The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 137: the main battle begins

Chapter 137: the main battle begins

Due to them being prepared and alert, none of the stray beams and bullets were able to impact them. All the soldiers followed the leadership of their leader, as they all rolled away from the point where the stray fire was more focused.

After rolling to a safer corner, under the leadership of Captain Oxford they all activated their remaining shields. Their movements were like that of a well-oiled machine, as their previous preparations started showing their importance.

A blue energy glow quickly sprang up, covering their location, as it started flickering from the bullets impacting its surface.

After getting a reliable defense, it was at this moment that they finally had time to look more clearly at the battlefield. A large hall appeared in their sight, enlarging on all sides in a roundabout manner.

They heaved a sigh of relief as it seems that this was really the main hall of the research base. Though they could see its ends from a glance, it was still outrageously long and wide.

According to the information that they already gathered and the one they got from the teleportation rooms A.I, this was the main work area of the military base. All their core research was carried out here, and all their vaults were also located here.

Despite them trying to observe their surroundings first, they were not blind that the extremely chaotic battlefield would escape their sight. Seeing the soldiers fighting and shooting at each other viciously, they understood the situation immediately.

All these groups of soldiers finally found what they came for, so they already shed all pretense of peace and obedience. In the face of their goal and loot, everybody directly started releasing all their trump cards.

Due to how chaotic the battle was, only some of the soldiers fighting noticed their arrival. And they were still not able to notice that a 4th rank high-grade soldier was in this new group, which was a good thing to them.

Lots of side rooms and warehouses were glaringly connected to this main hall, and all the soldiers fought for the right to enter and loot these warehouses and vaults. These were the rooms housing their goals, so they no longer had their previous restraints.

It was at this moment that the new arrivals also saw their goal, the 5 groups of soldiers who just came also separated immediately. They had no affinity and benefits from staying together, from this point on, it was every man for himself.

Captain Oxford quickly gave new orders, as he stormed out into the battlefield with his soldiers. The battle for resources and loot officially started for them.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! Clark coordinated his soldiers, as they ran outwards while shooting chaotically in already designated directions.

Boom!! Their momentum was unstoppable, as Captain Oxford, being the spearhead directly carved a hole in the sea of soldiers before them. His advancing figure looked like that of a war god, as his armors signature blue energy streaked after him from behind, painting a domain of blue terror.

His sword, being his scepter of authority moved like a sickle, as soldiers were harvested and thrown out of the way like ripe fruits in the harvest season.

His soldiers stuck to him like the way bees stuck to honey, as they utilized his momentum to carve deeper into the formation of soldiers.

Seeing the unstoppable momentum of these new groups of soldiers, attention was finally being drawn to them. The other soldiers were surprised, as they finally felt the indomitable aura of a 4th rank high-grade soldier emanating from the leader of these soldiers.

They originally thought that there was only one General on the battlefield, but this new group, unfortunately, introduced a new variable.

Despite him being one of the strongest individuals here currently, Captain Oxford did not aim too high. Arcanite metal was the primary reason why he was here, the research data of this base was secondary to him.

Wayam Wayam bi jegedi. This was a native saying of the Spartan republic, that meant slow and steady wins the race. He would secure his first goal before he would think of benefiting further.

Other military forces clearly didnt think that way, as the General of the mysterious country with high-grade military strength led his soldiers to take over the few vaults that served as the research data vaults of the military base.

He was surprised, as he did not expect to meet another General among these group of soldiers. The main reason that made him more astonished, was that he was sure that none of these soldiers were originally a 4th rank high-grade soldier.

A soldier actually broke through in this military base. Is he a genius, or is it just luck? He soliloquized, as he led his soldiers to continue forging ahead.

Though he also led his soldiers to loot, from their slow movements, the other soldier groups already noticed that he was probably looking for a specific room. He definitely knew more about this military research base.

Clark was prudent, as he diligently focused on leading his ranged soldiers to support his leader. In such a large and chaotic battlefield, he knew that apart from people like Captain Oxford and the other General, soldiers like him could hardly make an impact.

With their fierce momentum, the other soldiers in the large hall were finally scared as they tried to minimize their losses by clearing a way for them. Only a few headstrong ones, continued competing with them for the vault that they targeted.

Captain Oxford raised his sword, as a force field erupted around it, covering it in a deep purple glow. His armor stretched like a predator cobra, as his figure leaped up at the huge reinforced door facing him.

Boom!! Bam!! Bam!! The door broke into pieces, making loud continuous sounds as the metallic fragments from it flew out across the hall in a parabola.

The soldiers nearby hastily docked, as the sharp metallic fragments flew above them. Currently, there was no soldier on the battlefield whose armor still had an energy reserve level above 30%, except for the soldiers from the country with high-grade military strength.

If your armors energy got depleted in such a fast-paced battle, no matter how strong you are, there is a high chance of you dying.

Though the battle was still fierce, the soldiers fought in a slightly restrained way as they all tried to prevent the energy reserves of their armors from depleting. After so long, the first vault door was finally opened.

As soon as the doors to the vaults opened, other variables appeared on the battlefield as mechanical soldier hordes swarmed out in waves like they were waiting for the vaults to be opened.

From one of the most contested vaults, terror appeared again as 3 of the elite swordsman mechanical soldiers emerged. With their enormous energy-powered guns, the battlefield situation immediately took on another direction.

Boom!! The first soldier casualty appeared in the battle, as one of the soldiers was directly vaporized from the extreme heat of the swordsman mechanical soldiers energy beam. The battle finally entered the next phase.

After 15 minutes of relentless battle, the Spartan/Dawn allied force finally forced their way into one of the vaults that they targeted. Captain Jack acted as the pivot of the battle formation that they used, as they slaughtered the mechanical soldiers facing them ruthlessly.

This time, they no longer adopted the turtle shell formation, they decided to use the more offensive bow and arrow formation.

The large hall no longer looked like a place on planet earth. The black gleaming metal plates of the mechanical soldiers covered every corner of the hall, painting it in an extremely ominous and alien-like light.

After creating a strong defense perimeter in the vault room that they raided, the technical soldiers in the group finally moved out under the protection of their comrades.

They brought out their still functioning hacking devices, as they started work immediately. They directly started hacking the defense firewalls protecting the safe that stored their loot.

Loud sounds of gunshots and explosions continued ringing in the background, impeding their concentration as they tried to focus on what they were doing.

Till now, none of the fighting soldiers knew how they would get out of the military base after the battle for loot. They would decide that after the battle was over, and when they already got what they came for.

Clark!!! Captain Oxford suddenly called in a loud voice, as Clark acknowledged immediately by drawing nearer.

Follow the plan that we discussed, we already secured the essential material that we came here for. Our mission is completed, but as I said, I dont want to settle for less.

Take half of the soldiers with you and join the other soldier groups in the contest for the research data. Take 80% of our remaining defense resources, the shields are all free for you to use.

You personally said that you could do this. Dont disappoint me, I have high hopes for you. If you can bring benefits from this side mission, Ill personally apply for a promotion for you.

After listening to the orders of his leader, Clark acknowledged the orders immediately as he took more than half of the soldiers with him. With his leader and Captain Jack here, he was sure that they could maintain this defensive perimeter.

Captain Oxford was the perfect person originally to take on this side mission, but he was needed to secure their escape path. With him preserving his strength, they would have a higher chance of escaping if his speculations came to pass.

Since he started his journey as a soldier, he was not one to remain idle. When they started discussions, preparing for how they would execute their looting mission, he volunteered to do more.

His leader was already a 4th rank high-grade soldier, so he had room to be more flexible. He was not going to waste this advantage, he wanted to press deeper for more benefits.

On seeing the large hall, he knew immediately that this was the exact hall he saw in his dream. But this did not discourage him, he would deal with any situation as it came. Despite his confidence, he was still cautious, he already made some contingency plans with Captain Oxford on how to save their lives.

After taking the shields and resources that he wanted, he led the soldiers that he selected. He left through the short path that Captain Oxford and the other soldiers created for them.

After the Spartan/Dawn alliance secured this room, the other group of soldiers directly gave up on it. The only things that they were to take notice of, were the horde of mechanical soldiers relentlessly emerging into the battlefield.

With the new 2-form gun that Captain Oxford provided for him in his armors back weapon hold, Clark marched out momentously with his soldiers.

This time, he marched forward as the spearhead leading the soldiers. He was going melee; his spear was going to be his main weapon for this side mission. That was just the versatility of focusing on both extremes as a soldier.

Boom!! His spear revolved rapidly in his hand, as the tide of mechanical soldiers fell back in droves following his advance. Sparks from damages and mechanical parts were the only things left in his wake, as he led the soldiers forward.

His direction was the main vault area that the mysterious high-grade country was forging towards. Despite their overwhelming strength, the other soldier groups refused to let them monopolize this one.

They all spared some soldiers to compete for this particular vault. From the mobilization and actions of the high-grade country, it was evident that this was the most valuable vault in the whole military base.

Research purposes were the reason that this military base was built after all. Though Captain Oxford already secured their mission objective, they still wanted to take a bite from this huge pie.

This was where the main battle was raging on, and if their speculations were right, the Nadan republic soldiers were most likely also here.

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