The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 150: farewell

Chapter 150: farewell

It was now already more than a week since the battle ended, and just like the other fleets, the Spartan fleet already took the record analysis of their losses and gains.

In total, they lost 3 high-grade soldiers from the initial 10 that went into the military research base. For the ordinary soldiers that came as reinforcements to meet them, they lost 134 soldiers to the initial explosion and the subsequent aftermaths.

For the fleet that remained in the surface and battled with the Dawn fleet, they lost 47 fine soldiers and 30 workers of the Spartan republic.

This loss was astronomical, as the number of soldiers in the fleet was originally only a thousand and some few additions. Well, despite their unfortunate deaths, it was for a good cause. As miserable as the loss was, so were their gains also miserably good.

For the Arcanite metal alone, they got an astronomical figure of approximately 53,000 tons, which was countless times above their expectations. This was completely outrageous, as this amount can easily be worth hundreds of millions of Spartan credits.

As for the research data that they got, their value cannot be quantified as they dont have a price tag like the Arcanite metal.

But according to the calculations of the main ships A.I, the research datas price could go for as much as twice the amount of the Arcanite metal loot. This was a mind blowing surprise to them.

With this alone, the deaths of so many soldiers could be justified. To most of the soldiers, this was completely worth it.

Though human life was the most important, in this age the importance was still a little reduced compared to the 21st century. In this era, only the ones with the strongest fists and best resources can survive.

Though the countless deaths were a little justified with all these gains, the dead still could not be ignored, they needed to be honored.

Clark already waited for more than a week but the Captain was still unconscious, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. The military farewell for the dead could not be stalled for too long.

After convening with the other high-grade soldiers of the fleet, they finally decided to conduct the military farewell today.

After so many days of relentless travelling, the Spartan fleet finally stopped for the first time. The 3 ships of the Spartan republic formed a circle formation, as they got prepared to conduct one of the most important soldier practices of the Spartan republic.

After setting their detection devices on full power to check if any other fleet was nearby, all the soldiers started coming out after confirming that no fleet was close.

The iconic Spartan republic flag was raised in all 3 ships, as the soldiers quickly arranged themselves in all the corners of the 3 ships. Clark finally took hold of the voice amplifying device to address the fleet.

Good morning Spartans. Most of you may already know who I am, but for those who dont know, my name is Clark Pendragon.

I am standing here as a bridge for our Captain who is still unconscious, to apologize for the recent storms of battles that we had to pass through. As soldiers, it is inevitable that we battle, but its a crime for our comrades to die in such huge numbers.

I want to plead to all those here that either lost a husband, or a wife. Im sorry for your loss; I hope you all can control your emotions.

I want you all to know that your loved ones died for the Spartan republics growth. Without their sacrifice, the Spartan republic will quickly become one of the countries that have gone done in history for being too weak.

This is the era of exotics and technologies were cruelty and strength reigns. I want you to know that all the dead in this battle are our pride, the pride of our president, and the pride of the whole Spartan republic.

We cannot stop their death, nor can we raise them from the dead. The best we can do is to send their spirits to heaven to meet God, the almighty creator, the owner of their lives.

After saying this, he stretched out his hands as one of the flags was handed over to him, before he continued.

I shall use this sacred flag as a symbol of farewell. As I place it in the water, the sea shall be their eternal place of rest, where their spirits shall help us in all our incoming battles.

We shall all forever remember this sacrifice. The Spartan government shall provide adequate compensations to all the family members of the fallen. We never despise nor abandon our dead soldiers families.

After concluding his speech, he threw the flag into the sea under the gaze of everyone, as the singers of the fleet directly started singing their military farewell songs.

All the soldiers followed shortly after with solemn expression on their faces, as they sent their comrades home. After this, they finally started singing the Spartan national anthem as a form of honor to the dead.

On hearing this familiar one, all the crews in the fleet sang the anthem in sorrowful, hopeful, and determined moods. All of them collectively singing it in sync brought a change, as a motivated vibe started exuding in all the ships, the crying crews of the ships finally stopped their crying.

They all echoed the lyrics of the anthem with vigor and determination, as the pain of their closed ones dying suddenly became more bearable to them.

After going through this most important procedure, Clark finally dismissed the large gathering. He also did not fail to add bonuses to the ship crew and every other worker in the fleet.

They needed it to cool down, as nothing was more comforting than money in the end. And they all did a good job to enable their escape; a little appreciation gift at times does not hurt.

Even the bible supported it. Money is everything, the only important notice was that dont become desperate to get it.

After travelling for another week in the sea, the Spartan fleet was now finally close to getting home. They finally left the deep parts of the Mediterranean Sea.

This brought a happy mood back to the fleet, taking the gloomy atmosphere away. There is no place like home, just the thought of getting home did a good job in elevating everyones mood.

And it was also at this time, just like the head doctor predicted that Captain Oxford woke up. His body already recovered since a week ago, the problem was the impact to his brain. But fortunately, he finally recovered.

After resting for a whole day to further recuperate, he finally called for a military gathering. There were a lot of things that he did not know about; he had to get up to date as the leader of this fleet.

After hearing the order from his Captain, Clark also acknowledged it immediately as he started preparations. The gathering was in an hours time, so he had enough time to prepare.

Emily, it seems our discussion time will be cut off, I have to get prepared. My Captain finally woke up and he just called for a military gathering of high-grade soldiers, I need to be there in at most 50 minutes time.

He quickly stood up from the sofa after reading the notification from his implant, as he informed Emily in an apologetic tone before rushing away.

Oh, wow, your Captain already recovered. Thank God, thats relieving. When you go, extend my greetings to him if possible. She answered back, as Clarks figure gradually disappeared from her sight.

Ill definitely inform him. He yelled back in reply, as he quickly went straight to the bathroom to get his bath.

His tone and demeanor was completely unlike the leader who gave a speech to his subordinates, days ago. It was far more casual, less emotional, and far more approachable, like a normal human being.

Emily giggled to herself as this thought crossed her head. On hearing the sound of the water rushing, her face bloomed into a wider smile without a particular reason, as she leaned back to rest on the sofa.

In less than 5 minutes, Clark came out of the bathroom as he quickly went to his room to get dressed.

This time, he didnt freeze to admire his handsome physique as he didnt want to go for the gathering late. Despite this, he still stole glances at his improved biceps and muscles.

20 minutes later, he finally came out of his room with the nice scent of perfume all over him. He quickly went forward to meet Emily that was busy watching a movie, before nudging at her on her shoulders.

Hey!! How do I look? He asked with a grin, as he patted his suit to better emphasize his point. She slowly turned back to see him, with a slightly irritated look on her face.

She wanted to complain of why he disturbed her, but her expression froze immediately on seeing this man in a new suit again.

Seeing the handsome face before her, the fine dark-toned skin enveloped by the sweet looking suit, her face betrayed her surprise as she blushed a bit before standing up to face him.

The suit is nice, you really look good on it. Let me help you arrange your tie. She complimented, before proposing this as she went closer to him.

His face bloomed into a smile on hearing her reply. He wanted to thank her for the compliment, but he was interrupted by what she said next.

Clark, have you ever thought of marrying? Sometimes, I envy the girl that will marry you. I hope she treats you well, or shell see my enraged state.

Umm He was completely stumped and surprised by her completely unexpected words. What should he say? What did she expect him to say?

Seeing the look of expectation on her face terrified him more, as he surprisingly became nervous. He stuttered to speak, as he just faced her with a dumb look.

Ah, its time for me to go. I dont want to be late, see you later. He finally bailed himself with this, as he directly ran out, not waiting for her reply.

Seeing his abnormally flustered state, she could not help but giggle as her face slowly bloomed into a wider smile.

I hope I can get into your sight one day, in the future. She softly muttered after he left, before dropping down on the sofa to continue watching her movie.

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