The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 174: inauguration as the leader of vatican

Chapter 174: inauguration as the leader of vatican

For the next days after he had a meeting with all the leaders and commissioners of Vatican City, Clark trained for most of the time, while at times calling again for other meetings to know the current development.

During these meetings, he already forged small bonds with some of the leaders and diplomats.

He was able to get close and know more about them, and he already knew the people he would remove from their positions as soon as his inauguration was successfully done.

After 16 days since the terms were laid, his mansion was finally built. He launched its opening with a small party between the leaders, to forge closer relationships with them.

Throughout the month, his normal routine was practically just to train, train, and engage in meetings with the leaders.

Despite the slow manner in which the days passed to him, it was finally here, April 2nd, the day of his inauguration.

Optimism, excitement, and hope could be felt tangibly in the air, as the faint golden glow of the sun broke through its veil to illuminate the Monday morning, making it brighter and livelier.

The cheerful chirps of augmented birds filled the morning atmosphere, making every Vatican citizen know that the day was bright and ready to welcome them.

Today was the most anticipated day of the whole city. Every single person woke up with a smile, as they could feel the current page of their citys fortune rolling over. They were entering a new age of leadership.

For this inauguration ceremony, they all planned during the past month to dress uniformly in a single color. They wanted to make the ceremony as colorful as possible.

Back in Clarks new mansion, more optimism filled the air than outside as the workers in the mansion worked with happy smiles on their faces.

As soon as he woke up and got out of his master room, what greeted him was a gathering of all his workers. They all greeted him respectfully, before congratulating him for this special day.

His face bloomed into a smile again, on seeing this. For the past few days, he was already getting used to their company. Despite them being his subordinates, he cared for them as fellow humans.

After waving at them to show his appreciation for their gesture, he finally went to his luxurious bathroom.

Inside the bathroom was what could be referred to as heaven. The floor was coated on gold, while the bathtub was made using expensive exotic materials. Its pure white color complimented the gold plating on the floor beautifully.

The ceiling was made using tree extracts that were treated, hardened, and processed in a special factory for 5 years to enhance it to the maximum quality.

Inside had a virtual projector to watch movies and anything watchable, it had a device to enable better virtual simulation through his implant.

Temperature control devices and tons of other hidden devices were also packed on it, making it a fortress of a bathroom. The small but perfect word to describe it was perfect.

After quickly having his bath, his body dried up quickly after he activated the water draining and manipulation device. He finally stood up, he felt refreshed like a newborn as he walked with confident steps to his room.

As soon as he entered his room, 2 female make-up artists came into his room to dress and nice him up for his special day.

After they finished their work, his current self was miles apart from the normal Clark that he remembered. Seeing himself in the mirror, he now looked like a well-chiseled luxury vase.

Today, they dressed him up in a luxurious white suit, paired with a red tie. His already long hair was perfectly curled up to form a nice-looking perm, making him look like the celebrities of the 21st century.

His short beard was carefully shaved to make him look dignified and authoritative. His eyelashes were not left out, as they were carefully trimmed to make his front look more stylish.

His new gold wristwatch perfectly lined his left wrist, bringing his luxurious outlook to another realm entirely.

His white sparkly lace-up shoes were what finalized the beautiful combination. With other minor details that were given attention to, any model from the last century would easily be ashamed when placed together with him.

After admiring the new him that was worked up by the 2 make-up artists, he thumped them up inwardly before turning to go out. It was almost time for the ceremony to start.

Today was a perfect day of happiness for him. The only thing that diminished its perfectness a bit was that none of his friends were here. It was only normal, as they were not like him.

Emily was now a full-time mercenary. Leo and the others also could not come, as they were not like him, they had active jobs to get engaged on in their military divisions. Going on such leaves regularly, would not bode well for their careers.

Despite them not being here physically, they still sent their congratulations and gifts to him, which was enough to make him smile wider.

As soon as he arrived at his large sitting room, he saw the 5 diplomatic leaders of the city who were already there waiting for him. They were all dressed in black suits.

After they stood up to welcome, greet, and congratulate him, they whiled their time away with talks about the ceremony.

5 minutes later, as the ceremony was in full swing outside, he was finally called out by the ceremony mc to come to take the stage.

He acknowledged the call by standing up immediately, before stepping out with confident footsteps that showed his conviction. As he moved, the 5 leaders trailed behind him with varying degrees of smiles on their faces.

As soon as the large mansion door opened to reveal his majestic self, cheers and shouts erupted from the large gathering of people, as they waved cheerfully with happy smiles to welcome him.

His smile widened when he saw the overwhelming number of people who came. It was no exaggeration if he said that all of Vatican appeared here today. The crowd spread widely like an ocean, as he could not see its end from any side that his gaze went.

Every citizen who attended was dressed uniformly in an iconic purple color, to commemorate this historical day in the history of their city.

After the bombastic manner in which he was received, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet and solemn, as the Spartan national anthem softly played from the hidden sound amplifiers.

This was an important procedure that can never be forfeited, in any Spartan ceremony. The anthem was the cord binding all Spartans together.

After he came to the stage, he smiled again before giving a small speech to his citizens. Though it was not official yet, he already saw everyone here as the people he needed to take care of.

After his speech, the mc came out again to give lots of other talks about his historical and legendary journey. The history of Vatican City was also finally readout.

15 minutes later, after all the miscellaneous procedures, the delegate sent from the Spartan army was finally introduced to the stage to take over and start the official territory handing over.

Captain Bonck, in his iconic golden Spartan army uniform, walked confidently into the stage after his time came. Despite the huge number of people cheering and clapping for him, he maintained a poker face.

On reaching the stage, he gave a short-written speech that was from Commander Rashford. After this, he gave his own motivational words to the Major, before he started the official handing over.

As Clark climbed the stage again to stand beside him, he finally held out the territory ownership certificate to him but did not release it yet.

Clark Pendragon, congratulations on being the first owner of this territory in the boundless territorial land of Southern Sparta.

I hope that the successfully getting of your first territory will not make you complacent and forget the most important motive of being a soldier, strength. Continue putting in the required effort to train and improve your power as a soldier.

I also hope that as this territory becomes yours, news of faster growth and development would be the next yearly report. The Spartan army puts a lot of trust in you, dont betray the trust.

Today, I stand here on behalf of our President, the legendary slaughterer, the one who led us to our current heights, the great Leonidas.

On his behalf, I hereby present to you the official territory ownership certificate. From today, under the powers bestowed on me, I hereby declare you as the owner of Vatican City.

Boom!! Cheers suddenly erupted like a tsunami from the citizens spectating, this was what they were waiting for here. All other things were redundant, this was the main word they wanted.

The other words of the Captain flew above them like fleeting clouds, as they were already over the moon from the last word that he spoke.

2 minutes later, the Captain finally bestowed his personal blessing, came down from the stage before going back to where he came from.

Due to the anticipation that the ceremony received, most people felt that it should be longer, but it was already over. What remained was the celebration party, which took full swing immediately.

The Vatican citizens celebrated excitedly, as music calmly came out of the sound amplifiers to entertain them.

Clark did not join in this, as he met with all the leaders of the city again in his mansion. He dismissed them after they engaged in a 6-minute discussion session, to know their current situation.

After this was when happiness finally came over him, as he went to his sitting-room to go meet his waiting mom.

Today, the old woman also left her restaurant to come to witness his inauguration. On seeing him, she smiled happily before standing up to hug him.

She swiftly bombarded him with words of praise and congratulatory words after they separated from the hug before they started discussing random matters.

Clark wanted to spend the whole day with her, but he knew that he could not, which she also understood. 15 minutes later, she gave him her blessings before standing up to leave.

As soon as she left, other influential people of the city and outside the city kept on pouring into his mansion to congratulate him, and to show their interest in wanting to partner with him to invest in the city.

He welcomed them all, as his assistants already predicted that he would meet them today.

After spending more than an hour speaking nicely with them, he dismissed them. His job was just to gain their commitment, his assistants would flesh out the tiny details with them.

As he was about to stand up to his room to do something else, he was surprised as his butler in this mansion informed him that some other groups of people wished to see him.

He was even more surprised when his butler told him the identity of these people.

What the hell? My relatives? Question marks filled his head.

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