The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 148: aftermath 2

Chapter 148: aftermath 2

10 minutes after the old man left with his boy, the natural signs of an incoming storm finally started becoming apparent.

When he quickly left with the boy, his neighbors were naturally curious and asked about his hasty leave. He told them that a storm was coming, that the town was in danger.

But just like typical humans, they all scoffed at him and laughed at his unusually timid behavior. They did not take it seriously, and the old man felt too lazy to force or compel them, he did not elaborate so they were all still here.

Despite already seeing the darkening skies, and the steadily increasing fierce blowing winds, they were still nonchalant as storms were kind of normal occurrences here.

Woo!! Woo!! The wind blew fiercer and stronger, spreading a hollow-like sound as the traders quickly started packing their trade wares to temporarily go back home and wait out the storm, not knowing that this was not the regular storm.

After 5 minutes of relentless and continuous blowing of the wind, the first sign of the incoming disaster was finally sighted.

One of the trade helpers who was left alone in a stall watched with widening eyes, as he tried to make out the giant silhouette that was approaching. Due to the wind, his sight was impeded so he could only see a giant incoming shadow.

Rumble!! Rumble!! Hearing the steady but gradual increase of rumbling sounds unnerved him more, as he finally got up, going closer to the window to get a clear view.

This was when horror finally took over him. His fragile heart directly stopped; his brain short-circuited as he just dumbly stared at this frightening scene before him.

The giant tsunami of water approached like rolling tigers and crouching dragons, it approached speedily like a meat grinder as everything facing it was ripped to shreds like mere paper.

The ground vibrated and shook from the momentum of the giant tsunami, like an earthquake was imminent, as all the inhabitants of the town came out to see this despair-inducing sight.

The town was completely unprepared, though their preparation would not have done much.

Horror appeared in all their faces, as the ones with a midget of courage picked themselves up to run for their lives. In the face of danger, brothers abandoned their sisters, boys abandoned their girlfriends as they all ran for their dear lives.

Boom!! Boom!! The tsunami finally hit the town hard, making loud sounds like those of missiles dropping like rain as everything was swept away by it like random dirt by the roadside.

In less than 5 minutes, it passed the town, going to the nearest one as the town was completely leveled from the momentum and force of its advance. The town became an abandoned water reservoir immediately.

Every soul in the town was wiped off the face of the earth ruthlessly without mercy. The commoners, were now the ones paying for the actions of high-grade soldiers, showing the cruelty of the world.

Well, no one cared about them as the same scene happened in hundreds of other towns acting as coasts to the Mediterranean Sea. Millions of lives were lost in under an hour, as the frightening tsunami continued like the god of death.

Its fierce momentum triggered other natural disasters like earthquakes, as every town facing it immediately became a wasteland.

The only coasts that was able to avoid this disaster were those city coasts that were extremely prosperous and rich. Their high-grade detection devices already detected the tsunami before it arrived, so they were more prepared.

They erected their defense dome energy shields immediately, which was the only reason that they were able to avoid the frightening aftermath of its advance.

Though they survived, almost all their energy reserves were depleted, which indirectly represented money as their dome shields required a lot of energy to withstand the pressure of the raging tsunami.

After so long, the old man who noticed the storm first finally escaped to the area not affected by the tsunami. He looked backward with a sigh, as this escape made him bring out stories that were once buried deep in his heart.

After living as a recluse from cities for so long, he finally escaped back, but he had to use his long hibernating exotic car to facilitate his escape which was something he originally wanted to avoid.

Larhd was completely shocked and shaken, as his gaze alternated between the car his dad suddenly brought and the aftermath of the tsunami. He did not know which one of these happenings was and should be more shocking to him.

His dad suddenly becoming rich, or how he was able to notice such a frightening tsunami that others could not notice in time, or how his cheerful friends that he once played with were probably all now dead.

His small brain could not facilitate so much shock, as he directly broke down into tears, he was confused and terrified.

Humph!! Thats just the many occurrences of life, youll get used to it. The old man refused to comfort him as he maintained a stern expression on his face, making the boy cry more.

After stopping their high-speed drive, the police cars relentlessly going after them finally caught up to them.

In the end, I cannot be a recluse forever. The world is so f**king messed up. He cursed under his breath, as he finally dipped his hand into his pocket after so long to bring out his military badge.

Get out of the car now with your hands raised, place them behind your head. The policemen came down, as they all surrounded this fast car with their weapons fully loaded.

Thud!! With confident, stylish, and intimidating steps, the old man finally came out of the car.

He used his left hand to softly brush unseen dust from his coat before his demeanor changed completely. His slightly bent back straightened, as he raised his military badge up to show the policemen.

What?? Sir, sir, Im so sorry sir The police leader was completely shocked when he saw the rank displayed on this seemingly useless old mans badge.

This old man was actually a soldier. And not only a soldier, a 4th rank high-grade soldier, a General. He was horrified, as thoughts of his possible punishment started flashing past his head.

Thud!! With one smooth maneuver, the old General stepped into his car again, as he took off immediately to the city. He did not give a damn about the thoughts of these policemen, he wanted to know what caused this damn disaster.

Larhd was now completely shocked, he could no longer recognize the man he called his father. He stuck close to the edge of the car, as he secretly stole glances at this now mysterious man before him.

In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, at the location where the legendary battle took place. Despite so long already passing, the water around here still billowed fiercely from the aftermaths of the battle.

The damage was already enormous, but Commander Lionel was determined to go to any means possible to retrieve this exobeast, he was not resigned to return empty.

The reinforcements that he called for finally arrived, as the surrounding area was now hosting 15 ships and 6 exotic enhanced submarines of the Seafarers alliance.

At this moment, all the fleets that participated in the military research bases looting were already gone, so they did not see what happened next. They left their leaders who were still trapped to fend for themselves.

After giving elaborate but precise orders, Commander Lionel finally led his soldiers down as almost all of them plunged deep into the sea, in search of the exobeast.

Lights shone into every corner of the dark blue depths of the sea, illuminating everywhere as the Seafarers alliance soldiers officially started their elaborate search under the seabed.

Using the countless utility exotic devices of their organization, they succeeded in scouring through the 12km area around the battlefield.

After getting the width, they finally started going deeper as they penetrated the cold depths of the sea. The battle already killed most, if not all the sea creatures around, the once still remaining were the leaders of territories.

As a consequence of their elaborate search, these territory leaders were aroused. Though they were strong, they were facing the tyrant of the seas. They died with the same fast frequency as they came.

After 2 hours of search and not seeing anything nor trace leading to the exobeast, Commander Lionel could only suppress his frustration and disappointment. He finally ordered for a retreat.

Amid the still billowing waves roaring as a consequence of their battle, this Seafarers' alliance fleet finally retreated back to their base.

As soon as the Seafarers fleet left, a pair of eyes opened in the deepest parts of the Mediterranean Sea as it hatefully watched the aftermath of their battle.

Drakonous laid stiffly under the cold and iced depths of the sea, as bubbles kept emerging from its nostrils indicating its steady breathing.

This part of the sea was a place it was confident that no human has ever reached, this was the depth of exobeasts like it. Only thick-skinned exobeasts with the strength of 5th rank high-grade soldiers could survive here.

It let out a silent growl, as it prepared to enter another deep slumber. From its blood that was taken and experimented on, after taking it he found that he was slowly but steadily increasing in strength.

It wanted to lay low and carefully take in this new power that was slowly emerging, deep in its bones. Its large eyes finally closed up, as it went into its slumber again.

In another part of the Mediterranean Sea, the Spartan fleet stopped to count their losses, their gains, and to also wait for their Captain, hoping that he would appear.

It was now already more than a day since the legendary battle was fought. Though the water was still unstable and raging, the frequency was now far lower than yesterday.

Clark stood alone silently at the deck of the main ship, as he looked hopefully at the sea. He was still expecting Captain Oxford, this man was now an important superior in his life.

Just the saving of his life is enough for the Captain to be his benefactor for life. As a 4th rank high-grade soldier, he was sure that the Captain would make it. What he didnt know was that the Nadan General already died, even when he was a more veteran 4th rank high-grade soldier.

Well, there was nothing he could do to help as they still could not pinpoint his location. He could only wait hopefully.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the Spartan fleet sheltering their civilian crews that they originally left behind finally converged back to meet the main fleet.

When they heard of the betrayal, they directly split from the Dawn fleet. But unlike their main fleet, they did not engage in a battle with the Dawns, they separated and retreated peacefully.

After the battle became more chaotic, their communication was cut off. But they later cross-communicated again, when the main Spartan fleet escaped from the main battle area.

After a whole day of travel, they were finally able to regroup with their main fleet.

After arriving, most of the civilians boarded the main ship of the Spartan fleet. The doctors were here, so the wounded soldiers could finally receive proper treatment from the experts.

After settling down and taking care of the wounded, the fleet stood in place on the sea surface as they patiently and hopefully waited for their leaders return.

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