The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 152: home the spartan republic

Chapter 152: home the spartan republic

After going through so many trials and tribulations, today the Spartan fleet finally crossed over to their territory. This was when the feeling of peace and relief really came, as calmness spread through the fleet like a drowsiness drug.

On seeing so many familiar Spartan vessels, they inhaled the familiar breath of home as the border coast defense formation was opened to them.

The water covering kilometers around the coast was constantly being patrolled by dozens of warships, painting an extremely intimidating sight. Though the sight seemed intimidating, after all, that theyve seen for the past month, this was just like a childrens game to them.

They already confirmed their identity, so their entry was without mishaps. They moved safely to the harbor, where they finally started alighting on the orders of Captain Oxford.

A delegation of soldiers was outside to welcome them, in their midst was the vice leader in chief of the Spartan navy, General Kadosh.

After they got down from the 3 ships, the soldiers who came to welcome them went in immediately, as they started working to bring the goods stored in the ships down.

News of what happened during their encounters was already reported to the higher-ups on their way here, so General Kadosh already knew everything.

Oxford, welcome to the higher ranks of power. After so long, you finally succeeded in crossing the barrier. He greeted Captain Oxford with a smile, before proceeding to exchange a hug.

As they did this, all the remaining Spartan soldiers stood at attention before saluting their vice naval leader.

The General acknowledged their salute, praised them for their hard work and achievements during this expedition, before ambiguously promising them rewards for everything.

After doing this, he finally turned to give attention to the 2nd hero of the fleet, apart from Captain Oxford.

Clark Pendragon, what a surprise. I can see that your journey is filled with legendary events every time, I dont know if it's good luck or bad luck. You defied all odds when everyone thought you were dead, you impress me a lot.

But despite all these, the republic appreciates your accomplishments, welcome back to the Spartan republic. After giving a short appreciation speech, he quickly diverted his attention back to Captain Oxford.

Emily was the only lonely one among the soldiers. She stayed at the back to avoid getting attention, as she patiently waited for Clark to settle everything on his side.

Clark left shortly after to the parking lot of the coast, to get his car. After so long of separation, he was finally getting his baby back, he really missed his monster baby car.

After filling an application for leave, he was finally allowed to claim the car and leave the Spartan border. They already knew of his request before now, so everything was pretty easygoing for him.

He finally called for Emily, after driving his car close to the water. She came quickly with her equipment and goods, including his also, as she quickly stuffed them into the car.

She was not too surprised on seeing the car. When she was on the Spartan main fleet, though she didnt have access to a lot of information, looking this up was not restricted for her.

Despite already seeing it, it was still admirable. The car lay dormant like a hibernating beast, waiting to be disturbed and unleashed just like the way Drakonous did.

After arranging everything, she finally went into the car. The car was in a mini-armored truck configuration, so there was enough space to fit everything that they brought.

She sat down, while secretly admiring the cars interior as Clark went outside to bid farewell to his Captain.

Clark, make sure to come for the fleet expedition ceremony in a month. That will also be my rank promotion ceremony day, dont dare to miss it. All your pending awards will also be given that day, I hope you dont waste too much time taking your girlfriend home.

Captain Oxford said with a smile on his face, before fiercely patting him on his shoulders to emphasize his point that he meant what he said.

Cough, cough, who told you that she is my girlfriend? Clark was left speechless, he coughed awkwardly to hide his blushing face at the Captains words, before swiftly slipping away.

Captain, dont worry, Ill make sure to be back in a month. And try to get a wife before then, you are no longer young, youre already passing your prime years.

After getting to a safe distance, he retaliated with his own bomb-like words before quickly slipping into his car.

Captain Oxford only shook his head with a rare smile on his face, as he imprinted the face of this soldier into his head. He was sure that Clark would go to great heights, probably even more than he ever reached.

Zoom!! The hibernating car finally woke up from its slumber with a soft mechanical roar, before flying down the road, straight back to the direction of the sea.

The coast security men opened the punishment gate that was designed to punish intruders, as the car smoothly sped past it before diving directly into the sea the next second.

Splash!! The seawater was stirred up, creating a small water wave as the silhouette of the car quickly disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Clark didnt want to go by land this time, he decided to use his cars sea form for the first time since he got it. He smiled on seeing the effect, he liked what he saw.

On entering the sea, the car transformed its shape just like a 2-form gun, as it quickly changed forms into that of a mini-submarine. It was just like a normal speed boat, but in a larger form and completely protected by a transparent exotic covering.

The fishes close to this area were startled away by the unexpected entry of this mechanical vessel, as they did well to maintain their distance.

The stunning sight of the sea was further enhanced when looking at it through a transparent screen, it looked so beautiful. He let lily control the mini-sub on autopilot, as he lazily rested back on his chair.

Emi, how do you feel this? Cool, right? He suddenly cocked his head to look at his friend with a grin on his face, as he cooly asked.

Emilys face twitched fiercely on seeing this side of Clark. She took deep breaths to calm her unsteady heart, before finally getting a poker expression on her face.

The sight stunned her, but on seeing this naughty guys expression looking at her, he decided to disappoint him to see his reaction.

Humph!! Its just so so. She bombarded back savagely with this, as she folded her hands while crossing her legs to wait for a reaction from the boy.

Clark already expected such a reply on seeing her initial expression. His figure shook, as he chuckled amusedly with an I understand you expression on his face.

This only made her face twitch more, as she fought hard to restrain herself from pouncing on him. After controlling herself, she broke into a laugh instead.

I guess I should just enjoy these few days that I still have with him. She soliloquized emotionally. She would surely miss Clark after they separate in a few days.

Somewhere deep in the territory of the Spartan republic, in Delhi city, a group of soldiers exchanged gunshots in a chaotic battle where one side was completely suppressed.

Smart man, carry your unit and aim at the terrorist's ranged soldiers. Stop trying to rush forward to grab attention, you are paper soldiers for Gods sake, behave like one.

Stay in your position, youll still get your merits after we wipe out these murderers. Leo said while panting, as he led his melee unit forward to intercept the terrorist soldiers escape path.

You better take care of yourself then. Dont call me or Benny for help, when the situation gets dangerous. The man referred to as Smart man snorted in disregard, but he still shot at the terrorists diligently.

This was a special operation to wipe out a big base of the Persian tigers organization. The terrorists recently took the news headlines, as they almost massacred a small town of all its inhabitants.

After the death of thousands, the nearest soldier reinforcement arrived at the fastest possible speed as the massacre was finally stopped.

After a great battle that saw the death of hundreds of soldiers from both sides, the terrorists finally escaped after paying a great price.

They escaped, but the Spartan military was not just going to let such a massacre end so easily. The nearest python military division invested a large number of resources to track the terrorists. After a week, the trails of the terrorists were finally discovered.

The python military division immediately mobilized its soldiers to follow up this lead. This was the result, as they finally discovered the main force of the escaping terrorists.

Captain Daniel personally led the assault, as terrorists died in droves from his power and momentum.

After more than 3 years of service under the Spartan republic, though they did not have their second breakthrough yet, Leo, and Benny were already veteran high-grade soldiers.

Leo led the charge at their assigned area, bulldozing through the enemy ranks, as Benny guided this new high-grade soldier who called himself Smart man to integrate into their tempo.

After a battle that stretched for over 3 hours, the terrorist base was finally annihilated. A massacre was a provocation that the Spartan republic does not tolerate, their reaction this time perfectly showed their stand on such matters.

Captain Daniel barbarically paraded the head of the terrorist Captain round the battlefield like a bloodthirsty barbarian, as his soldiers cheered him on.

After this, he finally left the battlefield after instructing his soldiers to tidy up the area where they fought at. It was at this moment that Leo finally had the time to react to what happened during the battle.

F**k, this bastard is back after 3 years, and the first thing he does is recall his car back. What if I was driving on the road? He grumbled fiercely, attracting the attention of the nearby soldiers.

You mean Clark? Benny asked leisurely, as he serviced his overheated 2-form gun. He already got used to this guy referring to Clark as a bastard, so he caught into it immediately.

Staying 3 years without your best friend was torture to Leo. He never knew that Clark meant so much to him until he disappeared.

After knowing that he was alive but refused to come back, he decided to start referring to him as a bastard anytime he was discussing him. Due to his frequent use of it, most of the soldiers around him already knew this.

Benny wanted to ask further, but on seeing the location where the car was originally parked empty, he finally understood.

Leo wanted to grumble more, but he knew that he did not want to attract the ire of the hot-blooded Captain Daniel. He instead started muttering curses as he worked with the other soldiers.

He did not want to express happiness to show that he missed Clark, his new friends would just finish him with mockery laughter. He instead used his muttering of curses to express it, it was his clever trademark method now.

Only Benny knew this, but he didnt expose him, he only shook his head with a chuckle. He also missed Clark a lot, that legendary soldier, he could not wait to see him again.

Perhaps, Clark would not recognize them again. Well, hell worry about that later when they meet probably later in the day.

They worked faster to get back home quickly to see Clark, not knowing that he was already on his way outside the country again. Unknowingly to them, a hallow of mockery and pity was currently revolving above their heads, as they worked faster.

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