The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 141: the battle of warship begins

Chapter 141: the battle of warship begins

Captain Jack responded swiftly as he decisively ordered his subordinates to escape, there was no longer any explanation to make.

On seeing the furious expression on the Spartan Captains face, he knew that explaining would not result in anything good.

The soldiers who just defected were his soldiers, there was no evidence to indicate that they took the decision themselves and that he was innocent. After considering all the pros and cons, escaping immediately was the best verdict that he could reach.

Boom!! Before he could fully take any action to retreat, the large sword of Captain Oxford already came to meet his chest. His armors energy barely held, as his figure was blown back with a loud sound of impact.

He was even more horrified from this, as he did not know when the Spartan Captain moved. Despite the muddle-headed feeling trying to overwhelm his consciousness, he persevered and picked himself up.

Run!! He yelled at his soldiers, as he took the backward momentum as an opportunity to dash for the door. From this one attack, he directly lost any foolish courage to resist, only escape was now in his mind.

Captain Oxfords face was twisted from anger, as he rushed forward to demolish the escaping Dawn soldiers. He was right after all; the Dawn soldiers were not to be trusted.

The Spartan military creed stated that a betrayal in war was treated as offense number 10 in the Spartan military constitution. The republic hated being betrayed the most, it was an unforgivable crime.

The Dawn soldiers knew this, and they still did it when they knew that his side was superior in this military research base. If they are courting death, he would gladly give it to them in a way they never expected.

He quickly gave another command through his communicator, as he continued his pursuit at the escaping Dawn soldiers.

His sword wreaked havoc tyrannically in the escaping formation of Dawn high-grade soldiers, as two 1st rank high-grade soldiers died to it immediately.

A third death quickly followed as the Spartan ranged soldiers behind him finished what he began by shooting the nearest Dawn soldier whose armors energy reserves got depleted.

Boom!! The large reinforced door was finally breached, as Captain Jacks sword, empowered by its force field forcefully hacked it in two.

He got more shocked and horrified, as he watched 3 of his soldiers get killed in an instant.

Such strength made him afraid, but it also triggered his escape instincts fiercely. This made him resentful and regretful, as he secretly cursed his soldiers who started the betrayal.

Despite his resentment, it did not stop his escape maneuvers as he dashed into the unmoving hordes of mechanical soldiers. He moved like a phantom thief, weaving around the storage room swiftly.

Only his soldiers that could keep up with him, were able to receive a modest form of protection from him. The others were all on their own, this was a personal race of survival.

[Ding!! Intruders detected again, resuming cleansing plan.]

As soon as his figure crashed into the motionless sea of mechanical soldiers, their A.Is discovered him immediately as they all started battle again.

The area quickly became chaotic again, as gunshots, energy beams, and flying attacks of melee mechanical soldiers filled every corner of the room again.

Captain Jack knew that his soldiers would suffer more from this, but this was the only way he could think of to escape the raging Spartan Captains pursuit.

Boom!! As they escaped, Captain Oxfords figure finally jumped from the room where they previously hid like the launch of a rocket.

He landed in the midst of the mechanical soldiers like an old monster of war, as all the machines in his surrounding got blown away from his landing momentum and the shockwave.

His soldiers stayed back, as he alone rushed into the formation of mechanical soldiers in pursuit of the Dawn soldiers.

The mechanical soldiers were more lethal to the soldiers now that their armors energy reserves were almost depleted.

He told his soldiers to wait back and form a defensive perimeter to protect themselves, he was the only one qualified to wreak havoc on such a chaotic battlefield.

Today, he would reinforce the notion into these Dawn soldiers brains that Sparta could not be betrayed, nor could its dignity be put aside. It's either youre an enemy or a friend. A betraying friend was definitely not allowed.

In the originally large and calm Mediterranean Sea full of artificial green peninsulas, undercurrents finally started steering again as the calm facade was gradually being torn off.

The fleet of ships, still waiting on the sea already received status notifications from their soldiers who went down to the military research base. This was something that they all already secretly agreed on.

But not all of them received notifications though, as unlike the Spartan/Dawn alliance soldiers and most of the other groups, some of the group of soldiers who entered the military base were unable to cross the peripheral section of the base.

The sudden appearance of the swordsman mechanical soldiers was a nightmare to some soldiers, as they were nearly annihilated from its fierce attack power and cuckolding defense.

Though they were able to narrowly survive. On reaching the next room, the appearance of the exobeast being experimented on there completely destroyed all their hopes.

These unfortunate fleets, unlike their high and middle-grade counterparts, belonged to countries with low-grade military power, which was a disadvantage from the beginning.

They were not much though, as almost all the fleets that came for this expedition were from countries with middle-grade military strength like the Spartan republic. But this was on paper, not all of them were as strong as the Spartan republic.

There is a difference between the middle-grade countries and organizations, both in terms of the quality of high-grade soldiers and resources.

These few middle-grade countrys soldiers that met their unfortunate end in the military base, were the weakest among the middle-grade countries.

Though it seemed like their complete annihilation only affected them, this was wrong as each of them that was annihilated indirectly affected 4 other groups of soldiers. The convergence room was the problem that was restraining these soldiers now.

They could not leave without the 5th appearance of a 3rd rank or higher high-grade soldier, which was complete torture to them.

After trying for so long without many positive results, they finally decided to break the temporary peace orders of the General who acted as their default leader.

They sent messages to their fleets above for reinforcements, as they were sure that the other soldiers already started looting while they were still trapped there.

The fleets above had nothing to consider before obeying the new orders, the soldiers down below were the real leaders of the fleets after all.

They quickly obeyed the orders of their leaders, as they sent hundreds of soldiers to go below the sea as reinforcement. This move did not escape the sight of the other fleets, as commotion quickly started.

What?? Youre already cheating, then lets cheat together. Using this ideology, most of the fleets also sent reinforcement into the sea to help their leaders.

Chaos and instability quickly took over this rarely calm sea again.

The only exception to this move was the Spartan and Dawn fleet. The communication Captain Oxford previously made was to contact his soldiers above the sea.

Though they also sent down reinforcement like the other fleets, they also prepared for war after the news of the betrayal reached them.

The delicate calm was finally broken, as the Spartan ships separated themselves from their Dawn counterparts. All their weapons started warming up, as a surface battle started brewing.

Boom!! The Spartan main ship started the battle, as an enormous blueish red beam erupted out of its main cannon. The advance of the beam sounded like thunder, as it impacted the shield of the Dawn main ships shield.

Boom!! Boom!! The Dawn battleships also retaliated, as thick bright beams crisscrossed, painting the sea surface in bright white lights like the descent of a thunder and lightning formation.

Bright red and white sparks erupted from the friction and fierceness of this sudden battle, as the sea became unstable again.

The seawater waves started growing momentum from the sudden large impacts from battle. Lightning seemed to flash continuously at this moment, darkening the sky a bit, as the other fleets were also roused from this battle.

They did not know why these 2 fleets suddenly started battling, but it undoubtedly affected them. It seemed like a war cry was sounded across the sea surface, as the other fleets joined in the battle.

Boom!! Boom!! The main cannons of their ships erupted fire, as their thick energy beams impacted the armor of their unprepared close counterparts.

A battle of warships was not the same as that between high-grade soldiers, this was a different level of battle entirely.

The originally carefree crew of the ships became cramped with work, as they worked rapidly to enable the optimum level performance of their ships at this crucial moment.

Betrayal was the small fuse that switched on all these ships to battle mode. But no one deemed it necessary to know the truth, they no longer cared as every ship tried everything in their capacity to take down the nearest unknown ship.

All the sea creatures in this region escaped in search of refuge, as they all knew that an earth-shaking battle was about to take place here.

After Clark received information from his Captain, he hurriedly mobilized his soldiers despite most of them being exhausted and injured from the previous battles.

They had only 10 minutes before this military research base gets blown to kingdom come. All the soldiers motivated themselves at the sight of death, as they all hurried out of the room with their leader.

Clarks face was focused, as he tightened his grip on his spear. The main reason why they were rushing out was because of the bomb, but he had a side objective which was to hunt down the Dawn soldiers who betrayed them.

Though his chances of meeting the Dawn soldiers again were extremely low, he would still try his luck. His implant reported any important notification to him, as he sternly led his soldiers out of the room.

The battle of loot was finally over, now it was time for the most important battle of escape.

Some soldiers were not able to get their objectives, so they would definitely try to stir up trouble for the victors who got the loot.

Escaping was not going to be easy.

Today, this military base would be the burial ground of dozens of high-grade soldiers. Only the fast, prepared, and quick-witted ones would be able to escape.

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