer was Rose, and she came in bombastically. She quickly greeted the 2 best friends, before going to her bosss side to help him arrange his dress.

Grabbing Clarks collar, she quickly went to work, successfully grabbing her bosss attention in the process.

Clarks focus could not help but turn to her because of her invasive maneuvers. All he could think of on seeing her at such a close range was just, stunning.

Like a finely made vase, her round white face was carefully and meticulously graced with a rich but not too obvious touch of make-up. Her hair that was tied into a mature ladys bun, did a good job in making her look cuter than normal.

After doing a good survey of her face and environs, Clarks eyes continued the visual feast and went downwards.

As expected, this was even more stunning. She was dressed in a tight red velvet gown, that was decorated with a mild number of diamonds that sparkled under the rooms light illumination.

As his eyes aimed at traveling even lower, Rose finally deduced that her boss had enough, she quickly ended her arrangement session with a soft pat on his bosss shoulders.

Lets go, I know you dont want to be late.

With that, she quickly turned around, flashed the stunned Leo a smile before moving back towards the door.

Though Clark was jostled out of his reverie through her pat, he could not still help but freeze again for a moment as he admired her slightly swaying hips, which seemed to be dancing to a certain dance beat.

Ahem, Clark, lets go. Leo finally interrupted, he had enough of this nonsense. Can you imagine? And his friend said he had no girl at the moment, what a fraudster.

Oh, sorry for that bro. I usually get carried away at times.

Sorry for yourself, pack your big buttocks and go out, you have no time.

Clark laughed awkwardly at this, went closer, and bumped his friends chest with slight force before going out. As he went out, he also thought of what just transpired.

This was not the first time that Rose tried such stunts with him. Though he didnt know why, these days, he felt that his immunity towards beautiful ladies was becoming less cohesive and strong.

Is it because I am already an adult? Or is it because I opened up to Sonia years ago?

Thinking of Sonia, his mood dampened a bit. He quickly shook his head to remove all random thoughts before going out to his garage with his friend and his assistant in tow.

Getting to the garage, they no longer wasted time. Leo entered his car while he entered his before Rose smoothly slid into his front passengers seat expertly.

Zoom!! They quickly rode out of the mansion with speed, driving up the highway directly. 15 minutes later, when they left the highway, the 2 friends finally said their farewell to each other before going their different ways.

As Clark drove in the general direction of the nearby regional airport, he could not help but think of his situation again.

Is this probably the last day that he would see his friend in years? Can he not really stop himself from going on this mission? Will his now peaceful life suddenly turn turbulent again?

I havent even caught the thief yet, f*ck. I hope that bastard understands, and do not stir trouble when Im gone.

With such thoughts, it became evident that he was no longer confident in his chances of wriggling out of this mission duty.

It did not take long before they got to the airport. The exotic car quickly drove inside the airplane through the opening at the back, before it finally took off minutes later.

A few dozen minutes later, Clark finally came down to the North Sparta central airport. Surprisingly, on getting down, he found that a battalion of soldiers from the Spartan army came to the airport to escort him down.

Despite being puzzled, he did not make a fuss and obediently followed them down. Rose was even quieter, as she had no right of speaking in such an environment, her only job now was to give her boss advice on what to do and speak.

With the large entourage of military vehicles, every other driver on the road was deterred, so they didnt encounter any hold-ups. They got to the army headquarters in less than 8 minutes.

Like robots that could not speak but were only working on the orders programmed in them, the soldiers quickly escorted him to a specific location deep inside the rambling buildings of the headquarters.

After being escorted to the enormous sky-scraping building, Clark asked no questions as their motive was evident. He directly walked into the building with large strides, like he was the king here.

Unfortunately for the now anxious Rose, she was not allowed in, so her coming here with the motive of giving her boss advice became moot.

Getting into the large building, Clark was pretty surprised as not a single soul was seen working on the lowest floor.

With his implants help, he quickly deduced that this large building was working under the control of only A.Is. This meant that this building was an oil well in itself.

Damn, what a wast, no, a shelter of meaningful money. Though he was awed by the luxurious spending, he didnt let it show.

He was pretty sure that this building alone was capable of buying his entire career as a soldier, but he didnt care.

Want to use money to intimidate me, youre dreaming.

With this thought, he quickly located the nearest elevator and started scaling the building.

As he scaled higher, an unknown A. I suddenly contacted him through his implant, showing him the direction that he was expected to go to.

Despite the overwhelming luxury all around that, he could see through the transparent glass walls of the elevator, he tried hard with determination to ignore all these.

It took him a whole 5 minutes before he finally got to the zenith of the large building. On getting out of the elevator, he didnt have to search as the large door standing before him was enough as an indicator.

He quickly went closer, knocked thrice according to the Spartan army tradition, before pushing it open and going inside.

Inside the building, surprisingly, everywhere was not luxury-filled like he expected. He even thought that he lost his way and entered another building, because inside here suddenly reverted to the cold hard scenery of a local military camp.

Though everywhere was evenly lit, the lights were so unexceptional that he could not help but cringe a bit.

Though they were not really ideal, he could still see clearly through the lights. This was a large militaristic styled hall, housing hundreds of soldiers in it. Only soldiers filled his sight, with a large podium before them.

Seeing them seated orderly like children sitting for an examination, he quickly decided to join them and not draw unnecessary attention to himself.

He was a little shocked, he didnt expect this mission to be one of such magnitude involving hundreds of soldiers.

Though this was his thought, before he could execute it, a large voice suddenly boomed across the large hall, evidently from the large podium that stood before the soldiers.

Major Clark Pendragon, youre finally here.

Hearing this, Clark froze a bit as his face changed. Every eye in the hall was suddenly drawn to the back, close to the large door where he stood.

Noticing this, he no longer fidgeted as his back suddenly straightened, his default poker expression overtook his face before he matched forward confidently, towards the direction of the large podium.

As he moved forward, the loud voice continued like he did not notice his movements.

Major, youre the one that we have been waiting for since. Your arrival finally makes us complete, youre highly welcome.

Please, climb up here. The man behind the voice invited politely when he finally arrived at the front of the hall.

Arriving there, this was when Clark finally had the luxury of seeing who exactly was talking to him since.

The middle-aged man was evidently a soldier serving under the Spartan army also, indicative from the golden military uniform that he wore. And he was a Captain, the golden badge attached to his uniform indicated so.

He had the air of a sly veteran around him, with a cunning smile constantly on his face. He was the perfect replica of the saying, a snake under the green grass. That was Clarks first impression of this guy.

Looking to the side, he saw dozens of soldiers behind the middle-aged Captain, all with badges indicating that they were 2nd rank high-grade soldiers.

As his eyes roamed about, they suddenly froze, widening in surprise as he saw the silhouette of a very familiar figure.

General Oxford, why is he here?

Seeing the raging and seething expression on the Captains face, he could faintly understand what was happening. He finally understood why the General could not answer his call yesterday.

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