The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 171: the pendragon mercenary group

Chapter 171: the pendragon mercenary group

After packing up their stuff and equipment, the group of mercenaries finally embarked on their journey to the deeper parts of the forest.

None of them came with cars or any other traveling companion, so they all trudged deeper into the forest by foot. The journey was completely silent, as Clark and Emily trailed behind them with the poker expressions still on their faces.

The mercenary who originally seemed like the strongest finally brought out a device to check the direction that they were going at, after confirming that the frightening female mercenary was not still pissed from what happened earlier.

After checking the special mercenary tracking device, he quickly found what he wanted. He opened his mouth to speak but was swift to stop himself, he secretly scolded himself for being careless before he turned to look at Emily.

His look was self-explanatory, it was the permission-asking look. Please, can I speak?

After getting a stiff nod from her, he heaved a sigh of relief before speaking out.

Umm, according to my device, we are very close to the hideout of our target. We will come into contact with them, after crossing the next kilometer.

And a large mountain rock is nearby, it seems that their hideout is probably in a cave inside the rock. Scarface is as cunning as always, this would prove troublesome to us, not if the new Ms. Joins though.

Emily kept her poker expression, despite the blatant manner in which this man tried to flatter her.

Seeing this, the man gave up on flattering her before he continued reading the information out about their targets situation.

5 minutes later, they finally came before the entrance of a cave that was carved inside the extremely large rock. After a quick analysis, they easily deduced that this was their targets hideout as they noticed faint activities of a large number of people.

From the way everywhere was calm and silent, they knew that Scarface was prepared for them like usual. He was even probably anticipating their arrival.

Thinking of this, they could not help but develop a headache as this pirate was a maestro when it comes to setting traps and ambushing enemies to disorganize them.

This was the same strategy that was used against them for the past few months, which led to their consecutive embarrassing retreats. They blushed a bit as this thought flashed through their heads.

Though a cave was an even more favorable place to set traps, they were more confident this time due to the mysterious female soldier that was following them.

Seeing their hesitation to enter the cave, Emily quickly got impatient. She was not ready to waste unnecessary time because of a 1st rank high-grade soldier target.

After informing Clark, she ignored all the other mercenaries before storming in alone.

What the hell? The mercenaries were shocked on seeing her decisive entry. They did not linger again as they all rushed in after her, but she was already gone.

After entering the cave, Emily forgot all distractions as she got herself prepped up for battle. Though it was months since she last battled, she still diligently trained every day. She still got it.

She grabbed her dual light swords tighter while paying apt attention to her surroundings. Just like the other mercenaries feared, she was also a little wary of whatever trap was waiting for her.

Whoosh!! As soon as her feet touched the next spot in the rough cave floor, an opening quickly revealed itself from the rocky wall in the left. With the sound of wind blowing, 5 daggers were shot swiftly at her.

Even before the daggers were shot out, her instincts already detected something wrong, so she reacted a step faster.

Clang!! Her light swords slashed and stabbed swiftly, leaving a blur and forming afterimages as they accurately impeded the forward trajectory of the first 3 daggers.

She finally twisted her body backward a bit, leaving the remaining 2 daggers to fly harmlessly across. After dodging this, she did not stop, her feet carried her even faster as she bolted deeper into the cave.

The dagger trap seemed like the opened fuse as dozens of other traps were triggered, following her swift advance.

The ground suddenly opening to reveal metal spikes, a sudden eruption of fire from under the ground, a touch to trigger machine gun fire trap, all kinds of trap revealed themselves before her, but she dodged them all.

She looked just like Hela, the goddess of death in the ancient movie, Thor Ragnarok, as her body moved swiftly like a phantom ghost to dodge the ones dodgeable, while her swift hands finished the rest with her light swords.

The mercenaries who were trailing behind her for the past 2 minutes were already shocked speechless. Her speed and efficiency were even faster than a high-grade mechanical soldiers, they were completely left in the dust.

Seeing this, they became more awed by the unfathomable strength of this goddess mercenary. What godly strength is this?

After 5 minutes of dodging unrelentingly and rending all the traps useless, Emily finally arrived at the main battlefield, which was set up by Scarface.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! On her arrival, sparks, fire, and gunshots greeted her as the pirates unleashed hell through their cheaply purchased guns. Machine gun fire reverberated, shedding their shells and ammunition on her like falling rain.

The expected sound of bullets impacting flesh after overwhelming the armor did not sound, surprising the ignorant pirates. Instead, what they heard was the music-like clanking impact sound of bullets being repelled by an energy-powered armor.

Before they could react, the tamed beast was released.

Emily sprinted forward like a cheetah who saw new prey, leaving afterimages behind as she arrived inside the formation of pirate soldiers immediately.

She utilized her abnormal speed to its very limits, as the pirates could not even see her shadow before she invaded their well-organized ranks. They thought they had their opponents like usual, not knowing that they were screwed this time.

Whoosh!! With one swift move followed by a bright light reflection from her swords, the first pirate casualty quickly emerged in the battle, startling and scaring the hell out of them.

The pirate casualty was surprised, as his normal view suddenly turned upwards to face the ceiling. Its view did not remain in one place, as it saw the whole room before finally seeing the floor.

What is wrong with me? Am I drunk? Why am I seeing things?

Thud!! The unfortunate fellow did not even realize anything as his head dropped down. On seeing the blood covering his eyes, he finally came to the realization, but it was meaningless as his consciousness faded away the next second.

The first dead pirate was the catalyst that spelled the doom of this pirate organization, as adrenaline took over Emily on seeing herself spill blood again after months of monotonous training.

She now craved blood, she now needed a place to vent and release her overflowing excited energy. The only tools available for venting were the pirates, so it was settled.

I, choose, you

Boom!! She erupted explosively the next second, as her first massacre since she became a soldier started. Her hair flew behind her, making her look like a superhero; her dual swords were the cream on top of the cherry.

Blood blossomed, forming a rain of gore and body parts, as the pirates expression soon turned from surprised to shocked, before finally turning horrified.

Scarface was shocked stiff and horrified. He wanted to run, but he had nowhere to escape to. He dug his own grave by choosing a cave that only had one way in, but no second way out.

Keeping him alive would grant her more mercenary completion points, but that was no longer in her dictionary. Kill, kill, and kill again was what was reverberating in her head right now.

5 minutes later when the other mercenaries finally arrived, all they saw was blood and body parts littered all around, making the cave look like a butchers den. Not even Scarface was spared.

Shock, fear, dread, admiration, and awe completely filled their hearts, as they finally raised their heads to look at the lonely figure of the one who wrath this destruction.

Her dark-toned hair flowed wavily behind her, making her look like the protagonist of a movie who survived alone after fighting in a large battle involving thousands of soldiers.

As the completely mesmerized soldiers admired her, this was when Clark finally walked in lazily.

Hmmm, what a mess you made. He complained immediately after seeing the bloody cave, which now seemed like an underground layer of hell.

Hearing his reprimand, Emily was finally drawn out of her frenzied battle state. Seeing the destruction that she wrath on the pirates, she was also surprised and shocked.

She coughed a bit to interrupt the mercenaries who kept staring at her like she was a deity, before taking a picture of the pirates as evidence for the completion of her first mercenary mission.

Umm, were done here. What are we waiting for? Lets go. She finally spoke out, while secretly stealing glances at the silent frowning Clark.

7 minutes later, they finally came out of the narrow cave. Clark no longer felt the need to stay behind as it was already clear that these first series of mercenary missions were too easy for Emily.

As he was about to go, to allow her to continue completing her missions alone, one of the female mercenaries in the group suddenly came forward to meet her, prompting him to pause.

The mercenary fidgeted, umming and ahhing like a girl who just met her idol. After doing this to her fill, she finally found the courage to speak out.

Ma, Maam, please, I want to come under you. Please dont misunderstand, I am now your staunchest follower, please accept me as your subordinate mercenary.

As she said this, she bowed down a bit to show respect the mercenary way.

Seeing this, Emily was stunned. She was suddenly lost for words. What happened? A supporter?

Maam, if you intend to create a mercenary group. Im interested in joining you and being your follower also. The familiar male mercenary suddenly butted in, presenting his own opinion.

Emily was even more surprised on seeing this. What did she do that suddenly attracted these guys that originally wanted to kick her out?

Though she was surprised, she was not a fool. Creating a mercenary group of her own would grant her far more advantages than being a solo mercenary like Arthur. She was not as talented as him to go solo.

After going through a thorough mental session to think about its pros and cons, and after receiving more support from 2 other mercenaries, she finally decided to create her own mercenary group.

To her, the advantages were too much for her to forfeit the opportunity. With her own mercenary group, shell be able to have complete control of her life, which was something she badly wanted after the vendetta with her country.

If she managed it well, shell have a guaranteed free path to success as a mercenary. The imaginations kept rolling into her mind, which did the work in finalizing her decision.

Now, what name should I give it? She asked while turning to face the still silent Clark. All the mercenaries kept quiet on hearing her question, as the naming right was exclusively the leaders job.

Not receiving any reply from Clark, she sighed, poked his shoulders frustratedly, before coming up with a random name.

Lets call it, the Pendragon Mercenary group.

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. Please, guys I'm sorry for not publishing at the original time that I already established. Don't be offended, the usual means for me to write regularly has recently been obstructed. I've been looking for means to work around it since the past 2 days, please bear with me a bit. Thanks.]

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