The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 143: drakonous the primordial one

Chapter 143: drakonous the primordial one

Boom!! Boom!! The vibration of obstacles being bulldozed over kept echoing, transmitting to the whole military base as the sound got nearer and nearer. The atmosphere in the hall became suffocating, as gulps involuntarily escaped out of the soldier's throats.

The dangerous sounds echoing around them frightened the hell out of them, but they were not allowed to think further as the one responsible for this huge commotion finally emerged.

Roar!! With another deep roar, followed by a loud boom sound, a large and dangerous-looking animal head finally broke through the Arcanite floor casing of the hall like it was just paper.

The sight of this alone took the soldiers' fragile hearts away, this was Arcanite metal, not wood. Their brains were fuzzy from the shock, as they tried to make out the shape of this extremely huge exobeast.

With large enormous wings like that of a dragon, this mighty exobeast finally landed gracefully on the main hall before directing its gaze at the puny humans before it. Its mighty presence pressed against the soldiers like a mountain, increasing the pressure that they felt.

Though its emergence was powerful, graceful, and epic, its real appearance was the exact opposite. It spread out its large wings proudly, as the humans finally saw its complete appearance.

If just looked out casually at a first glance, you would think that this was the animal version of Dr. Frankensteins monster. Different parts of its enormous body were deformed, making it look like an animal horror of mangled flesh.

Its head was like that of a lizard with a draconic bloodline, like those in fictional novels. Its main teeth were as long as daggers, as they shone and glinted with a dangerous light after it opened its frightening mouth to roar.

Its large claws were roughly contoured in different shapes, forming a chaotic mess of destruction. Their sharp edges gleamed coldly, as they seem to have a consciousness of their own.

Its thick skin, being the largest part of its body was like the skin of a thousand-year-old crocodile. Despite just using it to breach the armored Arcanite metal floor, it felt like it was just an itch to it.

Scales filled its skin, as they glinted dangerously under the glare of the lighting of the hall. From these short details alone, it was clear that this was an animal with cockroach-like vitality.

Despite looking just like a Frankenstein mangled piece of flesh, the boundless strength overflowing in the body of this enormous animal could not be denied. All the soldiers felt pressure like never before, as this exobeast exuded the aura of a 5th rank high-grade soldier.

Despite all these discoveries from observing its appearance, the soldiers could not move as they froze in shock.

Recognition showed in all their faces despite their ranks or status, as they stared blankly at this familiar figure. This did not last though, as pure terror quickly replaced it.

"Drakonous. One of the primordial ones?" This thought emerged in all their minds, as they despaired completely.

They recognized this Frankenstein like exobeast, as it was one of the first 5 exobeasts that humanity bred. All the first 5 exobeasts are collectively referred to as the primordial ones.

Every soldier who passed through the learning years knew this basic knowledge, as these were what led to the breakthrough phenomenon among humans.

Of the 5 primordial ones, the big 5 only had the weakest 2 in custody, the others escaped immediately after becoming exobeasts. Though they all had the strength of 5th rank high-grade soldiers, the exact power output between them still varied.

If their knowledge was correct, this monster before them, Drakonous, was the strongest and deadliest between the 3 escaped monster trio.

Sometimes, knowing something was worse than being ignorant. Knowing the power and terror of this exobeast, all the soldiers were prettified from fear as their brains directly short-circuited.

Roar!! It finally let out another deep guttural roar after stabilizing itself, as its gaze stared straight at the small metal cage in the custody of the Nadan republic soldiers.

Boom!! Before the Nadan soldiers could swallow their saliva on noticing this, with a flap of its wings, it appeared before them instantly like a phantom demon.

"Leave the cage and escape, immediately!!" The Nadan General finally snapped out of his daze, as he ordered with a loud voice while scrambling away for his life.

He was fast, but his subordinates were not lucky to be so fast, as 5 of them immediately became snacks for this Frankenstein terror.

"Run!!!" Commotion started instantly from seeing this, as all the soldiers in the hall turned tail immediately to escape. This was pure terror.

"What?? Fight an exobeast with 5th rank strength, and not just an ordinary one, Drakonous? You are mad, escape is our main focus forever". With this thought process, all the soldiers escaped crazily to different directions like a swarm of locusts.

After getting what it came for, an intelligent sneer emerged in the exobeasts fearsome face, as it destroyed the small metal cage with one swipe of its sharp claws.

The fragile contents in it were destroyed immediately while its target was finally exposed, as thick dark red blood like congealed oil poured down from the destroyed cage.

Its eyes showed excitement and slight relief on seeing this, as its large tongue licked it up immediately. This was a sample of its blood, that was drawn from it decades ago before it escaped.

It never knew that it would get to retrieve this back, its whole essence was packed in this. This was a blood sample that contained a part of it, and all its DNA.

It was originally in deep slumber, thousands of kilometers below the sea surface. But this extremely familiar smell and presence of its blood aroused it from its deep slumber.

Roar!! It roared again satisfied after getting its long-lost blood essence, before turning again to face this puny species that dared to capture and perform inhuman experiments on it. It still vividly remembered how it was slowly dissected and experimented on.

Whoosh!! Its figure finally moved from its position with the same jet-like speed again, as it soured up into the air to get a better view of its prey.

Boom!! Boom!! It finally started raining down destruction, as havoc was wreaked all around the hall through its extremely long teeth and claws.

In just a short 10 seconds, blood, body parts, and mechanical parts started lying about like abandoned goods as it spread its terror to all corners of the battlefield.

At the moment that it appeared, its extreme pressurizing aura also affected the mechanical soldier's operation. They only adapted and started fighting again now, but they were no longer the top side of this battlefield.

Seeing dozens of high-grade soldiers die in seconds, the escaping soldiers despaired as they started directing attention back at it to retaliate. If they continued like this without retaliating, they would likely be wiped out of the surface of the earth.

What made them madder and more desperate, was that they did not plan for an escape route when they came into the military research base. They regretted their greediness, as their comrades died every second to the talons of this mad exobeast.

The hole that the exobeast created in the middle of the hall was supposed to be an escape route, but the speed at which water rushed out from it into the hall would not allow them to pass safely.

In less than a minute, explosions and seawater covered a significant portion of the large hall, making their situation look less optimistic. If they get submerged in water, their survival would require more effort then.

After what seemed like an eternity, their reinforcement finally arrived, as the new soldiers rushed into the base through the hole with the flowing water.

Following the tide in, was far easier than going against it outwards.

They all rushed in with high spirits and vigor, but shock filled their hearts the next second as blood, water, and fire greeted their sights.

The sight of the high and mighty high-grade soldiers dying like chickens scared the hell out of them, as they held their breath foolishly.

They wanted to repeatedly confirm that this was not a dream, but they were not given the luxury to stay secured as the flames of the battle quickly submerged them also.

Chaos spread everywhere, as the superior soldiers no longer recognized their subordinates. All the soldiers only had the one thought of escaping safely, it was now every man for himself.

As high-grade soldiers, they would have never believed, not even in their dreams that they would be so easily slaughtered in a mission that they thought would be a workover.

Drakonous, as an intelligent exobeast clearly recognized the most important and strongest humans on the battlefield. Because of this, the 4th rank high-grade soldiers that were supposed to be the safest were now the ones facing the most danger.

The neat battle formation of the Nadan republic was already in chaos, as they already lost more than 40 soldiers in this short minute which was a horrifying figure. These were not just soldiers, but high-grade soldiers.

Captain Oxford, Captain Mark, and the Nadan Captain struggled futilely, as the exobeast started giving them special attention. They were furious, but in here, Drakonous was the judge and at the same time the executioner.

Despite being such strong powerhouses, they could only retreat hastily like rats being chased by a house cat.

Captain Oxford felt it worse, he became a 4th rank high-grade soldier for only 2 days now. Would he just die such a miserable death? Was his luck so bad?

As their Captain was already in such a dangerous situation, Clark became the temporary leader of the Spartan soldiers as he led them steadily to the hole where water gushed out from rapidly.

He did not know if he should feel lucky that he was not among the strongest soldiers in the military base. Because of his seemingly low strength, he received less attention, so he was free to do more.

No matter how and why it happened, he didn't care, he was just happy. He could only pray for his Captain's safety while planning to reap more benefits from such a chaotic battlefield.

That was his nature. Run when you receive special attention from enemies but cannot resist, but when you are ignored, loot to your heart's content.

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