The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 163: major clark

Chapter 163: major clark

About an hour later, Leo and the others finally arrived at the Spartan republics capital on their eye-catching ride.

Though their luxurious fine-tuned car grabbed some attention, it was not much as this was a gathering of the rich and influential. There were countless other exotic cars here, so they didnt grab as much attention as they expected.

After going through elaborate security checks to confirm their identities, they were finally allowed into the large hall where the rank promotion ceremony would be carried on.

Optimism and excitement filled the air, as the young lucky soldiers who got the opportunity to follow their mentors to the ceremony also arrived.

Their eyes glittered like sparkling gems, as they stared and admired their various idols at close range. Having the opportunity to visit the republics capital at such a young age, was a privilege that they were not going to splurge.

As a Spartan high-grade military gathering, no fanfare or entertainment performances were displayed to lighten up the atmosphere. The soldier who acted as the mc, Captain Jackson, took to the stage, ushering in the start of the ceremony.

All the soldiers stood up with a solemn expression on their faces, as the anthem of the Spartan republic blasted out loudly from the hidden sound amplifiers.

After taking this most important procedure, the ceremony was finally able to progress smoothly.

Captain Jackson began by first reading out the long and valiant history of the Spartan republic. He listed out the Spartan legends who contributed their power to make this history more incredible, both the dead and the ones still alive to honor them.

Though the long reading seemed boring, it was not to the Spartan soldiers. The knowledge of the heroics of their predecessors was a great catalyst, that never failed to ignite the ambition to be great in the new soldiers that were present.

Their blood boiled, as a brief history of their President was readout. Though the Legendary Slaughterer did not attend the ceremony, his legend was deeply enrooted in the hearts of every Spartan soldier.

After using this clever tactic to ignite the ambition of the soldiers, Captain Jackson expertly ended the session by paying respects to these heroes.

Apart from Commander Rashford, the other distinguished soldier who attended the ceremony was the former North Sparta prodigy, Commander Arthur. As a 5th rank high-grade soldier also, his prestige was at the pinnacle in Spartan society.

Though he could not match up to the 2 strongest Spartan soldiers yet, rumors have been circulating for the past few years that he was a great candidate for the next President position, if the Slaughterer ever resigned. This showed his power.

After taking time to call out and honor the other distinguished guests in the ceremony, the rank promotion procedures officially commenced.

Dozens of soldiers came out after being summoned. All their faces beamed with happy and satisfied smiles, as their fellow soldiers and other guests applauded them. 34 soldiers were the ones scheduled to receive a promotion today.

The applause reached a crescendo as the most important protagonists of the day were called out.

Clark and Captain Oxford stood up from their seats with wide smiles on their faces. The bright golden colors of the Spartan army uniform gleamed under the illumination of the countless lights, ushering them out to the stage.

Captain Oxford at this moment felt like this was a dream, as lights shone on all 34 of them. He never dreamt of being a 4th rank high-grade soldier, after so many years of disappointments and remaining stuck at the 3rd realm.

He could not help but turn to look appreciatingly at the smiling Clark, this soldier brought the turning point in his life.

After the applause ended, what remained on the stage was the silhouettes of 34 proud soldiers. The golden uniform that they wore took their incredibleness to the next level, making them look like a group of alien soldiers from a more advanced civilization.

As they lined up waiting, this was when the rank bestower of the day finally stood up. Commander Rashford in his golden uniform looked more imposing and authoritative than normal.

He didnt walk, as hidden anti-gravity devices in his expensive uniform powered up. His figure rose into the air, before slowly floating to the podium where he would bestow upon these soldiers their new ranks.

His hovering figure made him look like a deity that was descending to bestow blessings upon its followers.

The modest-looking uniform that the Commander wore was fiercer than any armor that most soldiers have ever encountered. Clarks car seemed expensive, but this uniform was priced at an astronomical 20,000,000 Spartan credits.

Though the countless soldiers watching did not know the price, that did not stop them from admiring its splendidness.

After arriving at the stage, he finally faced the 34 soldiers before him. He was a man of few words, so he cut directly to the chase.

Soldiers, I am proud of all of you for fulfilling the hidden requirements required for a promotion. It shows your diligence, determination, hard work, and loyalty.

Sergeant Faraday, by the power delegated to me as the Commander in chief of the Spartan army, I hereby bestow upon you the new rank of a Master Sergeant. From today, you are now Master Sergeant Faraday.

After this ceremony, go to the Spartan army inquiry hall to know, understand, and get the benefits of your new rank.

After going through the regular procedure, Commander Rashford finally brought out the new badge indicating the Master Sergeant rank.

After bestowing the badge upon the soldier, applause erupted around the stadium as the soldiers watching welcomed the latest Master Sergeant of the Spartan republic.

The Commander continued after finishing with the first soldier, as he gradually bestowed all the new badges to the promoted soldiers. After going through 32 soldiers, it was finally Clarks turn.

Clark moved forward to meet the Commander with a solemn and respectful expression on his face, before giving a standard military salute to his superior.

Commander Rashfords face softened a bit on seeing this, though the expected smile never followed. He patted Clark on the shoulders, earning a smile from the soldier before he finally turned to the voice amplifiers.

Citizens, workers, and soldiers of the Spartan republic. I know that most of you already know this soldier, but for those not in the know, let me tell you a bit about his journey to his current level.

Clark Pendragon began his career by graduating as the best cadet of his military training base. In this same time frame, he broke a lot of our existing records, thereby skyrocketing his status to the level of the republics most talented.

He is a role model to countless other cadets of the republic. Despite his modest background, he defied all odds and kept on breaking records and achieving unimaginable feats through his hard work and incredible talent.

You have been seeing the recent achievement promotions in the news by the media, none of the information is exaggerated.

As the news said, Clark is the hero of Vatican City, as well as the Spartan republic as a whole. His legendary story has recorded another legend, he is the only soldier after our President to win a battle tournament organized by any of the big 5.

His other achievements that cannot be publicized are as incredible, if not more incredible than the ones being publicized.

With the powers bestowed unto me as the Commander in chief of the Spartan army, Clark, I hereby bestow unto you the rank of a Major of the Spartan republic.

From today, you shall be Major Clark of the Spartan republic. Applause quickly followed like a raging tsunami, as the soldiers and civilian spectators clapped vigorously.

Clark, as youre the first and only Major of Vatican City. The city shall be granted to you as the first territory under your control. I hope that the city prospers more under your care.

After this ceremony, go to the Spartan army inquiry hall to know, understand, and get the benefits of your new rank.

Though Clark was already matured enough to not easily let out his emotions, he was still shocked and surprised by his new rank and the bonus gift.

The Major rank, just like the Lieutenant rank were ranks that were not easily attainable in the Spartan republic military hierarchy. Only special soldiers with incredible achievements had the honor of receiving these ranks.

Because of this, he directly skipped about four military ranks ahead as the Major rank was only a grade below the Captain rank.

And him being bestowed with his territory meant that he already started having influence. He was now the leader of his home city; his opinion was needed before any significant development or decision is made by the city officials.

Just being happy was an understatement of his current emotions, he was over the moon. He felt like doing a happy dance immediately.

After his rank was bestowed unto him, the Commander finally focused on the main protagonist of todays ceremony, Captain Oxford.

The Captains face twitched frequently, as his face could not contain his happy fluctuating emotions. The applause given to him was thunderous, as the republic was finally welcoming another General to bolster its ranks.

This time, it was shone why he was the main protagonist. Commander Leonidas, the legendary slaughterer, the President of the Spartan republic came personally to bestow unto him his new rank.

Seeing this familiar face, all the soldiers and civilians were fired up as applause, slogans, and chants erupted everywhere around the large hall.

The Presidents legendary tale was so long that he already acquired countless slogans and nicknames throughout the years. Unlike the unsmiling Commander Rashford, he smiled slightly to acknowledge the excitement of his citizens.

Clark, Captain Oxford, and all the promoted soldiers had excited expressions on their faces as this was the first time that they were meeting their President at such a close range. Despite it being just a projection, they were still honored.

After bestowing Oxford with the General rank, the Presidents projection waved at everyone before dissipating.

Commander Rashford finally came out again to congratulate the promoted soldiers, before posing with them for a group photo. After this, he also left the large hall.

Captain Jackson finally took the voice amplifier again, as he ended the rank promotion ceremony after the national anthem was recited again. The ceremony was officially over.

It was at this moment that Clarks gang came out. The excited group of boys and girls came out to congratulate their friend, celebrate, pose for a photo, before going crazy together.

After doing a lot of random things together, the gang of friends finally went out. Today, they were partying all night.

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